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Posts posted by Dellta_34

  1. Hey guys,I am kinda new to renegadeX and I am looking for some people to play with.

    I am looking for serious team players,that would be doing organized timing attacks and pushes or atleast attempt to do proper team work.

    Also,like I said,I am kinda new to the game,so I am no pro at it,but I would be interested to eventually try to competitive play in this game.

    I am over 18,from Europe,have working TS and mic and pretty decent experience in multiple other FPS/RTS games both competitive and casual ;)

    I usually dont use steam to launch the game,but if you want you can add me there:madd0g22

  2. - Economy is kinda borked in these huge games, especially with the addition of the tiberium silo capturable. There's just too much money to go around, and it's a real problem when you pack 64 players into maps originally designed for 20 or 30 at most. A good solution I think would be to scale credit rewards down as the # of players in a map goes beyond the suggested player limit.

    - It would be nice if all lock-on weapons were given an alternate "dumb fire" mode. Stealth Tanks in particular seem to have problems hitting infantry who are running at them. The locked-on missiles will consistently overshoot their target.

    1)Couldnt agree more with there beeing just too much money.

    It's actually one of the things that really disapointed me,I expected that every purchase of a vehicle/hero/weapon would need to be a well though out investment,that you would need to carefully consider what you want to buy and when exactly,do you wanna go for an early advantage on the enemy by buying a better gun,or do you wanna save up for a tank.

    If tanks and and heroes/weapons costed like 10x times more,people would of been very carefull not to lose them,it would of made them tactical assets that you get rewarded for keeping alive just as much as you get punished for loosing them.

    The way it is now,it just feels like everybody and their grandmother can spam mammoth tanks all day and never worry about running out of money.

    2)Honestly,lock on weapons is one of those things that just needed to be removed in my opinion.

    I get why it was in the original,in the C&C RTS games rocket troopers didnt have a miss chance,they fire and they do guaranteed damage to vehicles and renegade was trying to emulate those mechanics in an FPS game.

    But in my opinion any type of lock on weapons(that remove the aim factor and skill) simply dont belong in FPS games.

    I would of love to see lock on removed completely and to balance that,rocket launcher's dmg could of been a bit buffed and skillbased wire guided rocket launchers could of been added to keep the air power in check(like the AT-4 from bad company 2 for example)

  3. Newcomers while welcomed to grow the community do not contribute imo, they have no reference except for Battlefield or COD, and that's exactly what we want to avoid, to keep Renegade Renegade and not another clone. They should just shut up and learn the game first before whining about the boink and stuff.

    Umm..uhhum..excuse me...

    You see,if you are not a renegade vet,that doesnt automaticly mean that you started FPS gaming with COD4 in 2007 and you wouldnt know shit about proper FPS gaming,some of us come from games like quake,tribes,unreal,section 8,sw battlefront,natural selection and so on.

    I am a new comer to renegade(although I did play the original just A LITTLE bit),but that doesnt make me yet another brainwashed modern generation "tactical" player that cant handle anything harder than COD/BF.

    While I do agree with you that whiny new players should quit complaining about core elements of the game with exploring them properly,elements like highish TTK and mobility,purchase system,heroes and so on,just because they suck at it,I think it is EXTREMELY unfair to put all new players under the same category and ignore them completely,that's how you make sure the game will never improve and grow.

    Personaly I already have several really big gripes with the game,but even though none of the core renegade elements are noting new to me(I am not new to base building and deffending in FPS games,nor to money system and hero units,nor to high TTK gunplay,nor to the C&C universe)I think I would need atleast 50 hours of gameplay time before I can make a reasonable critique to the core gameplay design decisions.

    And at the end of the day I take renegade x for what it is and I respect it for it and that is a true sequel of the original,even if it may not be exactly what I might be looking for.

    I think that aslong as the new players realise that,aslong as their respectful of the game's veteran community and aslong as they critique is backed up by some gameplay experience and logic,rather than "why is this not another easy mode shooter like COD/BF?!",aslong as that is the case,than new players feedback shouldn't be ignored and should even be valued.

