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Posts posted by Fultre

  1. Hi Alex,

    First and foremost, thanks for taking the time to share your ideas. Unfortunately I completely disagree with you suggestions but let me explain why.

    See the issue here is that the unit selection is based on original Renegade, which is in turn is based on Tiberium Dawn. In my opinion the unit selection is perfect as it fits quite well with the C&C story in terms of events, geographical locations and calculated (somewhat whacky) predictions.

    Lets start.

    Both sides feature vanila units which are composed of existing hardware currently utilitied by real military forces around the world:

    • GDI Humvee

    • Nod Buggy

    • GDI and Nod APC

    • GDI MRLS

    • Nod Artillery

    • GDI Medium Tank (Abrams)

    • Nod Apache

    • GDI and Nod Transport Helicopters (Chinook)

    • Rockers, grenades, rifles, pistols , snipers etc

    Then there is the absolute genius which defines both factions based on their strategic and technological stance.

    NOD the tech savvy tiberium/alien embracing guerrilla warfare faction which rely on brutality, stealth and hit and run.

    • Nod Flame Tank, Chem tech, Nuke = brutality

    • Nod Stealth Tank, Stealth tech, buggy, Laser tech = stealth and hit and run

    GDI the modern day US/UN hybrid which rely on... (very little, just showing up and blowing a whole in your face...) air superiority and brute force.

    • GDI Orca = air superiority

    • GDI Mammoth Tank, medium tank, Havoc, ION = brute force

    Renegade-X is like an aged bottle of liquor, it only gets better with time and don't you dare try to mes with the ingredients!



  2. We don't have a required DRM system in place, so there isn't a way to pre-load the game without you having full access to the game (at least without making a system ourselves to do so). Download is only 1.7 gigs, so shouldn't take too long ^_^

    How on earth did you guys squeeze everything in 1.7GB?

    The unit and environment textures alone make me think this is not possible. By today's standard for a game of this caliber your looking at least 10-15GB. Recent COD series for example, which mind you is running on an antique engine (COD2), is easily 4-5 times this size, yet it looks complete crap side by side.

  3. I've been busy spreading the word amongst my virtual community (steam, origin etc) as I have already exhausted my 'real' community (close friends, real world people etc). I think we should all (if you haven't had a chance to yet) spread the word and try to recruit as many players as possible. I honestly believe that this game is superb in every respect, I am confident it can easily attract any gamer.

    On another note, it is always quite interesting listening to the reactions of those who never played this game after you pass them a YouTube link to RENX pr0n (yes the videos are great). They all generally start with -

    • 'wow!'

    • 'this is free?'

    • 'no micro transactions?'

    • 'wait, so completely free'

    • 'whats the catch?'

    They are in disbelief hehehe.

    Then of course they go on to rave about the graphics, mammoth tank and explosions:

    • 'Looks better than crysis!'

    • 'what is that giant tank?'

    • 'What is that lighting thing that blew the base up?'

    • 'you can nuke a base?!, how do I get one of those?'

    Seriously though, give me another FPS where you can use nuclear weapon! :D

  4. I would like the oddles of steam members to see the game when they go surfing for shtuff to play.

    I have steam but wouldn't opt to get this on it if it has standalone.

    If its possible for them to do steam, please do, but I suspect a game they can't do any form of monetization from is going to somehow not meet some form of criteria for Steam. Which would suck but thats life.

    Im sure if Valve is such an awesome publisher, theyd have no problem with RenX. /sarcasm

    Anywho, its possible Valve would allow it on Steam if they got ad revenue from it, but the only ads on Steam are for Steam. If you look at something similar, like Black Mesa, they even started charging for that to put it on Steam. Valve may play the negotiator and try to convince EA to allow such a thing, but considering how obsessed EA is with Origin, I doubt it.

    Valve charged the Black Mesa team for steam placement?

  5. Appart from your basic 'tagging up' will there be any built-in clan support such as clan ranking, clan directory, virtual roster etc... This is obviously a lot of extra work but if done right (tribes 2) it can support and sustain a community.

    Whilst on this topic are there any existing clans or future potentials?

  6. If I recall correctly the RENX (UT3 Mod) used the original tiberium dawn soundtrack (mechanical man etc). Will RENX still use this soundtrack or are there other plans?

    Do you mean the in-game background music? Note that on the MP-Gaming server at least, BGM was taken care of by a server mutator with a custom audio track package that was pushed to clients upon connecting for the first time. If I recall correctly the official UT3 RenX release didn't support music out of the box at all. I think the custom tracklist included both original C&C tracks and remixed/original RenX OST tracks.

    Hmmm, can't recall to be honest but if that is the case than your probably right.

  7. Will this video and other future videos be in the game itself? This would help orient new players a great deal if it popped up before they joined a server.


    Perhaps you could take the NS2 approach, showing tiny 'how to' in game video snippets each time player is waiting to respawn.

  8. I would like to see this on Origin. I think we owe EA that much.

    I know, I know, I hate them for what they done but I think they have turned a leaf allowing the RENX project to happen.

    I don't think that RenX actually "owes" EA one, because this is actually free advertising for CnC.

    Hmmm, good point. It's just that I am used to seeing EA crush C&C bit by bit after each iteration, that this slight gesture of good is a welcomed one. Having said that Origin is actually a decent tool, excellent download speeds and like steam could attract more players from community. The reason why I am not recommending steam is because there is no way EA would allow that.

  9. The only thing I would support is custom visual player skins for all those who *donate* money to the dev team.

    EA has prevented them from receiving any kind of money from this game, including donations.

    Unless you meant donating credits in game, which would be kind of funny to see a dev receive thousands of credits from everyone whenever they join a game.

    I see. No I didn't mean in game credits but that sounds hilarious! :D

    However, being a professional and for sake of balance I will have to dismiss that idea. :cool:

  10. I'd like to extend a HUGE thankyou to everyone involved in the development of Renegade-X. The nostalgia it brings is priceless. I played Renegade multiplayer religiously back in 2002-06 and can honestly say that nothing compares. The CnC series (mostly Westwood era [Tibsun and RA2 specifically] ) are the best games I've ever played. I feel a constant sense of remorse knowing that it will never be the same and the golden era of CnC left over 12 years ago. I'm so glad to see that there are others who are still dedicated to the series. I've followed this mod for years, bought UT3:B for it a few years ago also. I am so glad that it is finally being released and it looks fucking INCREDIBLE! Great job guys! Thanks for being a light of hope in the CNC universe!

    Well said, feel the same way!

  11. Sorry but I disagree with OP.

    Renegade game-play mechanics by default enable you to customize your player by selecting class, weapon load-out, vehicle and role. You get to do all of this in a single match and no match is ever the same. Adding any form of unlockables would ruin the balance and fun.

    Renegade enables you to jump into the game and be on the same level as everyone else, whether you are a competitive player or a casual player, no advantages.

    The only thing I would support is custom visual player skins for all those who *donate* money to the dev team. The skins would have to be very close to original and provide no visual advantage.



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