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  1. i dont play cause i like counter-strike go competitive mode more. also fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck titanfall.
  2. i made like 20 videos of renegade x on my channel. i may make more later: https://www.youtube.com/user/ChristopherLeeFriday
  3. No I don't want to meet a bunch of middleaged manchildren
  4. turning a tank into a oven would kill the crew quite fast
  5. besides announcing its time for a flame tank rush and a building needs repairs nothing else needs to be said. i mute everyone always in every game. and before you say hurr durr people perform better with voice chat all i have to say is no. it usually amounts to a bunch of idiots doing shotgun rushes early game and dying horrifically because some idiot told them to shotgun derrrrr tunneeeelsssss
  6. Thats its only hope. Being tossed up on popular game lists like steam. I dont play this anymore. Its a shame it still has reloading animation problems. I woulda fixed that first I mean jesus christ its the first thing you notice when you play. I wont be coming back. The game is better than a lot of games out there but still pretty boring. It's missing something to make it worthwhile. Although you have choices in how you play and what you do it feels redundant after a few days. I'm probably going to get bitched at because of this but I no longer appreciate spending money on the character classes. They should be free and all balanced for specific tasks like a moba LOLOLOLOL.
  7. ech echm titanfall
  8. GDI has no SBH. Nod has no mams. GDI has no Stank. Nod has no McFarland. GDI has no flame tank. Nod has no MRLS. There's quite a bit of a difference between the two. Much more so than CnC3 and up where they are pretty much reskins of each other. yawn....
  9. i think its a lame idea because both factions are similar enough as it is. what little differences they have are negligible.
  10. im pretty sure mmobomb did too....
  11. took me 10 seconds of playing to realize grenadier was OP.
  12. i wonder how many people got the not having directx installed error and gave up lol. i stopped playing as well. uninstalled. i currently dont play any fps games but will probably jump on titanfall bandwagon. thatll no doubt last only a few days as well
  13. TotalBiscuit's review of the game was pretty halfassed as well lol
  14. If someone does make another tiberian sun i hope they don't copy tiberian sun precisely. im tired of the dated designs and graphics of tiberian sun. it needs to be modernized.
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