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Everything posted by Dan55

  1. Um it has nothing to do with red alert 2.
  2. Command & Conquer Battle Grounds is an RTS game for Unreal Engine 4 set after the events of Command & Conquer Red Alert and before the events of Command & Conquer. It is 1982, 19 years after the attempted liberation of Russia in 1961 which ended in 1963 in result that the Allies now occupy all of Russia's land mass. 1982 January 19th World War IV: Egypt has fallen into chaos with the invasion of the Scavengers, Russia is also, and bombings have begun all over the world. Are you ready commander? However this project is not set after Command & Conquer Red Alert II as it is that Yuri is from the future and his timetravel in the tiberium games hasn't happened yet at the time Command & Conquer Battle Grounds takes place in. To keep track of updates visit
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