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About cbdeakin1

  • Birthday 10/28/1988

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  1. I think this idea could be an interesting game mode - But I think it would work much better if there many more characters available to choose from. At present, having only a single powerful anti vehicle character per team would it too easy for vehicles to dominate the map.
  2. To the naysayers - The development team have made several clever changes to the Renegade's design - Which has many flaws. Renegade is 12 years old - I think a lot has been learned about gameplay since then. What I'm suggesting would reduce the emphasis on engineers needing to constantly repair structures - Which means players have the freedom to decide if they want to attack the opposing faction's base or be more defensive - it encourages a more dynamic game. When players are forced into repairing buildings, this only makes rounds last longer and often results in stalemates. Also - If destroyed buildings could be replaced this would make other ideas (that make the game more like the original Command & Conquer) more balanced. Such as: Commando units could carry remotely detonated explosives powerful enough to take out building control terminals with 1 hit and their cost would be increased.
  3. Problem At present, defending and repairing key buildings is the only way to prevent them from being permanently destroyed by the opposing faction. Many rounds feel like they're over before they've had a chance to get started, since if one faction is unable to defend a key structure, such as an Obelisk of Light or War factory (or a player manages to infiltrate the opposing faction's base and plants an Ion cannon or Nuke becon), they will be quickly over run by more advanced units. Solution 1 There would be a new soldier class called 'Commander' available for purchase from any base terminal. This would be an expensive purchase and only 1 would be available per faction. The commander would carry a portable device, which would allow him to access a user interface showing the health status of each base building. From this menu, the commander would be able to select destroyed buildings and restore these buildings to an operational state for a price, but with a minimal amount of health. Important buildings would cost the most to restore. The commander would only carry a repair gun to repair newly restored buildings and would depend on team members for protection. Also, this class would not be allowed to pilot vehicles (but would still be able to be a passenger). If the Commander is killed, another player on their team will be able to become commander by purchasing this class. Also, players would be able to give credits to their team's Commander, so that the commander can afford to restore more expensive buildings. OR Solution 2 Add a new building, called the Mobile Construction Vehicle (MCV). This would be built by holding a key for a few seconds in a designated building area (which would look like a building site) within each faction base. The MCV structure would not exist at the start of each game and would be expensive to purchase - at least 2500 credits. After purchasing an MCV, the structure would appear in a low health state. In order for the MCV structure to become operational, the structure's health would need to be increased to 100% using 1 or more repair guns. Inside a completed MCV building there would be a terminal which allows players to replace destroyed buildings by spending their credits. The more important the building, the more it would cost to replace it and the longer it would take for the building to become operational. Each faction will be able to destroy the other faction's MCV structure in the same manor as other base buildings. If a faction's MCV is destroyed, the building disappears and a new MCV will become available for purchase. Of course, each map would need to have an space added to allow an MCV in each base to be constructed - Which could be a lot of work. Comments I believe these solutions would add an extra layer of strategy to the game and give factions with 1 or more destroyed buildings a better chance at winning. So, please let me know what you think of these ideas and vote in the poll.
  4. Hi guys, I was accepted onto the Phase II beta testing team about a month ago. Unfortunately, an email sent to me from admin@renegade-x.com (asking me to submit my Steam url to a private thread, in order to take part in beta testing) was blocked by Gmail's spam filter, so I've only just read it. I don't think I have testing status anymore, if this was changed and I posted my Steam URL to the thread mentioned in this email, would it still be possible to take part in Phase II beta testing? Thanks, cbdeakin1
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