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Posts posted by Letty

  1. I've never before seen someone get so defensive over a self-deluded insult.

    You seem upset that your insults don't work.

    How about this reason: many renegade servers implemented a pointsfix that essentially made it similar to how renegade x is now. Within a year, almost all of those servers died off and the ones that remained were almost entirely non-pointsfix servers. Players like it that way because it gives them a fighting chance if their refinery is dead.

    Which says nothing about whether it is a good idea to increase credits for shooting enemies with the wrong weapon vs. other ways of increasing income.

    You have literally no argument other than the fact that it was in Renegade. All you are doing is posting a shitty idea and then shitposting with your "But I know more than you cause I say I do" joke of an argument without actually lending any evidence to support your shitty idea.

  2. The major issue with relying on repair credits is that you have to let the enemy attack you. There is no incentive to PREVENT them from attacking you since you're getting the reward based off of their attack.

    You should, imo get more for stopping enemy attacks before they happen... but that's too much of a game changer this late in the project.

    It just makes no sense to me to let the enemy attack you when you have no means of fighting back... just so you can earn enough credits to fight back.

    It needs to be adjusted so players get less money from repairing their base but more money from attacking and destroying enemy units.

    It's a weird system. TBH taking away credits from points entirely and instead instituting a base-line income without refinery up is the only way out, because no matter how you spin it players are going to be farming credits through whatever the best means is, whether it's by repairing structures or shooting tanks. And point whoring has always been a degenerate gameplay mechanic in Renegade.

  3. I didn't assume anything. I was addressing if it was. Hence the start of my post.

    You assumed enough to insult my knowledge of the game. 3 times in fact, over a 4 sentence post.

    Did you play the original renegade? Because original renegade had the same warhead give a far greater multiplier to green healthed vehicles. The suggestion I proposed was a much toned down suggestion compared to the original renegade.

    And you give no reason to have a broken feature other than that Renegade had a broken feature. Rewarding players for using the WRONG weapon for a job is the opposite of a good idea.

    I had to point out that each point = a credit because you made a it clear that you thought the refinery was the main source on income for the team. When in reality, points and the refinery work together to determine a player's credit amount. "Most of your income" is completely game dependent.

    Except no, points are not a substantial part of your income The refinery gives far more income than points do while it is still up. And it is supposed to be this way, otherwise the Refinery is not a valuable building.

    You're calling me an idiot when I can 100% guarantee you that I know more about renegade (x) that you do.

    1. You're wrong, fuck off.

    2. I was commenting on your lack of knowledge into game design, not knowledge of how Renegade works.

  4. If you're talking about my suggest change: Clearly you're not understanding the suggested change whatsoever.

    Actually I was talking about the OP. Why would you assume I was talking about your suggestion?

    Also your suggestion is even dumber than his. Giving players an incentive to do something stupid (shooting heavy armor with weapons that don't deal damage to heavy armor) is so mind-numbingly retarded that I had to re-read it a half dozen times to realize that you were actually trying to put it forth as a good idea.

    Also, each point = 1 credit.

    No shit? Why do you waste your time making a statement about something everyone knows?

    Points are just as much of an income as the refinery.

    No, most of your income is supposed to come from the refinery. That's why the refinery is important.

    You're completely lost on this subject.

    No you're just an idiot.

  5. There are a couple of spots (particularly, the Weapons Factory and Power Plant) where a beacon can be placed that is very difficult to disarm. These are places that it is difficult to get to physically

    Soooooo... these spots you mention... are they real? Tell me the locations so I can look for them and confirm if they exist or not.

    Pics or it didn't happen.

    For WF: as SBH go to the top roof, jump off at the back and onto the 2nd roof. If done properly, a well placed beacon drops through the holes so engineers/hotwires need to do the same difficult jump within 50 seconds. Which is nigh-impossible.

    For PP: run up to the roof, at the beginning of the roof, walk to the left side of the roof (the yellow colored bit) and around the PP untill you reach the last exhaust vent. Placing a beacon in that vent makes it impossible to reach from the ground AND roof! Unless you walk the same way as the SBH does, which makes you turn around and walk around again.

    For Ref: Walk up on the roof. There is some sort of pillar at the front part of the roof that lets you stand on it. Placing the beacon there will make it drop behind the fence or through the roof, making it impossible to reach it with a repairgun.

