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  1. After over 10 years of TmX existence I think it's really time to say "gg". I've had good times in TmX/Ren/RenX with you guys and others so I want to thank you for that. I'm not going to write a whole essay about why so if you are interested just send me a pm. If any of you want the domain and or server data to somehow continue with the community please send me a pm on this forum. The dedicated server will go offline later this month.
  2. Skeeze

    weapon drops?

    It's disabled because it isn't finished yet afaik When I tested it it didn't work
  3. These towers make me think of the co-op servers, very cool!
  4. Could you guys please add version numbers to the mutators? I can't make out when you updated the mutator or which updates were made at which time. I'm also wondering what happens when I would update the mutator and people would try to play new demo files with the old version mutator. I think it won't work? That'd be another reason to add version numbers to it
  5. Skeeze

    Mass Disconnects

    Sorry for the very late response, but it's hard to trace the logs that contain the needed information. It just happend again and I got some logs this time: Download log here: http://renx.thematrixren.net/log.log
  6. Any chance youre updating this for beta 4 anytime soon? There's some interesting features in it, nice work!
  7. Good to see you're still working on balancing maps! This looks very interesting, seems to increase vehicle deploymemt time alot by removing the vehicle cave entrance
  8. Skeeze

    Mass Disconnects

    It only disconnects the players, they return to the main menu For the one I personally experienced at least
  9. Skeeze

    Mass Disconnects

    I've seen this happen several times too, nothing new though. It seems to happen alot less lately and I'm not really sure if it's something wrong on the hosts network or the renx server itself. As far as I could see it just loses connection to all clients, map doesn't restart or anything either. Since I switched to a new server ( different server room ) this is almost never happening anymore so that's why I suspect it's not renx itself
  10. It's happening again, what's even weirder is that it sometimes shows something like 2, 3 or 4 players ingame while there are alot more and then 0 again.
  11. Update: it suddenly shows the correct players ingame
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