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Posts posted by Terekhov

  1. Thanks for all your work y'all; it's cool to see all different parts of the game improving.


    That chat feature is awesome -- does it hang around longer when it gets "refreshed" by someone else saying it?

  2. On 2/3/2017 at 5:17 PM, Madkill40 said:

    It'd be nice to have the 'V' key unlock the vehicle from the camera so a player can look in a direction without their vehicle turning/pointing in that direction.


    If you permanently unlocked the camera from the Orca/Apache you would no longer be able to turn the aircraft.

    I'm not saying to disable the mouse altogether - rather, if the mouse and keyboard are both telling the aircraft which way to go, to ignore the mouse if they conflict.

    In addition to making an unwieldy beast more driveable, this would let pilots pay attention to things that, right now, they have no way of seeing without turning that direction.

  3. 15 hours ago, Xeon Wraith said:

    A bit before my time (I think?) but wasn't there a period where 2 timed and 2 remotes were just enough to kill a building - so that defenders could briefly repair a building to prevent destruction? Reverting back to those damage numbers seems like a fair way of nerfing sneaking effectiveness. A team that notices mines dropping and reacts in time should be punished less than one that fails to notice entirely. Losing the majority of a building's hp already applies a heavy amount of pressure on defenders and any medium sized rush should be able to finish the job. Veterancy should be able to scale the damage back to normal values at later ranks, though will require sneakers to actively contribute to the team beforehand. 

    Removing the heavy pistol would also increase the effectiveness of other infantry at anti-repairs, which is currently dominated by snipers.

    On a side note, I don't really know why Technicians/Hotwires can carry a heavy pistol with 7 pieces of C4 and a repair gun. Just sayin'.

    Definitely like the part about teams noticing not being punished as much.

    Don't you dare take her heavy pistol :|


    What about something like (taking off someone's idea ealier):


    • Heavy Pistol
    • Prox Mines
    • Repair Gun
    • Smoke Grenade or Anti-tank mine


    • Remote C4 (x2)
    • Timed C4 (x2)
    • 1 airstrike (purchase to refill)
    • No bounding box until you're closer than X distance
    • Silenced pistol with the range of a heavy pistol, or maybe SMG?


    Would be nice if only certain classes - say SBH/Commando and Techie/Hotwire - could use airstrikes. They get spammed a bit much in PUGs right now imo

  4. Can we have an option to make it (not) follow our mouse? Or just have keys override mouse direction? That's a profoundly annoying "feature" to have the nose turn when you just want to strafe side-to-side

  5. Could use a little nerf to the outside-building damage imo.

    And what's the policy on anti-everything characters? Are they being actively added, just supported, slowly-removed-?

    Thanks! Enjoyed playing the pug with everyonee, looking forward to the next. Good to see ya man

    • Like 1
  6. I like the idea of a homepage with videos, good thought man.

    Maybe the initial screen is just the videos/gifs in the background, with an "Enter" button. It'd need to have a "Skip this in future" button for those who don't want to see it, but that'd be a better initial experience for sure.

  7. Completely disagree re: pedestal. They were a hideous idea and should never come back. It just makes players want to quit. They're worked so hard for a victory, yet one minor slip-up makes their team lose? There are other ways to balance the game without making people want to stop playing because of a meaningless one-shot game KO. Remember, this "feature" from the same people who brought you ramjets that kill you by shooting off your toe. Same idea, except this is team-wide. !vote no insanity


    Re: Techies/Hotwires, why shouldn't they repair as well as they do? They're vulnerable to infantry and snipers in the field, and they're basically defenseless when focusing on the beacon (SBH can take out in four shots, to my glee when Nod.)

    I do agree that perhaps regular engineers should be a bit faster at disarming beacons (perhaps 17-18,) but don't see a good reason to make them repair vehicles faster when they can already keep them alive remarkable well (for free) if the vehicle is well driven.

  8. Yep, I have a server/domain for it as well as a plan for organizing.

    Just haven't gotten started yet because of work priorities. Plan is to do a wiki at first, and if I can find someone with UI talent, perhaps even a proper website like WoT, LoL etc have.

    If you're interested in working together, PM me and let's chat.

  9. It's actually doing the opposite.

    There's lots we can do to help increase the size of the player-base. New features definitely help, but stuff like this (PUGs), community maps, introductory tutorials, etc help a lot. Plenty of people working behind the scenes to improve stuff too!

  10. Well, it would mean that for the last 10-20 seconds (depending on how fast they reacted => found beacon => called airstrike) your tank would have to move closer to the outside of the airstrike.

    Even then, you can headshot with the med cannon easily if they stand still (or be a flame tank and kill them from the outside of the airstrike.)

    If your aim is bad, you can always do a hero rush and run over 2-3 techies and/or sit on top during the most critical part of the beacon timer. Usually good players already follow the outside -> rush-during-critical-moment pattern because you take less damage that way.

    If the hotties/techies don't stand still, keep away from your tank, and still manage to get it, that's impressive. Repping a beacon in the middle of an airstrike *while* keeping moving so tanks don't kill you is pretty hard.

    I could be wrong on this, but in 95% of scenarios it seems like a handy, reasonable option for the defense to have, and thus an overall improvement to the game.

  11. It's a skill based class on both ends. If you don't run/jump around when you see a sniper, of COURSE you're going to get shot by a decent one - and deserve it.

    Like 95% of players run in straight lines or jump against snipers. Jumping is worse than running in a straight line

    Also there are a few classes that are just outright better than either snipers now anyway

    That's their fault. If you jump + sprint randomly it's reasonably hard to hit until you get someone who spends a lot of time getting good at it.

    I mean I agree...but that doesn't mean they don't need changed. Just not going to continue the discussion on here because it's hard to have profitable conversations, esp. on this topic and a couple others

  12. I enjoy popping engis with one shot, but the fact that 1000 snipers (or raves, or pics) can body-shot free classes for a kill is ridiculous. It's been a part of Ren for so long that we're used to it, but that doesn't mean it's good for the game.

    Especially since raves/PICs have a magazine like snipers now, much of the original reasoning for that insta-body kill (long reload means they have a higher chance of dying) is invalidated.

    Here's a proposal combining what people have said / what I think might be reasonable for game balance:



    For Havocs/Sakuras/Raveshaws/Sydneys:

    - Reduce damage to free classes from 100% to 70% (headshots remaining unchanged)

    For Havocs/Sakuras/Deadeyes/BH Snipers:

    - Add bullet travel time (across Field should be ~2-3 seconds, for example)

    For Deadeyes/BH Snipers:

    + Add bullet drop

    + Add one round to magazine

    There's literally only 2 infantry in the entire game that can be body-shot by the Ramjet, Marksman and Engineers, so I have no idea where the problem is there.

    Also, PICs and Ravs having a clip doesn't mean much...they still have a longer reload than any other gun in the game.

    Go on, but most of those ideas just seem weird as hell when put along side other guns. They're already weird enough being one-shot-kill in a game where automatics take ten shots to the face to kill someone.

    Why have any, why let those two be one-shot kill? (Aside from "they have flak armor")

    All they have to do is hit things 50% of the time (or headshot), and they're fine. Not to mention they still have pistol...if someone can't hit an engi with 4 chances to do 70% damage + an entire pistol magazine, that's a personal problem, not a balance problem?

    Re: the rest of it, ignore for now. I've talked with a few people and come up with some ideas we can discuss at some point.

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