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Everything posted by perfectblue

  1. When I last played, the vast majority of players still seemed to be be playing on the Beta 1 client. Have the devs made some sort of announcement in the old game client or server browser so players know to switch over now?
  2. The biggest problem in Gold Rush for me is the graphics. The game does not compare graphically to any of the other maps in the game which all look quite good.
  3. Not sure whats going on, every server me and my friend have joined today has been fairly laggy. Anyone else experiencing this issue?
  4. @Volcom, I am pretty sure I read that the devs will NOT introduce a dev kit making for fan made maps not possible.
  5. Is that what the developers themselves have stated?
  6. Does anyone know if the developers intended to release this game on steam? I think it would do quite a bit to boost this games visibility.
  7. There are some launch issues, but this is an open beta. Overall, as a new player to the Renegade series, I think the game is great and a lot of fun to play. Thanks for all of the hardwork the developers have put in, and will continue to put into, developing this game. Once the server issues are ironed out the game will be superb.
  8. As the topic states, the server list should show the map the server is currently on. At the moment it currently has a cancel sign through it. It would help me avoid playing on walls_flying 80% of the time. In addition, ping does not display either. In addition, is there a way to see what server you are currently in? For example I hit tab in game and try to view server information but I do not see it. It would be nice to have access to this information so I can forward it to a friend so he can join.
  9. In whiteout there is a hill and tiberium field in the middle of the map. I have had multiple occurrences of becoming stuck on the terrain, whether its an incline or a rock. This seems to happen somewhat frequently, and as a result its often best not to even use the hill for risk of becoming stuck. Once stuck, the camera seems to gyrate a bit. The only way to get unstuck is to have a friend plow is vehicle into mine. The images below illustrate this with my stealth tank.
  10. 1) Will the enemy team be able to see the dust/snow that a stealth tank kicks up while moving when cloaked? 2) How do you plant C4 on an enemy vehicle? I tried many times last night. I would sprint towards the vehicle, and once withing close proximity, drop the c4. However every time I attempted to do so the c4 would land at my feet on the ground.
  11. Thanks Agent Smith, but I was referring to the Enemy teams perspective, do you have a shots showing that? Because my understanding is Nod units are completely cloaked unless you walk up very close to a stealthed unit.
  12. What do they look like when cloaked in Renegade-x?
  13. Yes, that was frustrating me a great deal as well. Perhaps you could consider making this the default input settings, I think most PC gamers are used to this, and I had no idea it was an option in the control menu, thanks!
  14. This is a glitch that allows Sydney to fire her primary personal ion cannon gun much faster than usual. View the video for more information.
  15. Thanks for the response! Is there any chance of an ETA for a patch?
  16. Seconded, dislike the boink as well.
  17. Thanks. Quick question as well, is there a way to view the name of the server you are currently in to verify you joined the correct server?
  18. Yes I have tried loading directly from the launcher, same issue. I will try not sorting the list, thanks for the suggestion.
  19. The gyrating happens in offline aswell.
  20. Whether I am offline playing a skirmish or online, anytime I use the apache in third person view the animation appears to violently gyrate. This has no affect on the controls, merely makes the apaches animation look comical.
  21. Are the devs aware of some of the more critical bugs at the moment? For instance my friends and I have all had issues connecting to servers. The game seems to dump us into a random server. It often takes 30 minutes or more to get on the same server.
  22. What was the point in server applications? Everyone just set the cap at 64 even when it makes no sense, for example walls flying. Literally every server that was populated last night was 64 player max
  23. Same issue for me and a friend using both the launch client server list and in game.
  24. The ingame text for players is very small. It makes it very difficult to locate my friends when trying to play since it looks like its in type 12 font. In addition, the player name seems to disappear once they board a vehicle. Especially if you are in a vehicle as well. Instead of the tank reading of displaying the player name "perfectblue" it will read "GDI medium tank" further making it difficult to work as a team.
  25. Ore miner stuck on the light pole on fields behind the Obelisk.
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