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Everything posted by LucThaz

  1. I did that with 2 wheel steering, yosh! I agree, the humvee and the buggy are vehicles in the same class but must still remain two separate vehicles. At least make the steering radius in both vehicles the same. Its hard to get used to when the physics of the two vehicles I personally play the most are so different.
  2. TAC? PT?
  3. Yea, installed the game again after manually deleting the old RenX folder. And that fixed it for me as well.
  4. Same here. i can hear E.V.A, Purchase Terminal ect. but i cant hear any combat related sounds. i checked the volume sliders in the audio menu and when i first opened the game they were all down. once all turned up to 100% i get the problem as stated above.
  5. Maybe, the construction yard could be integrated with a repair-pad as a tech building? Gives only a good team a bonus but more important. Gives those long PP vs PP marathon matches a direct strategic target, as it could be captured and could not be destroyed.
  6. Should only be implemented on mammoth and orcas then. My ears already bleed from the idea of having such sounds driving a medium tank, lol. I think your idea is really easy, cool and handy. but i think it should only add one sound effect for just the secondary weapon.
  7. Just to get back on topic a bit. what Josh wrote here gives a good indication of what i and, i think, others been aiming for. its not about adding different features, giving some people more abilities than others, or splitting the team in smaller groups( now that i think about it from a different angle i got to agree with Jake, it does pull a team apart). All that its about is giving those players out in the fields a better perspective of what the team is doing, and what to focus on. Rather its drawing symbols over objects and enemies, enabling voice comm. or just using different colours for text messages and Q messages. i would be warmly embrace any additional teamwork feature to this amazing game.
  8. That is exactly what i was aiming for. It should only be used to assist the team, without it becoming a crucial and necessary factor to play the game. Seeing the current topics and Beta 4 change list, it seems renegade X is starting to concentrate on individual strength of characters and vehicles. But forgets to enhance the teamwork possibilities. Soon we will have more and more people working together in smaller groups and that will destroy the most enjoyable aspect of the game: teamwork.
  9. Hey guys. Long shot here. So I’ve been playing RX a lot the last few weeks, and what was bothering me was the lack of teamwork and coordinated tactics. I find myself in a team, which just keeps on going like they did for the past 30 minutes or so, and not changing strategies or tactics. At the moment the only way of starting some kind of rush, or a tactic in general, is by spamming the chat window or even putting up a vote. I find this rather annoying than useful, but for now it’s the only way… Back in 2007 I used to play Battlefield 2142, which had this “commander” feature. One person on each team could apply for commander status, which would be randomly assigned to one of the applying players, within a few minutes. This commander player now had abilities to support ‘his’ ground troops and squads (sub teams). Things he could do were things such as dropping medical support crates, spotting enemies, accepting airstrike requests, assigning main targets and so on. While I was thinking about how this game is based on a RPG viewed in 1st person, I missed the ‘eyes form the sky’, one player keeping things organized. So I was thinking, maybe this could be a great idea for RX. I’ve made a simple proof of concept to give you guys a better idea of what I was thinking about. Here is the concept explained Squads - Max 4 squads - Max 10 players in a squad - Has a private chat window for everyone in that squad. (good for discussing rushes and so on) - Can see and set targets from and for the commander - Can request certain support tools form the commander, such as vehicle repair and building defense. - Can see his squad mates at all times Commander - Is randomly chosen form those who applied in the first 3 minutes of each game. - Accesses commander menu form purchase terminal - Sees the map from above - Sees all enemies that are seen by ground troops. (does not see sbh when still cloaked) - Has certain ‘troop support’ abilities he can use. (Time limited off Corse) - Can chat with all squads at once or to particular squads using @ - Can set priorities (which are shown in all players HUD) - Can not go afk for more than 1 minute - Can be dropped by a team trough voting. The commander must be helping the team and trying to coordinate trough rough fights. Its abilities should not be overpowered in any way. And eventually only players who enjoy playing as a team will apply for it. I don’t know if this is possible in any way whatsoever, but I wanted to share the idea and hear what you guys think of it. Despite the fact of it being possible or not. I’m sorry for my grammar mistakes, LucThaz
  10. LucThaz

