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Posts posted by Saga

  1. After having messed a bit with the UT2004 C&C mod the gentlemen from unrealinsanity have been working on I am very impressed with the commander option they have added. It is very complimentary to C&C Renegade and is a feature I believe would augment Renegade2007. The ability for the commander to place positions of buildings, base defenses etc, brings back the original C&C feel, while maintaining the integrity of a FPS. Gdi destroy a Nod turret? NP. If the commander has the funds he can build new ones. Maps can be made where base is entirely built and commander has little to do, partial base construction where commander builds more advanced buildings or none.

    This is certainly something to at least consider.

  2. No, we are running an assault mod that mightbob has listed above. They are running an invasion/C&C mix I believe. Certainly Titan, we've been combing UT and looking for those we are familiar with and their work. I have provided fobby one great name, but cannot say if he would be interested or not. I believe wormbo is a coder for mutators and IRC related materials. Don't let the rude behavior off a couple of their members throw you off. There may be things to learn through some of the problems that the developers have experienced. We are going to do our own testing since it is free distrabution.

  3. Alright I will. I'm sure that these fellows will be interested. Frankly i'm suprised that only 2 C&C maps have taken that server to the top listing over some long, well established UT assult servers for periods of time over 24 hours.

  4. Here's an update which looks very promising to your project. There are only 2 C&C maps for Ren and the server we have been running is very busy. Many references to C&C have been made and questions from players for anything C&C and UT related have been asked. Since you want to keep a low profile nothing specific has been stated about you project. Interest has been high from the UT community with many 'ooo's and 'Ah's' about anything C&C. One comment in particular was made by a player. 'Damn I wish there was a full C&C game in UT.'

  5. I don't know if this is interesting to you or not. We put up a ut2004 C&C Renegade server to see what it was about and what has been done by others. There are perhaps a few things you may be interested in. For example, in assult game type, buildings are automatically constructed over time and more advanced vehicles become available (buggies are first available then tanks, apc more powerful tanks, air units, etc). The availability of the units based on base upgrades may not interest you, but perhaps the basic idea of base construction sequence might. Obs and Guard towers (there are two in one map) are automatic, but a player can manually take control of them. Base walls arise - you get the point. I've never seen this mod, but it does have some interesting ideas. If you would like more info, lemme know.

  6. Originally posted by The Merovingian

    Maybe you're too pre-occupied to participate but want to keep your place in the server...? 8)

    Servers can set a "lurk" time to be afk. We use 4 minutes. Just enough time to get your next beer or answer the call of nature.

  7. Perhaps this is better news for you. This is from Jeff Morris and was posted today. It seems they may have demo out in summer and 1 month later they will release Unreal 3 and everything that come with it. Also, it looks as though the "Make something Unreal" contest will occur again for $$$

    Just think a great mod to play and the possibility of making a few bucks too.

    GI: What about the editor? Will you be shipping the editor alongside the boxed product?

    Morris: Absolutely. It?s such a great element of UT that sort of hard to promote, because it?s not sexy graphics, but man it allows people to prototype their ideas without learning C++. Unreal Engine 3 made that a lot easier with UnrealKismit, like Visio, essentially, and it was also great for our own purposes, because universities are using it in their game-development programs, so people right out of university know our tech. They also gain from that as well. And damn if the mainstream press never gets tired of ?Little Johnny?s mom thought he was wasting his life playing video games until he got a $50,000 check from Epic for his Make Something Unreal contest entry.? The Wall Street Journal just loves that story, and so we get great press out of it as well.

    It?s not like we made the editor as an item for the back of the box. It?s the exact same tool we use to create the game, and that?s great from a QA point of view, in that we don?t have to exhaustively test it, because if it?s bugging us it?s going to bug the customer.


  8. I hate to post this, but thought you should know if you don't already.

    Jeff Morris: And in order the deliver a good single-player component we needed to make sure that people knew this was a break from what we'd done in the past where we just had the basic ladder for you to go through. And you know, we want to ship in 2007 but if the game's not done we're not going to and because of that, we don't want to try and sell a game that says 2007 in 2008.


    There seems to be others who are also waiting for the Unreal III editor.


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