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  • Birthday 12/11/1990

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  1. As the title suggests, I'm looking to find out if settings still get reset after each patch update as this is why I stopped playing Ren X.
  2. Renegade X PowerShell Program Builder View File Here I have developed a program builder for Renegade X using PowerShell (included by default within Windows 10). The idea behind this is to quickly setup Renegade X from PC to PC, transferring settings easily. Preferably, I wanted the program builder to setup Renegade X without any dependencies (Direct X, Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable, etc). In other program builders I have included all game files but for this variant (Renegade X) only the launcher version 0.85 is available. This is because Renegade X is a being updated frequently to this date (26/01/2021). Renegade X.zip is 7.50 MB. Hopefully someone may find use out of this, or update it further. Required Dependencies: - Windows OS - PowerShell 3 Submitter Newbie Submitted 01/26/2021 Category Tools  
  3. Version 0.0.1


    Here I have developed a program builder for Renegade X using PowerShell (included by default within Windows 10). The idea behind this is to quickly setup Renegade X from PC to PC, transferring settings easily. Preferably, I wanted the program builder to setup Renegade X without any dependencies (Direct X, Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable, etc). In other program builders I have included all game files but for this variant (Renegade X) only the launcher version 0.85 is available. This is because Renegade X is a being updated frequently to this date (26/01/2021). Renegade X.zip is 7.50 MB. Hopefully someone may find use out of this, or update it further. Required Dependencies: - Windows OS - PowerShell 3
  4. Game integrity resets settings which I want to avoid, before changing keybinds I performed this.
  5. I know there's many bugs regarding the keybinds. I've previously submitted it in a post years ago and the issues remain. But this one is new.
  6. Currently the number keys 1 - 9 no longer swap weapons and there's a cooldown delay whilst switching weapons using the mouse wheel. How do I disable the mousewheel delay and re-enable number keys to swap weapons?
  7. I second the Huge Dick's post above. If you see a vote kick against your name pop up. Quickly ask in game chat a reason for the vote and state for F2 (default keybind) to be pressed if it's an unjustifiable reason. Welcome to Renegade X. Glad to see Freak was able to resolve promptly. I've just noticed that after typing the above this thread was opened last year. Oh well.
  8. Update: Unable to join the "Renegade X Server". Pressing the join button from launcher loads the game to main menu. Pressing join from the in-game server menu does nothing. @Sarah.
  9. Looks like there's a typo here. Correct syntax is below. start Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe server DEF-DarkNight?IsLanMatch=true -nosteam
  10. Thank you for this. I'll give it a try.
  11. Hello, I would like to play the Defence Gamemode (defend the Barracks, within the Skirmish Menu) over LAN with multiple other computers. I assume I would have to 'Launch Server' within the Renegade X Launcher. As by default the console generates many critical errors. How would I change the settings to the following: Gamemode: Defence Survival Map: The Night One (only one that exists) Starting Credits: 2000 GDI Players: 16 GDI AI: Tiberioum-Blessed NOD Players: 4 (does this effect how many enemies spawn?) NOD AI: Masterful Mine Limit: 50 Tank Limit: 10 Any other settings.... Appreciate the support. Thank you.
  12. Hello, I would like to backup the file(s) which save my current in-game settings (visuals, audio, hotkeys, etc) along with launcher settings (skip movies, etc). Would anyone know which file(s) these are? Thanks.
  13. This is exactly what's happening now. Airstrikes can only be called one after another.
  14. Change some key bindings, holding CTRL will disable auto-seek.
  15. Hi, 1. Settings > Input > Key Binding > Primary Weapon > 1 2. Settings > Input > Key Binding > Sidearm Weapon > 2 Now when you vote. 1. CTRL + V + 7, type text, enter. a. Among all will be displayed to team only. b. Selecting team only will show entire server. Bug: Voting player visibility is inverted. That's all folks.
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