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Everything posted by buttnutella

  1. yeah i love that aswell, loading up wasnt that annoying cuz you didnt have to wait that long but still is nicer not to have to wait at all
  2. cannot unsee, feel so hungry
  3. yeah i know, i remmember harvy being fine for the most part in classic renegade, but here its starting to get too me, im starting to die way too often because of that harvester. i guess tiberium will be got no matter what tho
  4. the harvester is kind of always getting in the way on entrances to most maps while its trying to go out on the field while we defend and often at times results in me getting pushed out while im trying to get cover thus destroying my vehicles and often times myself too. i have 2 ideas that could possibly be helpful, the second might be kind of hard. first: making the harvester kind of slide off the sides of your vehicles better as we make contact, or second: redesign some of the maps so the harvester has its own side road that it uses to get to the tiberium without having to block us in as we defend base. anyone else experience this? anyone else have any ideas on better improving that?
  5. haha idk if it was just too late or early in the morning cuz i got no sleep last night but i just slapped myself for not using that hahah, my apologies. but i found another bug: (this one has happened more than once) this time i was at the purchase terminal and i had made a purchase and randomly was put into free look mode without any escape from it, so i had to log out and rejoin since a player told me that was the only way out of that.
  6. some more bugs i found: game crashed after islands map (game has been going just fine for the most part until that crash) game randomly freezes for about 30 to 40 seconds and i appear about 50 feet away from where i was standing if i wait out the freeze when switching between first and third person, it wont go into first person correctly and seems like im looking from the inside of my gun in the middle of the screen, some more feedback: idk if its just me but these grenades are pretty annoying, but not nearly as annoying as airstrikes and i havent been the only player to mention this. also being able to hit my windows button to go to desktop to adjust my volume in the volume mixer or access another program super quick would be great so i wont have to close out renegade just to adjust my volume and such will be back to note other things to help with beta
  7. first of all Hello everyone! (didnt see a place to introduce yourself yet, not that its too important but dont wanna be rude) So i LOVE what you guys have done with the game, it is pretty visually stunning, and game mechanics are pretty amazing, and all around a pretty big success IMO! so theres the feedback and now for some minor bugs. i lag from time to time and i have tried lowering my settings and realized it wasnt because of my computers performance, which im sure will get smoothed out sooner or later. and my other bug is the game crashes after every single game, and has crashed in the middle of a game too, but mostly after each transition at the end of a game. and after every game. hope i helped some, will be back to point out more if i find em. super happy i be in this stage to help mold the game =D again you guys rock for making this game!!!
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