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Everything posted by toOt

  1. I'm not in game... the launcher wont even load if MSI Afterburner is running. If I turn off MSI Afterburner I can play no problem.
  2. This game doesn't load when MSI Afterburner is running in the background. I'd love to overclock my GPU and see how much FPS I can get max but it seems like this game doesn't allow me to overclock my MSI Hardware.
  3. like I said I uninstalled everything hoping that it would fix the issue so No I cannot get any logs or get to the launcher itself it just sits there and does nothing.
  4. I've uninstalled and reinstalled and it does the same thing every time I launch the game. it just sits there and does nothing and once in awhile ill get a windows error when launching the launcher I'm not sure what the issue is here, haven't been able to play in months cause of this issue
  5. I had the same problem, I just manually downloaded the whole game instead of from the launcher. ################################################################################### HTTP DOWNLOAD FULL [7z http://www.7-zip.de/] EU Renegade-X v5.282 USA Renegade-X v5.282 HongKong Renegade-X v5.282 ################################################################################### TORRENT DOWNLOAD EU Renegade-X Open-Beta-5.282.7z.torrent USA Renegade-X Open-Beta-5.282.7z.torrent HongKong Renegade-X Open-Beta-5.282.7z.torrent ###################################################################################
  6. OK problem fixed. Guess I just had to Download it manually thanks Fffreak9999
  7. OK Ill give it another try. Ill et you know what happens.
  8. Yeah it says Seattle.
  9. I have a problem with installing Renegade-X, at about half way "DOWNLOADING" stops completely, I have tried re downloading about 3 times now and it ends up doing the same thing every time.
  10. nice redline. also your source mods for source are awesome lol. socom!!
  11. anyone ever remeber the cloaked comaches being in renegade? someone should make one
  12. toOt

    city flying?

    any word on city flying yet?
  13. toOt

    weapon drops?

    whats up with all the balancing. i think they got balanced in the head a little bit to much there are supposed to be advantages here and there lol.
  14. toOt

    weapon drops?

    Im not sure sure if this is true but when are all the servers gonna enable weapon drops and stuff. bring back those realllllly fun AOW servers on C&C Renegade. like dam I miss being a SBH with a ramjet rifle you know.
  15. when is beta 4 coming out just curious! been waiting to play under since i saw the post!
  16. toOt

    hacker found

  17. toOt

    hacker found

    heres the hackers twitch.tv - http://www.twitch.tv/JrDullDonkey he also had auto aim and wall hacks if u cant see by know he or she shoots realllllly fast
  18. lol?
  19. toOt

    64 bit?

    64 bit?
  20. first glitch: scoreboard and tab menu permanently went to purchase terminal and viewed had to wait 2 mins before it came back second glitch: either it was a well placed c4 timer.. or not.. I couldn't defuse it at any angle and distance
  21. I crash a lot during map change and even inside the game it freezes my game and it seems to always happen when im attacking lol.... my graphics are set to the best I have a good videos cards there SLI iunno what the problem could be...
  22. Everytime I click "JOIN" after sorting the filter to server name to join a server it does nothing after.. but once I close and search for the server I want without sorting the name/player filter it tends to work... weird bug.. well there be a favorite option?
  23. toOt

    My Questions?

    great! thank you all for quick response
  24. toOt

    My Questions?

    extras fnkqrrm (Enable extras cheat). Q: Will these cheats be added to REN-X for fun? Like im focused on the infantry and vehicles that you can be while typing these cheats in the C&C renegade console in a un-ranked/un-laddered server. I would love it to be a easter egg or something. Repairable Wreckage Q: like the original C&C renegade using TT script 4.0 you can repair your vehicle from wreckage if its destroyed and also do a few strats like stack a hoard of vehicles and rush but anyway will this be possible? server side modifications Q:How will we be able to manage our servers within REN-X being either a full admin or moderator? for air maps and additional things Q: will there be a helipad added or repair bay or a construction yard in some maps? and certain units that didn't make the cut from the original C&C
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