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Everything posted by R315r4z0r

  1. It's perfectly fair for the defender. They paid their credits to use the character. They died. They lost their investment. They have to buy it again if they want to use it again.
  2. R315r4z0r

    New Update?

    I haven't experienced much lag on EU servers. I'm from the East coast US. In fact, my ping is usually pretty low. Obviously higher than other players, but nothing game breaking. I barely notice it half the time.
  3. People think they are helping the team but I find it has more negative effects than positive ones. For one, your hogging the vehicle limit with the vehicles you purchased. For another, if there are no base defenses then an enemy can just come and steal one. I think people's hearts are in the right place... I just don't think buying them and leaving them open is a good way to go about it. It would be a cool feature to be able to purchase a vehicle token for your team. So, you'd go into a PT and click to purchase a token for a specific vehicle. It would cost the same amount of money as the vehicle but it wouldn't spawn it. Instead, that token would appear next to the icon for that vehicle and everyone on your team would be able to see it. What it would do is that if a vehicle icon has a token on it, you can use that token to purchase that vehicle instead of using your own credits. Once the token is used, it goes away until another one is bought. This way, if you have extra money and you want to help out your team, you can go purchasing vehicle tokens for other players to cash in.
  4. I'm well aware he is a troll. But doesn't mean it's not a legitimate question that can't have a legitimate answer.
  5. In it's current state, while it is playable, I wouldn't buy it. The crashing really kills it for me. It's hard to get a flow going match to match when I'm greeted by my desktop in between rounds. Once the crashes are ironed out, I'd totally pay for it if it was a a retail game. (I know full well they can't receive any money.)
  6. I don't know what the devs have up their sleeves but I wouldn't be surprised if future tech structures had new sidearms to buy. I remember hearing talk of an armory once before.
  7. Like Gatsu said, assuming a majority of players have mics, it wouldn't really work too well when everyone is talking. But even if it was a proximity based talking system, it would make it hard to plan stuff with your team... which would sort of kill the entire reason of having VoIP in the first place. Plus, then we'd have to worry about trolls and spammers just abusing the talking feature. They'd add a mute system, but by doing that you open up the gate to not wanting to hear anyone's voice (spam or otherwise). There is also good portion of people who play without sound or speakers. All of that put together means that a VoIP function would never be accepted as a way of team communication. Text would always be the primary means of communication since you can't force players to have to listen to other players. You also can't prove to players who aren't listening what is being said when they don't hear it themselves. I'd support it's implementation just to have it... I just don't think it's going to be too much of a benefit to the game.
  8. I agree with you on this. But I have to disagree about what you said about CoD. CoD games are usually balanced in a way that the stuff you unlock doesn't necessarily give you the upper hand... just alternate ways to do battle that are all still defeatable by the basic bare bones equipment. Unlocks in Battlefield, on the otherhand, do cause a rift between new and experienced players and that's the kind of thing that annoys me and I hope never finds its way into a game like Renegade.
  9. No, you're misunderstanding and making it sound more complicated. The way that the game works now is that when you die, you just click your mouse and you respawn. You click your mouse anywhere on the screen, it doesn't matter. What I'm suggesting isn't any sort of menu selection screen. It's just the one-touch of a hotkey. Click to respawn normally or press 1-4 or E in place of a click to respawn as the respective free class. No menus, no buttons, no timers. Just a random mouse click or a single keystroke. The reason why I think it's more streamlined that way is because it's not requiring you (and I realize how dumb this might sound... but it's the truth) to remember what your previous free class was. It also doesn't introduce confusion in players not understanding why they keep spawning as something different when they don't understand how the system works. Also, you should never be able to spawn as a class that costs money.
  10. Tbh, the first week or two of Renegade X's public release had 64 player servers and I thought it was a lot of fun. I mean, small games have their merits as well... but I just don't think it's fair to compare the two since the density of people just changes how the game plays to such a degree that it's almost a different game mode. Renegade had a few 128 player servers if I remember correctly.
  11. But that's entirely the point. When you lose a structure your play style is supposed to shift. And it's supposed to shift in the direction that gives you the disadvantage. It's to give you incentive to not lose those structures and defend them. By mitigating the disadvantages of losing a structure, you unravel the point of even having the structures in the first place.
  12. Lol @ thread. You're probably going to be displeased to hear that 40 is actually a temporary low player cap because of a lag issue. The intended player cap is actually 64. However, different maps are designed for different amounts of players. So having 64 players on field is kind of crazy... but having 64 players on lakeside feels right at home. There is no sweet spot for player counts in the game. It's all map-centric. This is one reason why I think there should be multiple versions of each map that are designed to cater to different player amounts.
  13. I didn't forget... I actually didn't notice you said that. But that kind of makes it worse... doesn't it? So you didn't intentionally use him as a pawn... but you got him banned because of your own carelessness. The thing is, if a friendly puts C4 on me, unless they specifically talk to me about a C4 tactic, I'll stay with them until it kills them because I consider them to be the one team hampering. (ie hogging a spot on our team from another player who could potentially join and be of some help). Causing them to suicide could frustrate them and make them leave the match to open up said spot. Plus there is no way to validate how accidental the placement actually was. Even if it genuinely was an accident, it sucks and I feel bad for what happened, I still don't think he was team hampering.
