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Everything posted by TacTicToe

  1. So its been almost 2 years since I first asked this question. I still can not get the server to query or respond. There have been many updates since I asked. Are you ever planning to make the server query work? Ever?
  2. So I just downloaded and installed the latest. Get the splash screen and then it sits there at the loading screen forever and does not continue. Sits there using about 15% CPU and around 1.3 gigs of RAM. Since I have 32 gigs of RAM installed, I think that should be ample. Logs Update: Reset game via launcher and game now launches. However I can not connect to a serve.
  3. Agreed. With this latest update I am downloading the server files again. I got a second box I plan to install on located in Chicago. Intel Xeon E3-1270v5 processor (four physical 3.6ghz cores on QPI + hyperthreading + turbo->4ghz) 64 GB DDR4-2133 ECC memory 1000 GB SSD 100GBPS stream up/down of Premium InterNAP bandwidth - Gigabit ports DDoS mitigation I will work on getting it populated. Our other servers run smoothe as silk on this little beasty. Look for The Killing Crew in the server browser.
  4. http://www.thekillingcrew.com Thanks!
  5. Ok. Did another fresh install, copied over my config files and now everything seems fine. Have no idea what caused that issue before, but it seems to be fine now.
  6. No mutators. Fresh install. Not batch file, running command line via FireDaemon server CNC-Islands?AdminPassword=xxxxxxxxxx?log=log.txt?VehicleLimit=12?MineLimit=40?botskill=7?maxplayers=40?multihome= -port=7777 Recent logs - sensitive items removed Thanks guys! http://pastebin.com/Y2GuwYfE
  7. Really need a reply devs, what is the fix? Cant run a server is the DDoSer can crash my server and I have to manually restart it. Feedback would really be nice here. Do I need to add something? Delete something? Replace something? What is the actual fix!?
  8. GSP = Game Server Provider
  9. I think this should be removed as a sticky since it no longer works and seems to be abandoned.
  10. [0000.26] Error: Error, Ambiguous package name: Using 'C:\RenegadeX1\UDKGame\CookedPC\APathBeyond\APB_CH_ALD_Soldier.upk', not 'C:\RenegadeX1\UDKGame\CookedPC\RedAlert\APB_CH_ALD_Soldier.upk' [0072.76] Error: Error, Ambiguous package name: Using 'C:\RenegadeX1\UDKGame\CookedPC\APathBeyond\APB_VH_SOV_TeslaTank.upk', not 'C:\RenegadeX1\UDKGame\CookedPC\RedAlert\APB_VH_SOV_TeslaTank.upk' Anyway to fix this? Its a pain to have to close the console popup each time I start the server due to these errors. Thanks.
  11. I have added "DDoS Protected" to the server name to antagonize the bastard. Will increase my chances of catching him. Possibly.
  12. WELLLLL now that explains why my GSP's DDoS protection keeps kicking in for different strange reasons. These are what I have been receiving lately. I was wondering why this IP on my box kept getting attacked. Good thing they were not able to affect our server. ;-) (D)DoS attack against your service Nov 28 2015 12:10:49 PM PT Our system responded to a (D)DoS against your service with a filter. Target address: Attack: a specific type of UDP flood/18 Filter duration: about 2 days What does this mean? (D)DoS attack against your service Nov 28 2015 09:00:21 AM PT Our system responded to a (D)DoS against your service with a filter. Target address: Attack: a flood of UDP traffic from port 111 Filter duration: about 7 days What does this mean? (D)DoS attack against your service Nov 28 2015 08:56:52 AM PT Our system responded to a (D)DoS against your service with a filter. Target address: Attack: a flood of TCP traffic from specific ports to specific ports Filter duration: about 60 minutes What does this mean? (D)DoS attack against your service Nov 28 2015 08:45:25 AM PT Our system responded to a (D)DoS against your service with a filter. Target address: Attack: a UDP-based DRDoS through TeamSpeak servers Filter duration: about 30 minutes What does this mean? (D)DoS attack against your service Nov 27 2015 02:33:48 PM PT Our system responded to a (D)DoS against your service with a filter. Target address: Attack: a UDP flood containing the string "statusResponse" Filter duration: about 7 days What does this mean? (D)DoS attack against your service Nov 27 2015 02:20:19 PM PT Our system responded to a (D)DoS against your service with a filter. Target address: Attack: a UDP-based DRDoS through TeamSpeak servers Filter duration: about 30 minutes What does this mean? (D)DoS attack against your service Nov 27 2015 02:14:23 PM PT Our system responded to a (D)DoS against your service with a filter. Target address: Attack: a flood of TCP traffic from specific ports to specific ports Filter duration: about 60 minutes What does this mean? (D)DoS attack against your service Nov 27 2015 02:14:23 PM PT Our system responded to a (D)DoS against your service with a filter. Target address: Attack: a flood of syn-ack TCP traffic from port 80/2 Filter duration: about 8 days What does this mean? (D)DoS attack against your service Nov 27 2015 11:04:20 AM PT Our system responded to a (D)DoS against your service with a filter. Target address: Attack: a UDP flood of length-28 packets Filter duration: about 24 hours What does this mean? (D)DoS attack against your service Nov 27 2015 10:51:18 AM PT Our system responded to a (D)DoS against your service with a filter. Target address: Attack: a specific type of UDP flood related to Source engine queries Filter duration: about 24 hours What does this mean? (D)DoS attack against your service Nov 25 2015 10:23:47 PM PT Our system responded to a (D)DoS against your service with a filter. Target address: Attack: a UDP flood of length-29 packets Filter duration: about 24 hours Edit: Just sent in a support ticket to my GSP to see if there is anything we can do to catch this person.
