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Posts posted by Dunge

  1. I just finished the campaign.


    -I actually had great fun completing the game. Good action, good difficulty balancing and good map design.

    -Awesome 3d models.

    -Good story, dialogues and even humor

    -Awesome bullet trail effect, that's what make screenshots look so great and made me download the game. Too bad it just feel visual only, they don't seems to hurt really :) .

    Cons (and tips for developers for the next version):

    -Add a shortcut to the desktop/game menu/start menu to start the game, and renaming UDK.exe to something else can be good too.

    -List the available resolutions on the video adapter, don't offer a preset list.

    -Sutbitles?? SUTBITLES??? Hahaha really?

    -DON'T tell the player how to run while you are locking his movements!! I had to quit and check key mappings to realize I just couldn't move in this scene.

    -Allow a way to go to the menu/settings screen in-game. Unreal allow it I'm sure.

    -Check for alt-tab vertex reloading corruption. Unreal does this amazingly, how did you mess this up?

    -What the hell is that intro video aspect ratio? Look like 3:1. On a normal 16:9 monitor it don't even take half the screen!

    -Voice acting of that intro look like it's been done by drunk kids in one shot. The rest is a lot better.

    -The ION cannon model look like a Flashlight*.

    In short, less artist, more (or better) coders.

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