    Server list

    Right now. There seem to be no servers at all! not even on the in-game list...
  11. LucThaz

    game pc

    hey, Im thinking about buying a budget game pc. my budget is not that high, around €600,-. i have absolutely no experience with selecting my own parts, or putting it all together. but it wont be a problem. I want to be able to play renegade x and Counterstrike Global Offensive on high settings, i think that would be possible? And i don't care about SSD. I've done some research and came across this stock machine: Intel® Core™ i3-4150 3.5 GHz 8GB DDRIII Memory 1000GB Sata lIl HDD AMD Radeon R7 260X 2GB Price €600 Do you guys think these specs will be able to run this and other games on high settings? Or do i need to manage my expectations for around €600? hope you guys can help me out! Luc
  12. I'll try that soon. Although i never experienced any lag issues what's however. I have 100mbps up and 100mbps download speed. Once i tried it offline ill upload the results. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Don't you think that destroys the whole idea of fearing the SBH? Which is a very important thing in the game of course. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Maybe only when a economical building gets destroyed? So it would only help the team in need of it? I also remember one of the devs talking about a repairpad-tech-building in one of their youtube videos. So Maybe only adding that option to the team putting the effort in it. Those are some ways to nerf it.. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Hey Almost every time i fly an apache or an orca i run into this problem. After i reload, the time before i am able to shoot again is different every time. Sometimes i can shoot instantly when both my reload bars are fully reloaded. Sometimes it takes almost 3(!!!!) extra seconds. I bet there are more people experiencing this problem Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I think this is a great idea!
  17. where do i find info like that? i cant wait for the next beta!
  18. hey, i was wondering if it was an good idea to show the placers name whenever you look at a mine. it can help finding overmines. (maybe after pressing 'e' or something?) also, i find it horribly irritating when someone gets in your vehicle when you want someone else to drive with you. Example: i often play with a buddy via teamspeak and all. and one time, when we wanted to go for a rush this random guy just sat in my buggy. Stayed in there for more than 5 minutes till i just got out of it and left it. It would be so useful when you can 'kick' the people out of your vehicle. (maybe after you say 'get out of the vehicle' for 3 times via voice commands, to eliminate abuse?) hope to contribute to this fantastic game.
  19. Yea, thats exactly what i was thinking of. i always have the same problem with driving the flametank. and because of that problem i tend to stay away from buying one..
  20. hello, Once i started the launcher that came with beta 3 it asked for an update. After i installed that (i beleve it was v0.52) i could not start the launcher anymore and windows comes with this error message. Problem signature: Problem Event Name: CLR20r3 Problem Signature 01: renegade x launcher.exe Problem Signature 02: Problem Signature 03: 541db001 Problem Signature 04: mscorlib Problem Signature 05: 4.0.30319.17929 Problem Signature 06: 4ffa57ca Problem Signature 07: 43c1 Problem Signature 08: 1b6 Problem Signature 09: System.Windows.Markup.XamlParse OS Version: 6.1.7600. Locale ID: 1043 Additional Information 1: 213e Additional Information 2: 213e45a80da2df74fa8c8e8fb1090348 Additional Information 3: 3d45 Additional Information 4: 3d45da999d640651e0f13b780457a1b1 i have tried starting as admin. i hope you guys can fix this problem! good luck and thanks for the great beta 3 (whoo!) Luc
  21. Hello all, I have been a huge fan of the original renegade game. And it was a dream come true when I found out about this new version, AWESOME! While playing the game I often want to switch to my timed c4, ioncannon, secondary weapon etc. But the slot number for each weapon, lets say ioncannon, changes from weapon slot 4 or 6 depending which character you are playing. So rightnow, in stressful situations I screw up because I have to scroll trough my weapons to get to the one I need. Isn't it a idea to make these slots fixed? Like: **For all characters**: 1: Primary weapon 2: Secondary weapon 3: Timed c4 4: Remote c4 (if engineer, hotwire or technician) 5: Proximity (if hotwire/technician) 6: Nuke, ion cannon or airstrike So that when I play hotwire and I have a ioncanon, I press the same key as if I were a soldier with a ioncannon. (button 6, instead of 4 or 6) Hotwire: 1: primary weapon 2: secondary weapon 3: timed c4 4: remote c4 5: proximity 6: ioncannon Soldier: 1: primary weapon 2: secondary weapon 3: timed c4 4: **empty** 5: **empty** 6: ioncannon I hope people agree with me on this. And I hope I can contribute to this fantastic game with this suggestion. Luc
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