  13. Privately owned forum, they can do as they please.
  14. Same issue I am having. My dedi box will not connect to the RenX website to update. Web page just times out. However the 100mb file is alot easier to upload than 4 gigs. So thank you for that.
  15. Any news on a release date?
  16. Not sure why, but my server does not create a log.txt file. I have added -Log=log.txt to the command line and Log=log.txt in the server ini and still does not log anything. What am I doing wrong?
  17. Messed up. Not a game I would even consider pirating, its so bad. No thank you. Next?
  18. For an "expert", your knowledge of Big Brother Bot seems lacking. I run B3 for my Homefront, Frontlines Fuel of War, Chivalry Medieval Warfare, Ravaged server. ALL UDK games. I also use it for my CSGO server which is Source. Please do not post about something, if you do not know what you are talking about. And IRC???? FFS who in the hell uses IRC anymore? I haven't used IRC in probably 15 years. IRC bot? Are you trolling? Anyways, my wish for Big Brother Both remains. Hopefully the devs can make it happen like so many before them. Please?
  19. Why cant we have 64 players and limits vehicles to say 14? Force people to hitch a ride or go infantry.
  20. Working rcon that makes it easier for admins to ADMIN! Compatibility with third party tools like Big Brother Bot would be exceptional. Ability to scroll in game messages, server rules etc.
  21. People still use IRC? Seriously? I though that went out with vacuum tubes and AM radio. Wow. What would be impressive is if someone got this game to work with Big Brother Bot. IRC????
  22. Servers and game seems to run pretty damned smooth. I think the only REAL gripe that popped up in chat were people complaining about snipers being a bit overpowered. IMO it should be a OHK if it is done right, ie headshot. Torso maybe 80%, limbs 50%?
  23. I don't think you are brilliant enough to have developed the engine, I never gave you that much credit. However, this is the ONLY UDK game that I have where I can't poll any info from the rcon port to show basic info like, server name, players, slots used/open, map name etc. So instead of acting all butt hurt, why don't you take a look at what you have done wrong when you cooked the game? Something is missing that is keeping the rcon ports from responding with info that should be broadcasting. Now here are some examples of games where the developers figured this out. Perhaps you can reach out to one of them and they can assist you? Killing Floor America's Army Homefront (works flawlessly with Big Brother Bot) Ravaged (works flawlessly with Big Brother Bot) Frontlines Fuel of War (works flawlessly with Big Brother Bot) Chivalry Midieval Warfare (works flawlessly with Big Brother Bot) Red Orchestra (all of them) Haunted Hells Reach There are many more. The problem is on your end and with this game. If you are unable, incapable, or unwilling to address and fix this issue, please let me know. Then I can at least know not to waste any more time with this game and chalk it up as a dead project. Proper administration tools are CRUCIAL to games, especially like this. Do you think I want to hand out full rcon access to all clan members to administrate the server? NO!! Please fix this. If you can't please let me know so I can drop support and take my server offline. Thank you.
  24. So apparently this issue has still not been resolved. You guys REALLY need to take a look at this. Being able to remotely control a server and at the very LEAST query the server to get the info we need to display a game banner on out sites is crucial. This was reported long enough ago, that it should have been addressed and made right by this release. You gripe you cant advertise because it is a free game. Well guess what? The way clans advertise their game servers is by using banners that query those game servers. ie Gametracker?! This really needs to be looked at and addressed by next release. I can't even get the people that develop plugins for Big Brother Bot to look at this, if we dont have a proper working rcon. PLEASE fix this already. I have advertised it on our site and have people playing in our server and I cant put up a banner on our site. This sucks! We need to be able to scroll in game messages to. B3 can do that, but we need the rcon working.
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