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Everything posted by Jngdwe

  1. I disagree with the idea of directional armor, but an extra 15% - 20% wouldn't be too bad, assuming vehicles will not lose functionality at all from said weak points taking damage. Nothing should make a vehicle immobile, or incapable of firing. Extra damage should be the only plus side of it, in my opinion. On top of that, I think all options beyond classic renegade should be server side options and be available as filters in a server browser. At the very least, they should be separated into Renegade-X game-play, and Renegade-Classic game-play within the server browser.
  2. I'm gonna come out and say it. I have grown less and less interested in this project every time it has diverged further from C&C Renegade. I love the updated graphics, game engine, sound, physics, etc. Renegade-X does not need directional armor, nor does it need anything else that significantly changes game-play mechanics.
  3. Seeing as UDK apparently has some sort of Oculus Rift support, I wonder about the possibility of First Person view in RenX having Oculus Rift support in the future. Not only would Virtual Reality be a sweet addon, it would also provide quite a lot of free advertisement for the project as a whole. PS: It's been a while Fobby, I haven't been on Live Messenger (or whatever it was that we used) to talk to you in a looooong time. Long time no see!
  4. I think the majority of players can agree that Renegade just isn't the same with Unreals horrible hit detection. Despite what the devs may think, the mod would most likely die out if not for fans driving the team to do a better job. You have to work with the fans desires to some degree, to improve the playability and enjoyability of the mod, or people will lose interest. PS: Please fix the loading times, my old rig takes about 5-10 minutes to load a map. I shouldn't have to wait this long to enjoy renX with already terrible performance ingame. Especially when UT3 itself has comparable graphics and loads its biggest maps in under 1 minute for me.
  5. I think improving net-code should be a primary objective for the dev team. At the very least make client side hit detection such as whats used in all of the Call of Duty games, it works very well and we do have admins in servers for a reason. Cheats aren't much of a problem anyway, seeing as the game recognizes modified files and will refuse to load them for a server. the current net-code is cause for low player counts per server. Look at it this way; Players in one area of the USA will have good ping to MP gaming, while others will not. In renegade those players are able to join and play together, because the ping does not matter nearly as much. In Renegade-X they will find it very difficult and even annoying to try playing in the same server because of 100+ pings as opposed to 30-60. I'm not saying that this should be done immediately, but it should become a priority.
  6. Nice site zunnie, and long time no see since i left -MP-
  7. If I remember correctly, most movies don't go over 30 frames per second. Some are only 23-24 FPS. 50-60 fps in video would take too much in bandwidth guys, I'm not sure where you get your information. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frame_rate edit: This was a response to a post about youtube videos earlier in the topic.
  8. The obby fires at anything no matter how close it gets, and fires a tad too rapidly. the sniper and shotgun are way to powerful now due to the easier aiming capabilities of the new engine. and the stanks rocket arch is way to high, it's nearly impossible to hit things at a close range like with the original stank.
  9. Thats how the Renegade God made the game, so shall it be!
  10. I dislike the thought of any parachutes in the game. The infantry will just be sniped down anyway. I would prefer to fall to my death than give the enemy points.
  11. It's useless to rename the maps. If someone wants to play a map, they know what its called. Keep it the same.
  12. Steam has UT3 listed at 60% off for this weekend, buy it while it's cheap! http://store.steampowered.com/app/13210/
  13. jngdwe
  14. If you're looking for a good video card for a cheaper price, get the ATI Radeon HD 4830 512mb from Sapphire. It's the equivalent of a 9800GT 512MB. Also, the game isn't THAT cpu hungry, I run it maxed at 1280x1024 and most maps run fine with 10-15 players. This is entirely because of the cpu being so crappy, the video card should handle the game no problems. In most games I run 24x AA just fine with all the graphic settings turned to max, such as FEAR or WoW, UT3 hates Anti-aliasing in my experience. I have an AMD Athlon 64 3700+ 2.2GHz 1MB L2, that I bought somewhere between 2004-2007. Meh I forget when I build this hunk of crap, but the only thing that hasn't been changed is the mobo/cpu. Someone please buy me a new combo . PS: For the record, I am actually using the Radeon HD 4830 from Sapphire, and it is extremely stable with plenty of power. I bought it for $90 on newegg.com
  15. Lawl, I am running UT3 on max at 1280x1024 with an AMD Athlon 64 3700+ 2.2GHz, 1mb L2. Runs a little slow... I get 20-100 on suspension because of my bottlenecked cpu, and Radeon HD 4830. Would anybody like to donate jingly a better computer with plenty of PCIE x16 slots and a few normal PCI slots? That seems like the most retarded post I have ever made on this forum. I do believe grats are in order. I like that old time rock n roll. The point is, you should be fine with a Core 2 Duo as long as you don't push it too hard.
  16. Sounds like a waste of time to add a feature which takes away from traditional gameplay anyway. I'm sorry but I don't think this should be added.
  17. They are not recreating single player.
  18. I don't know about how I found it... I forgot. I do remember screaming in some AOW matches about Renegade-X and its URL one day a couple weeks ago however. Nice to see that somebody saw it!
  19. Jngdwe


    I also think that the HUD could use a reworking. Perhaps the transparent style isn't such a good idea, considering the difficulty with seeing in some maps. The current HUD actually looks fine, and on a sudden burst of genius, I would like to suggest some Gaussian Blurring behind the hud, most likely starting strong around the hud, then getting less powerful as it goes out, no more than 20 pixels away from the edge of the HUD pieces. Then darken everything behind the blurring by 50% I'll attach a rough example of the effect. (this is only the blur and darken, not the smoothed edges around the HUD that i suggested) You can easily notice how easy it is to see against the background in the screenshot, and its much easier on the eyes. I think it would work well with much of mighty bobs suggestion.
  20. I'm 100% against any options that change gameplay more than the switch to UT3 already will.
  21. Jngdwe


    My guess would be yes, it's possible. But I would guess that this will not be added because of the somewhat big change in gameplay. [sarcasm]The goal is to KILL RENEGADE. yes.... KILL RENEGADE! And they've tried various methods.[/sarcasm] The goal of Renegade-X as a mod is to remake Command & Conquer Renegade, obviously, and keep the gameplay as close to the original as possible. Minus the various bugs.
  22. A demo wouldn't be a bad thing, they are always buggy and unfinished. But thats up to the developers.
  23. if it happened, i would abandon RenX and never give it another look. Like i do almost every EA game.
  24. I dislike Apple/Mac simply because i hate the cultists. PC is simple to use, and not hard to maintain if anyone ever really cared. Wanna know how i protect my PC? Spybot and Bitdefender 10(free edition). I rarely ever scan, and I really don't need to with spybots immunization. And it's not that hard to stay away from clicking Ads and going to fishy sites. As unfortunate as it is, Microsoft is probably doomed to fail to Mac and Linux. Linux rapes microsoft in low-mid range computers, aswell as some top of the line systems. Mac only has a chance because of money brought in from other Apple products, but also the same lack of viruses that it shares with Linux. No hassle from outside sources on a mac. Let's not forget the nifty software for anyone in need. But hey, here's some product placement. http://www.reactos.com This will hopefully be microsofts downfall in the future, and then we can all game without hassle from microsoft, and needing overly powerful systems to run the OS.
  25. Weird.. i never saw the "moved" text.
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