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Everything posted by rrutk2

  1. beside the mentioned things, its fucking great. if u found the key configuration! ) how to remove keys???????????
  2. Graphics are great, the maps are beautiful. Also vehicles feel good. But no, i didnt get what i expected. But from my point of view, infantry feeling isnt the same, its weired. Aiming is too difficult. The green/red outlining of the chars/vehicles drives me nuts. Should be optional!! Monochrome HUD is a pain in the ass, i dont need a HUD which gives me no easily vissible information. Should be coulorized like in Ren: Health must be red/yellow/green. Money must be white. Weapons must have colors. Infantry action feels to fast, to hectic. And by the way, where is the key configuration menu? I'm to stupid to see it.... And a lot of bugs. E.g. my sakura has a railgun without a scope...
  3. upload in progress?
  4. I've started the C&C-Shooter-Section at the german united-forum.de http://www.united-forum.de/c-and-c-shooter-f117 It's all about Renegade, RenegadeX, Reborn, A Path Beyond and Apocalypse Rising. Please, all German Renegade(X) Fans, have a look there and leave some postings with your thoughts and news... I need to get traffic and activity into that section. Goal is to force the german community and to get more players to Renegade, APB, Reborn - and later to RengedeX. RenX has so much potential, but must be more promoted in the German Community. I've posted there also High-Res Overheads of all official Reborn, APB and Renegade-Maps.
  5. I would help too! (I'm german
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