  14. Not necessarily. A whole purchase terminal would defeat the purpose. There are only 5 free classes and 5 hotkeys. It would be more streamlined to just ask the player to either click their mouse to respawn like they normally do or instead they press a hotkey to spawn as a free class. You also have to consider that players aren't always playing free classes. So if they were a sniper, when they die they wouldn't have the "respawn as their previous free character" option since their previous character wasn't free. Also, consider the fact that if you were a free class it doesn't necessarily mean you want to continue using that free class. For example, you might have been a shotgunner but when you die you intended to respawn as a soldier... but since you automatically respawn as your previous free class, you'd need to enter the PT to get the soldier. Where as if you just press "1" as soon as you die, you'd instantly be a soldier. Perhaps a compromise? If you die and then you click to respawn, you'd respawn as you previous free class. If you weren't a free class then you'd spawn as a soldier. However, if you press 1-5 (or 1-4 + E) you'd instantly spawn as the free class of your selected hotkey.
  15. What exactly do you mean by "glitched pathways"? I'm not asking to explain what they are.. I just don't what you mean when you say "glitched." Do you mean like places you shouldn't be able to get to or places you get stuck? Agreed... but that's not a problem with the map. It's a problem with the destruction radius of the beacon.
  16. Not gonna say whether we need this or not, imo... but just to run with this idea... What if, instead of respawning as your previously played free class, when you die you are given the choice to spawn as one of the 5 free classes? So, when you die, you can either click your mouse like normal to spawn as a basic soldier as you already do... or you can press 1-5 (or 1-4 + E) to spawn as the free class of your choice?
  17. Almost same happened to me once, although i accidentally put a timed C4 on this dude's back to deter incoming enemies (was meand for the ground only) he noticed it and followed me around to get me killed. He found it funny I did not, and found it to be team hampering. He got banned for a day, next day he appologized. Happened on old ren tho That's not team hampering... In fact, I'd put more of the blame on you more than him. You used his body, without his consent, to carry out a task you yourself could have done. Just because it was your C4 doesn't give you the right to control him and his actions. And then he got banned? You're the one who should have apologized, not him. He did nothing wrong. That's kind of a douche thing to say considering that your version of the game focused on the notion of forcefully using his character as a pawn to forward your own goal. I'm sorry. I don't like being hostile like that. But what you did was just not right.
  18. Tbh I feel much more comfortable with the AR than with the pistol. I can kill people faster with the AR... and even faster with the carbine. I'm not entirely bad with the pistol.. I just find using other weapons to be easier. I think if they removed their recoil/spread they'd become overpowered and would be forced to lower their damage to boot.
  19. It's a free game. Developed and released free by it's creators with the permission of the rights holder, EA. It's not illegal. And it wouldn't be illegal for you even if the game was created illegally (which it wasn't). You're downloading a free game for free. You aren't circumventing paying money since it's free regardless, so it's not piracy. You can download and enjoy it all you want for free.
  20. All of their attention right now is on fixing crashes. There is no polish being done besides optimization tweaks. Polishing stuff is something you do in the late stages of development... so if you think the game is over polished now... then you're not going to be happy when they really start getting things polished.
  21. For Field, you can still do the Refinery. I haven't tried other buildings but I doubt it for two reasons: 1 Ob charges and fires much quicker in Renegade X, 2 The ob doesn't have as much of a dead zone (if any dead zone) at it's base. Also, for the record, that's not "ob walking." Ob walking is a movement glitch that allows you to dodge the obelisk as it fires at you... and is usually considered cheating or exploiting. This is not possible to do in Renegade X. That video is just finding the correct cover at the correct time... so it's perfectly legit. For Goldrush, you can get into the HoN by going from the bridge, to the rock to the tree to the Hon. I don't know how to get to the powerplant though from that postion. You can also get into the Airstrip from the bridge if you go from the bridge, to the rock, to the river to the shipping crates.
  22. You have 40 (50?) seconds to disarm a beacon. An airstrike is 10s. If your team is that bad, they should lose anyway. 55 seconds until impact. 45 seconds until imminent. Airstrikes attack a target for about 5-8 seconds. However there is also a significant delay after they are targeted... about another 5-8 seconds. So that's a potential 16 seconds. People hear the airstrike announcement and get to cover because they don't know where or when the strike is coming. So, in 45 seconds, you need to find and travel to the beacon, kill the planter and potential defender(s), then equip a repairgun and disarm the beacon. If an airstrike is called, you only have about ~28 seconds to do this. Also, for the record it takes about 10 seconds for a single engineer to disarm a beacon. Now, this isn't taking obvious variables into consideration. -How many people are defending the beacon if any? -How many people are available to disarm the beacon? -How many beacons were placed? -How many airstrikes were placed? If you place a beacon and then have a series of other players place airstrikes at about a 10 second interval from each other, then the beacon becomes impossible to disarm no matter how good your team is.
  23. The issue with doing this is that it would eclipse the standard silenced pistol... which in all honesty is not a bad weapon. It would also slightly alter the core functionality of established characters. When you see an enemy engineer, you are expecting them to defend themselves with a pistol. But if they could get a one time purchase of a carbine, then it just makes that class all the more stronger. You should have to pay extra each and every time you want to amplify your character per life. The way they functioned in the first beta was a bug. They were never intended to persist through death. Their main reasons for even being in the game are to give players options to adjust their characters in addition to tweaking a player's performance in certain situations. They are also intended to be a credit sink to prevent people from saving up too much money (especially on maps with silos). They are just sidearms so they aren't supposed to be game changers. However, when you look at their prices you can just consider them to be new characters that you have to pay a handful of credits for... and not give up anything on your current character. I see nothing wrong with how they are set up right now.
  24. I don't see how it would make it any harder to defend a beacon you plant or make it easier to disarm a beacon an enemy plants. When you find a beacon, the first thing any half decent player does is report to their team. They do it in one of two ways. First, they type 2-3 letters in chat depending on the building to alert their team. That takes about a second. Second, they spam the Q button on the building it's planted at... which takes less than a second. So it makes absolutely no difference what so ever for the gameplay if you can spot a beacon for your team. It promotes teamwork and helps communication in public games.
  25. For the record, Iran is trolling.
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