  4. Yea,that's one of my biggest gripes with this game so far(if not the biggest)this hole spam buildings/repair them endless loop.

    And it's not the point so much,I dont really play for points anyway,it's the fact that the hole thing feels just sooo boring to me.

    It takes no skill shooting a stationary building just like it takes no skill repairing a stationary terminal,yet some people just stand there holding mouse 1 doing that for 20 mins(and what is even more rediculos is that you NEED people to do that and they get insanely rewarded for it).

    I know that's how it use to be in the original,so it stays that way,but honestly it a really dumb system that doesnt really reward skill or tactics all that much and leads to very boring stalemates.

    And I ll give you a perfect example of this with a game I had yesterday:

    We were GDI and the NOD team was completely roflstomping us,we were down to only our barracks,all other building destroyed.

    Enemy tanks were in our base completely surrounding the barracks,the second you went outside you got insta gibbed by a flametank.

    Yet the game lasted for over 10 mins like that,with 20 engineers repairing the damn building and a few guys with shotguns camping the doors.

    Needless to say it was boring as f***.

    I for one would like to see a system which prevents a building/vehicle from beeing repaired for the next 5 seconds after getting hit.

    I know this sounds way to radical and too big of a change,so it will never happen,but if it did,it would make the game much more dynamic and punishing to bad teams and pretty much remove boring stalemates,which I would personaly love.

  5. When I watched the trailer this looked like a promising game. But, in it's current state I am disappointed with it and while it would be become awesome if some of the things I'm going to list now would change, I highly doubt they will since I've never seen developers listen to feedback and really change something without sticking to their point of view.

    Bear in mind that this point of view comes from a new player.

    1. The movement speed of infantry units is too fast. It simply feels like a run and gun game, instead of a tactical team based game. You constantly see players hopping around running and shooting which breaks the immersion and makes me think this game isn't serious at all.


    -Reduce the sprint speed by 15%, and normal movement speed by 5%

    4. TTK is too high. So far every game I know that had a low TTK was more tactical, simply because players weren't so encouraged to leave cover because they would get shot faster. It encouraged teamplay.

    No offense but you sound exactly like yet another overspoiled "gamer" who cant do shit in any game that requires actuall skill,thus needing the game to either change and become dumbed down or he'll leave it without trying to adapt.

    Sadly the modern generation of shooters like COD and Battlefield raised a generation of gamers who cant shoot for shit,and think camping a corner is "tactical" which is a huge pile of crap to be honest.

    High move speed and TTK reward skilled players with good aim(thus breaking the "immersion" of players with 10% accuracy thinking that they are actually good at FPS games,the moment they go up againt at any really decent player)and they also reward REAL team work,as in sticking together,rotating when you a team m8 takes damage,focus firing and playing your general role in a bit more specialized way(as in accepting that you are not suppose to go up against heavily armed infantry with an engineer class and expecting a fair fight).

    It may not be the oversimplistic teamwork of battlefield,where pressing Q and beeing a spawn point for your squad is considered "highest level of tacticool teamplay",but once you get the hang of it and play with friends it's actually much more fun and gratifying,in my opinion.

    If you wanna see what a real tacticly demanding shooter takes check this out:

    (might wanna skip a few mins in)

    The reason why a "simple" arena shooter like quake takes MUCH more tactical awereness than anything COD/BF or even ARMA has to offer,is EXACTLY because the firefights doesnt end in 0.002 seconds,because of that you need to slowly out damage your oponent,outsmart him,play mind games with him,abuse you map knowedge to the max and make multiple tactical decisions per second and on the fly,deciding how you want to engage and if you want to engage in the first place.

    I know it can be hard,once you are use to playing only easy mode shooters,to go to any remotely high skillcaped FPS game,but it's totally worth the initial effort in my opinion.

