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Posts posted by Christopher

  1. As for Reborn ...

    the team who finished it was ... well ... not liked those guys :P

    they are friendly with a certain person who does not like aircrafts, says all i think

    when it started there was a different team, that was kinda nice ...

    The second team was nice also ... tested for them :)

    I don't know what the Reborn team did in the past to drive you away, but the team that handles the updates now over at Bluehell Productions aren't a bad group of guys to be fair. Aircraftkiller left APB around 2005-ish and hasn't been part of the development staff for some years now. He certainly isn't on the Reborn team either.

    The community is pretty small, but there's updates still going out every now and again. :)

    There's one or two guys on current reborn team who have severe personality disorders and treat the servers and the game itself and community as their own personal toys. Typical Renegade community though. Oh you got in my vehicle? 2 day ban. Oh you insulted me 1000 day ban, etc. This is ignoring their hue hue hue hue spam before going completely nuts. I'm mainly a Tiberian Sun fan but I may like Renegade X more since Reborn lags and a lot of times its gay.

  2. I used to be really excited about C&C Reborn and it was fun when it first came out but I didn't like the toxic rude developers of it and only liked one or two of the maps. The lag was also terrible. I played a lot of Renegade when it came out but it's a pretty simple game. Yeah theres a lot of ways to approach the game and strategies to do but it was overall pretty boring to me. I am going to play this first chance I get simply to see how it feels and looks in person but I have doubts I'll stick around long. I do hope a lot of people play it but I have doubts. I kind of see it on the same level as Tribes Ascend and from what I can tell even though that game went viral theres only a few 100 people on each of their regional servers. Kind of sad. Was this mostly for a resume builder or just love for Renegade? The graphics are amazing I just have doubts that the gameplay is going to be worth sticking around for.

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