    If you cannot immagine these situations, you clearly haven't played Renegade X long enough. On TheMatrixRen server, these spots are banned from use. Anyone seen abusing these bugs (either by seeing the actual planting or building destruction by an unreachable beacon) will get a permanent IP ban. Which, in my opinion, is fair.

    NOTE: for WF, running up the roof and placing it anywhere on top of the roof is not bugabusing and that beacon can be easily reached, yet needs a little time to search for it.

    Haha, what? Aside from dropping the beacon through the ref roof into the inaccessible zone (dropping behind the ref fence is still fine and easy to disarm) those are all totally legit spots. At most it takes a decent player an extra 2-3 seconds to find and disarm it. If you ban people simply for playing well you need to fuck off.

    Actual problems are beacons literally undisarmable by engineers on foot (way too many people parachuting onto the PP/Ref/WF smokestacks and planing beacons that require an orca lift). Beacons that take longer to respond to are... the whole point of beaconing.

  6. Points aren't supposed to be a major source of income. That's what the refinery is for. The reason to kill an enemy tank or character is so that the enemy doesn't have that tank or character anymore.

    With your change destroying a Mammoth would reward more credits than destroying a building. That's just retarded.

    There's already too much money in the economy due to repairs being 2/3 and silo's.

    Also this.

  7. I seem to be crashing more than ever before. Before I would estimate a 50% chance of crashing on map change. Now I have a 50% chance of crashing on map change and a 50% chance of crashing immediately after the end-game scoreboard pops up. I can provide system specs and configuration details if needed.

    Aside from that good work!

  8. I wouldn't be against removing the points and kills gained from airstrike. Beacons can be disarmed for points, which somewhat counterbalances the fact that beacons can also kill things. Airstrikes however kill things and the enemy have no recourse beyond not getting hurt.

  9. I give a shit about points if I'm playing aow...because...you know, they win you the game...

    Then you might as well say that beacons should never be used, flame/mammoth/medium tank rushes should never be attempted, and Stealth tanks and all flying vehicles are right out, because they give the enemy team too many points if they fail. If you succumb to the tyranny of points then the game goes to shit. It's a fact. Idiots who think they've won because they've abused the score system (which has more holes than swiss cheese) are the cancer that ruins games.

    Clearly you don't play competitvely.

    A successful beacon means 750+ points, plus the enemy doesn't get to use that structure. A disarmed beacon gives that team 300 points. So no, you shouldn't plant a beacon unless you know it has a good chance of succeeding or distracting the enemy for some other sort of attack. In marathon you just place that fucker whenever you want, because there is no negative consequences to being unsuccessful - you can just keep trying.

    So I'll personally play the more competitive gamemode that truly has consequences. I'll let people like you play in the game mode that noobs go to to learn the game because their actions hardly even really matter.

    But hey, all I did was point out that mining is different based on which gamemode you're going to be playing - no need to get all offensive because there's 2 gamemodes and your post only took 1 into consideration.

    All you did was point out that if you care about points you have to play like an idiot. Which is fine. Please play like an idiot in your own games and stop shitting up mine though with retarded strategies that completely go against the main point of the game, which is to destroy the enemy base. thx.

  10. Mouse Acceleration is not an inherently bad thing. In fact many/most pro FPS players play with it on. The problem is that the acceleration curve is usually screwed up. A custom driver to allow you to make your own acceleration curve is the best solution.

  11. I give a shit about points if I'm playing aow...because...you know, they win you the game...

    Then you might as well say that beacons should never be used, flame/mammoth/medium tank rushes should never be attempted, and Stealth tanks and all flying vehicles are right out, because they give the enemy team too many points if they fail. If you succumb to the tyranny of points then the game goes to shit. It's a fact. Idiots who think they've won because they've abused the score system (which has more holes than swiss cheese) are the cancer that ruins games.

  12. For your last point Letty; probably only a good idea in marathon. In aow it could just give the opposing team free points and credits if you don't have someone covering them at all times.

    First reason: Fuck points, who gives a shit? Stupid mechanic that ruins the game.

    Second reason: Field is such a small map that you will have someone covering them at all times. At the very least the miner will cover them and on any populated server you'll have plenty of people running through.

