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Closed Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Volcom

  1. Just tested the server. Good to go.
  2. Im down for this! Can't wait to start playing Renegade X Competitively again!
  3. Banner: IPs:
  4. Hey guys! Lets get a lobby war going tomorrow around 3pm eastern (-5 GMT). Teams will be remixed per map or we can do captains. Whatever the majority wants. Server is already set up. Just show up to ts.rencorner.com tomorrow if you want to play.
  5. Never heard of h-twenty
  6. Well considering there have already been over 100 clanwars, I think they are happening.
  7. I wouldn't say it is rigged. I have been in the top 10 since the start. Lately I have noticed some random names pop up, but I wouldn't say it's rigged. I would say they are playing with bots or some AFK guy.
  8. Volcom


    The main purpose of the ladder was just to have a quick one up. In later builds a more in-depth one will be released.
  9. Lmao, Practice and you won't need auto-aim.
  10. Tbh I like Goldrush and Lakeside the best. Brand new maps with brand new strategies. I really think you guys just haven't figured out the true potential of the map. It has a lot of places you can sneak into: almost every building on both GDI and Nod. Once you guys start developing strategies I think you will find the map much more enjoyable.
  11. Wait for the patch. There have been a lot of changes made.
  12. You guys should register you clan on clanwars.cc/renx and add me on skype: [.H2O.]Volcom
  13. You guys should register you clan on clanwars.cc/renx and add me on steam: [.H2O.]Volcom
  14. Good luck with the old one. Only three populated servers left.
  15. Volcom

    patch ?

    This whole thread is honestly a joke. Why don't you guys focus on the amazing work that has been done instead of criticizing the minor issues that will be fixed with in the next week. Completely ridiculous how impatient some of you are. And yes the patch will just be an .exe you run.
  16. You should probably try to recruit some mods in other time zones.
  17. Probably not a great idea to post the hack names on the forum.
  18. [.H2O.]Volcom
  19. As I said before there isn't time for make new vehicles models. If you want them make them
  20. The new code does work. It stops them from moving completely if they have the speed hack on. As you can see when we tested it "shit I cant move".
  21. Volcom

    patch ?

    Shooting for next weekend, but things can always come up so that's why there hasn't been a date released. Remember these guys are coding this game in their free time. Everyone has a job and/or school.
  22. Rencorner.com Servers all have it and it does work. We have tested it: [0255.53] Rx: CHAT: "[.H2O.]Volcom"<257> say "u got it?" [0265.47] ScriptLog: Possible speed hack by Pr0eX [0278.60] Rx: CHAT: "Pr0eX"<256> say "okay check logs" [0284.53] ScriptLog: Possible speed hack by Pr0eX [0288.87] Rx: CHAT: "Pr0eX"<256> say "shit I cant move" [0303.60] ScriptLog: Possible speed hack by Pr0eX [0321.23] Rx: CHAT: "[.H2O.]Volcom"<257> say "lol" [0322.67] ScriptLog: Possible speed hack by Pr0eX [0325.20] Rx: CHAT: "[.H2O.]Volcom"<257> say "alright" [0341.73] ScriptLog: Possible speed hack by Pr0eX
  23. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/renegadexclanwars Steam Group
  24. You should register your clan on clanwars.cc, http://clanwars.cc/renx . Also add me on steam for some games, Volcom_Ren.
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