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  1. yea, i think the team upgrades should be resided in a new rts-ish game mode. for the balance, I think it is a resolvable issue, cause many rts game have damage and defense upgrade concept, and player with applied upgrades should be displayed with some visual marker. for the stacked bonus problem, I think a team upgrade should be expensive and it will creates a reasonable economic advantage on the other team.
  2. plz dont hijack my post lol
  3. how about include in some new game mod, i know the team planned to add some new game mode in future
  4. why lol
  5. I wonder if it is possible and a good idea to add some team upgrades to purchase per game: - level 1 attack upgrade: increase damage of all teamate by 10% - level 2 attack upgrade: increase damage of all teamate by 20% - level 3 attack upgrade: increase damage of all teamate by 30% - level 1 defence upgrade: increase hit point of all teamate by 10% - level 2 defence upgrade: increase hit point of all teamate by 20% - level 3 defence upgrade: increase hit point of all teamate by 30% - level 1 bot upgrade: spwan 2 gunners and 1 tank to push the main path, respwan after dead - level 2 bot upgrade: spwan 4 gunners and 2 tanks to push the main path, respwan after dead - level 3 bot upgrade: spwan 6 gunners and 3 tanks to push the main path, respwan after dead
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