    One thing that is very pointless though,is to bash a game for not beeing YET ANOTHERr easy mode generic shooter with gameplay designed mainly around consoles and gamepads,and THE REASON for that is because,that's what 99% of the FPS games out there are like,you can always find yourself plenty of easy mode "tactical shooters" why try to change one of THE VERY FEW remaining old school more skillbased games?

    I would be able to understand,not relate,but understand your rant ,if it was the other way around,if there were hardly any casual low TTK shooters and the market was overcrowded with high TTK games,than it would make sense that if that's not your cup of tea,you would be sick of it.

    However that is TOTALLY not the case.

    And btw I am saying this as someone who has very vast experience on games like bf and played them on highest competitive ESL level,I have to say I am just sick and tired of this overhyped same old crap,I crave so old school freshness and while I do deffinetly have gripes with renegade X and while I am deffinetly a new player to the game(bearly played the original)I do VERY much appreciate it for what it is and I hope they wont dumb it down in order to catter to you(although to be honest some of your ideas werent bad,I even kinda like the squads idea actually,it's just you TTK and movement suggestion that I couldnt possibly disagree more with).

  6. Just curies if any1 knows a videos or a website that has detailed info on weapon damage,firerate and generally how does spread works(I honestly dont know if u get any spread penalty if u move while shooting or if you get spread reduction if u ads and so on)[similar to symtic.com with all it's BF/COD/other games weapon stats].

    Also,does anyone know any good tutorial series for people who are kinda new to the renegade series?

  7. Hey guys,I am kinda new to this forum and to this game in general(I have played original renegade just a little bit though and I fucking love the C&C RTS games,until C&C 4 that is)and I have to say,so far this game just looks TOO good to be true,cant imagine how it sliped my radar so far.

    Anyway,what I ment to ask the people who were involved with this game's community for a while now is:

    1)How is the netcode and performance?

    The game looks better than several of the AAA titles out there,how this can be a free mod blows my mind,but I wonder is it optimized or would you need a 2000$ PC to run it with 30 fps on low?(kinda like planetside 2 was in the early days).

    Also the netcode,is it client side or server side?

    I am really annoyed by a lot of games using client sided netcode more and more these days,resulting in getting killed behind cover and all sort of nonesense.

    I generally really like the UT3 engine,but I cant really think of a 64 player game on that engine(espesially one that looks this good and has such big maps and buildings),so I wonder if it can really handle it.

    2)Competitive play,is it going to be a thing,is it going to be supported in anyway by the devs,is there any chance for a match making system to be in place(like ESL VS or CS:GO competitive match system),if there is going to be competitive play,what do you think the format would be?(5v5,6v6,10v10 etc)

    3)The community's size and expectations:How many people do you guys think are gonna play this game in the first month?

    Do you think you ll manage to make the game grow as it goes?

    It would be a shame if such an awesome and FREE project dies simply because it has no marketing muscle behind it.

    I hope the devs manage to get some big youtubers on board for promotion.

    Anyway,thx a lot to the devs for making this awesome game for FREE,even though from what I have seen I would even be willing to give 60$.

    Excuse my big hype,it's just been a while since there have been an awesome 64p high TTK FPS game like that :)

  8. I don't mean to offend but in my personal eye, gameplay progression in a game like this is one of the bane of multiplayer experiences, particularily FPS games. Having to get scrapes by playing more is just an annoyance -nobody- should EVER have to deal with. I'm strongly against any such thing.

    In my honest opinion, this is the complete opposite of an improvement of the experience. Its a dumbing down of the experience into a grind and the game should be fun and full without any of that. You play the game to play the game, not to unlock a bunch of things you can't play with until you played X hours, for absolutely no reason but to satisfy players that aren't satisfied with playing a multiplayer game for what it is.

    Couldnt agree more,I feel like the majority of FPS players these days have forgoten the concept of playing a game for the gameplay and the fun it provides,rather than unlocking stuff...

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