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Posts posted by ehh

  1. 'City Flying is our cursed map. We've had multiple people start it but nobody finished it.

    There's also the issue of assets... if you want a convincing looking city you need quite a lot of stuff.

    -- We'll have to see what happens post release, we would like to see it come back at least.'

    thats what a renx dev said, it should come soon though I hope!

  2. open sniping it doesn't give you that much of an advantage, its just preference.

    When there's walls and hugging involved, yeah it does, you are able to pre aim, peak, shoot and then get back into cover. Which is why I don't want free aim in renx, gets pretty homo when 2 + people do that at each side of the tunnel =[

  3. you compared two different game modes.

    timed and mara is basically the same game mode, a better comparison would be s&d with a time limit and one without one.

    most people who play renegade would rather play a rotation of maps instead of been stuck in an under game for 6 hours where you can't even leave your own base, specially people who can only play for a few hours at a time.

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