    Controlling the tunnels is amazingly useful in making a siege successful. No one stealing the silo, no one organizing gunner/rocket launcher/chem trooper rushes, no one flanking your tanks and killing the engineers repairing them. On the flip side it makes all of those actions laughably easy for your own team.

  13. A few points:

    - 3 proximity mines is absolutely not enough. 4 is still too few in most cases (a walking advanced engineer or SBH will still be left alive after 4 proximities). Always go for at least 5 proximities on the back entrances that you need to prevent the enemy from slipping in to. I'd recommend 6 proximities, which will prevent an advanced engineer from disarming one and setting off the rest and (hopefully) a SBH team from spreading the damage across themselves then running in. Cut mines from entrances that experience heavy traffic to do this.

    - Proximity mines stacked ontop of each other deal less damage for some reason. I don't know exactly why, but don't have them touching each other. Aforementioned SBH/advanced engineers can easily survive 5 proximities stacked ontop of each other.

    - On maps like Field (or Under if/when we get it), proximities should primarily be used in the tunnel to deny the enemy entrances. Place a few in HoN/WF/AGT, but save the 20 or so left over for the tunnel. If you can get a decent minefield going across even a single enemy entrance into the tunnel you will massively help your team and hurt the enemy in so many ways.

  14. Wall is probably the most played map and with an uncoordinated team it's basically a free win for Nod 90% of the time through SBH beacons. Never mind all of the glitches where you can make the beacon undisarmable, which greatly benefit Nod and are used in probably 3 out of every 4 games now that everyone knows them. Islands slants Nod as well thanks to this.

    Whiteout is even more tilted in Nod's favour since the base defenses respawn. GDI can't win unless Nod's engineers simply fall asleep.

    Keep in mind that if the winrate was 50/50 without glitched beacons and glitched beacons were only used in 1/6th of games the odds would go to approximately 35/65. And glitched beacons are being used in way more than 1/6th of games.

  15. Mammoth is basically useless for anything but point whoring or killing Nod vehicles dumb enough to engage head on (unless it's a flame tank, in which case you lose).

    Med tank's speed lets you move faster and get within range of the Nod Artillery (Nod's best vehicle). Vs. the Flame Tank (Nod's 2nd best vehicle) speed lets you actually get away. For base pushes (i.e. what you should be using vehicles for) Med tank lets your team actually get in, surround a building to cut off engineer support and take it down. Nevermind the fact that it's much cheaper.

    AFAIK Med tank was pretty much unchanged stat-wise, except for the Boost ability that all vehicles have and which benefits the Med tank much more than the Mammoth. The major change in vehicle balance is that Nod's Artillery is way better now, which means slow Mammoths are toast, and MRLS lock on far better, which means Light Tanks get destroyed without cover to hide behind.

  16. Oh god, please don't add server-specific changes that force me to re-learn game mechanics for every new server. That's horrible.

    It works just fine currently and shouldn't need to be reversed. You shouldn't be exiting your vehicle mid battle to repair often. You do need to exit the APC from the right side so that you end up inside the doorway rather than AGT food.

  17. Gunner rushes are definitely effective, but until the OP damage of the regular rocket launcher gets fixed it's actually more effective to use the rocket officer.

    On Mesa my team managed to destroy the Nod Refinery and Airstrip in one go with about 6 or 7 gunners/rocket launchers ASAP. Was a good go. Don't underestimate the ability of infantry to concentrate firepower.

  18. Hotwire being able to carry a Tiberium Auto Rifle is a major, major buff to anti-SBH ability. The whole silo-unlocking deal is kind of silly and means the weapon isn't supposed to be available in lots of maps, but until the bug is fixed that lets you keep weapons SBH nuking is really damn hard to do solo and even as a coordinated team often fails often without armor providing a distraction.

  19. I'm pretty sure Chemtroopers take the same tiberium-based damage as normal, though they might not be hit by the weak DoT effect. I've only been on the shooter end, not the getting shot end.

    and people with sniper rifles that shoot bullets with jet engines in them

    Ramjet guns are actually real (theoretical) guns, they just operate under similar principles as a Ramjet engine. No miniature jet engines, just the catch that they are designed for shooting things into orbit.


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