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Everything posted by RaPtOr_v9600

  1. Thank you , actually i'm building a drivable vehicle pack for market place, second test is up better controls health system and weapons is online
  2. That is bullshit, the game is ready to be on steam, there is ton of crap there are crapy games on Steam but not this one, cant believe, a lot hard work is put in this project. Anyway i was of for some freelancer work and get back to this one i got it to fly but my limited knowlage of blueprints i preventing me to make more realistic behavior, it fly but it behave like RC toy
  3. Thank you, just downloaded again renegade x, must says that im surprised that i cannot find this on steam, why is that can somebody quick explain ? I finished low poly and UWS and first pass on texturing
  4. Inspired by BF3 model, any feedback welcome
  5. Yeah, i cant quite figure out why RenX didn't use any destructible assets, just simple walls or barriers, in my test i created it just to make weapons more interesting to watch. Is it maybe with netcode that is preventing of using destructible meshes or something else ? I added damage model and give health to vehicle so its now destroyable, i will finish this and start another model, i spent more time with blueprints then modeling and texturing the model. Its quite fun to work with blueprints but time consuming
  6. Second test, some improvements to moving and colliding
  7. yeah i will polish that, but currently in 4.4 version of Unreal 4 engine there is no way to make it real 8 wheels with blueprints, hope that they will fix that in next release i faked 4 wheels with animation node, so the physics are not quite correct, im having problems with materials im custom with UDK materials but in UE4 they are different
  8. First test in Unreal 4 engine
  9. Finally i finished low poly, i iwll tweak texture some more and import it to UE3 or UE4
  10. Thnx guys, for comments yes im making low poly, and then baking, will import it to UDK, Just in tame to do something before renegade gets out Edit Correct me if im wrong the LvL editor will be included in Renegade X ?
  11. Its just model that im working on, i hope its not wrong section Any comments are appreciated
  12. Some question for you dev guys Did Renegade X used APEX in map design it would be interesting to see some destruction in Renegade. Dont think that game would benefit big scale destruction but like destroyable fences, some walls etc. that would be fun. I have tested for quite some time UDK and APEX and it works pretty well, but don't know how it work with net code, is it possible to implement APEX in Renegade X ? Also will be editor included in the game ? My testing of APEX
  13. Congrats guys, see you in game on 26 th :)
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