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  1. Don't give a chit if it's bigger, were not running 56k connections any more - stick it on the auto updater. Pretty sure there will be a fair chunk of players who will know nothing about this update.
  2. Stupid to release this game without an auto updater.
  3. Can anyone confirm if this can be turned off in the options?
  4. Integrate Mumble with Ren X
  5. Never a problem in the original. Don't expect an easy ride when you're in the enemy base.
  6. Players can walk over the wall to get into GDI's base (far left side if you're playing as Nod)
  7. Would like to see the reintroduction of using T to zoom in and G to zoom out as used in the original. Cannot find a setting to change this. Mainly because my scroll wheel is fucked and has a mind of its own.
  8. Agree. It seems chat can be hard to notice in this game. Renegade nailed it perfectly.
  9. I think you misinterpreted my original post. I don't see the issue as a game breaker but its certainly an issue to look at if other players are sharing their techniques to combat it.
  10. Its a silly comment because youre making this sound like a game breaking issue. That's a silly assumption.
  11. Your "valuable milliseconds" are stuck in a predictable jump animation. Nice try.
  12. protip: jump and scope mid-air...quicker and doesn't make any noise pr0tip: just tap your crouch key
  13. From my understanding the topic creator thinks that this happens in Ren X but not in Ren. Nope, shooting from the rest position has always felt unnatural but I have not been able to pinpoint the exact reason for this. What HaTe says sounds plausible to being one of the reasons but I also believe running around with your gun pointing in a completely different direction doesn't fill a player with confidence.
  14. I'm guessing you don't understand the problem. Do you still play Renegade? Were you ever a good player? This is not a personal dig at all because I notice that all the good players I have come across ensure their characters are in the correct stance before engaging in combat.
  15. Why is it a silly comment? It's a valid point that is also shared by other players.
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