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About b3h1ndu

  • Birthday 09/04/1990

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    Adelaide, South Australia

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. QUOTE (NEFirestorm @ Oct 3 2009, 07:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have his facebook and MSN, though I don't talk to him at all. Lol. Also got Serenity's MSN, and theaer's. Renstation used to be the bomb. Oh the old days of Renegade. Actually, I think I have toosm ey's also, but he hasn't been on in a while.
  2. b3h1ndu ken00bie r0xmyj0x had a few
  3. QUOTE (DXR_13KE @ Aug 19 2009, 09:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Stand behind the rock in the middle of the tiberium field on the hill, where your head just pops above it. Obelisk will fire, and not hit you. Don't do it in matchmaking though, as it is really annoying, and you can get banned for it. Edit: Oh, wow, look at me use the word matchmaking.... >.< That's what I get for writing this at about 12 at night. I meant online. I have just been playing way too much Halo.... D:
  4. I was just thinking. I saw in your newest video how the Repair Beam locks on to vehicles/people. (which I think is really good, don't get me wrong.) But, is there going to be some kind of priority lock-on for the beam? I'll give an example for what I mean. Say you are defending the Weapons Factory as GDI, and you're sitting there repairing it while Nod pound it relentlessly with Mobile Artilleries. Then comes along someone else on your team, and they are all like "don't repair, just let it die, you're just giving them points". Obviously, you don't listen to them. But then they get angry, and they start jumping around in front of your MCT. In this situation, will your beam stay locked on to the MCT, so that you can continue to save the building? Or will it lock on to the other teammate (assuming they have taken damage or something from the MobArts)? Also, another example is if you're in field and repairing tanks, and then a sniper comes along who has taken a hit tries to jump in front of your beam, will it lock onto the sniper, or stay with the tank?
  5. b3h1ndu


    QUOTE (thrash300 @ Aug 6 2009, 04:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Don't be so demanding. Try having a look at Fobby's signature for a preview, Lol.
  6. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Aug 3 2009, 02:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ok, now I think you're misunderstanding me now, heh. But that's because I misunderstood your usage of "clan". I was assuming you meant people join clans like you would in renegade, and those clans are sided with a certain faction. But I see where I was mistaken. My bad. What I was saying though, was that I think World Domination mode would be fun. I'm not saying that I don't like a bit of competitiveness, as there is competitiveness within just normal C&C mode anyway. I was just saying that I wouldn't enjoy the level of competitiveness and structural play that comes with being part of a clan. But I see what you were trying to say, and my misunderstanding was based off of your usage of clan. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
  7. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Aug 3 2009, 10:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh, I see. What you're saying now is Clans choose whether to be GDI or Nod when they are created, and every battle they have against a different clan contributes to what team is winning? It's a nice idea, but I don't think it would quite work. What about those people that want to play in world domination mode, but don't want the competitiveness of clan based gaming? I know I would be in that category myself. How would this world domination mode end? How long would it take to play through?
  8. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Aug 3 2009, 07:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I see what you're getting at. But I believe that something like that would be a coordination nightmare. Imagine trying to get your whole team on at the same time... >.< I still think it would be better if the teams just fill up with people that have the time, and want to play a 3+ hour campaign. But still, it's good to discuss all options.
  9. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Aug 2 2009, 09:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, I see what you mean. But I am sure there are ways you could make it significantly different. Say the upgrades and HQ final battles for one. Maybe add different gametypes into the mix as well, maybe a Control gametype like KotH or a Point Capture gametype like in battlefield 1942. Maybe even an Assualt gametype, where one team has to destroy a certain object/objects that ISN'T the enemy base... (not really sure how to implement them, but yeah.) Was just thinking; Neutral areas could be implemented by having it turn into a baseless, infantry only KotH game or something similar. So the team that controls the hill the longest takes control. Though the attacking force would need some kind of advantage because they choose to attack a neutral area, and the defending force would just be a small interception force trying to contest.
  10. I think it should be only one game played at a time, and each team takes a turn where to attack. Eg. in between games it goes to a screen like this. Obviously this is just a concept of what I believe it could be like, I'm sure you guys could make it look much prettier. Lol. This way the team whose turn it is can decide between them what to attack (Kind of like in Star Wars Battlefront 2). If they win the battle they take control, if they lose the battle they can't attack the same area for 1 or 2 whole turns. Credits left over at the end of the game can go into buying upgrades in between games. (Don't know what these upgrades would be, maybe things like infantry starting with different weapons, eg. you buy a shotgun and any character you buy during the game has a shotgun, or something like that. But you can only buy one weapon, and you only have a limited choice in weapons. Could be a server side option?) But if it was like this, you would only need a single server. And I don't think you would even need multiple teams. It would be like a multiplayer campaign mode. Where experience and upgrades are carried over from map to map, but only last until one team is dominating the world when the server resets. (Kind of like certain servers in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.) Just my thoughts on the matter. Oh, also. Both Nod and GDI should have a Headquarters location somewhere on the map. HQ battles would play out something like this. Nod is launching an assault on GDI's HQ. So Nod only gets a small forward base comprising a HoN, and a MCV. GDI starts off in a fortified base. (Fortifications depending on how many areas are controlled. More areas, more fortifications, to stop the other team attacking and wiping out your base on the first go.) To win, Nod has to defend their base until their MCV is deployed, (say this can take the first 10-15 minutes of the game). Once their MCV is deployed the rest of their base gets built (possibly over time), and then they can start building tanks and a harvester spawns and things like that. Nod start off with a HoN + extra credits allowing them to defend against GDI who already have a whole base + less credits. This ensures that GDI can't just mass tanks and take out the MCV straight away. It allows Nod to purchase Heavy Weapons such as Laser Chain Gunners, SBH and Raveshaws before GDI can get a Medium Tank or Mammoth. (Eventually) Nods base will then rival GDI's fortified base, maybe even better it. (possibly depending on how many areas are controlled? Just so you can't just attack their HQ on the first go to wipe out GDI.) Then the final battle between the sides can begin. Or maybe make it so that the HQ battles can't be fought until one team controls all other territories. Once again, just concepts.
  11. Looking really good. Can't wait.
  12. From my recollection, there was a server side mod in some Renegade servers where they let you select a Team Commander. I can't remember the commands they could use, but yeah, I remember the Commander. They said they are looking at bringing some server side options to Renegade X, maybe this is one of them?
  13. QUOTE (Spycon @ Apr 16 2009, 09:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually, that would be a pretty good idea, haha. Get medals for sniper headshots, splatters, building kills, etc... And then the game can keep track of the total amount of medals you have achieved in your career.
  14. MVP Master: Get MVP [insertnumber] times in your RenX career. C4 Ninja: Get a kill by placing a timed C4 on the back of someone. 2 4 1: Get 2 kills with one sniper shot. Triathalon: Participate in a marathon match that goes for 3hrs or more. De-Glasser: Shoot 100 glass windows out of the Hand Of Nod. Radio Spammer: Use radio commands 200 times. Stealthbane: Kill 100 stealthed units (troops or tanks).
  15. QUOTE (TigerXtrm @ Mar 17 2009, 07:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have the same mouse, it's good, and the batteries normally still last me for a week or so before I need to change them, and I've had mine for a while now also.
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