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Agent Smith

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About Agent Smith

  • Birthday 09/09/1996

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    Skyrim, Alienworld

Agent Smith's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Does Jelly have any requirements based on skill level/experience?
  2. True. I suppose we can wait for a week or two and see if things are still like they are now, then see if changes are still needed. I still think the EVA announcement is far too quiet to be heard in the din of battle, though, especially given the new voice. Maybe a louder voice combined with a more visible laser might do the trick.
  3. I don't. Maybe you could try 8:05 of this video?:
  4. What do they look like when cloaked in Renegade-x? Cont:
  5. What do they look like when cloaked in Renegade-x?
  6. Does no one else have a comment?
  7. The GDI Grenadiers are incredibly useful for harassing the Nod Harvester. Slap some timed C4 on it and then blast away. In general, early-game Harvester harassment is a sound strategy. If you're an Engineer, you can use your Remote C4 as pseudo-grenades. Don't waste prox mines trying to kill vehicles. It takes far too many to be worth the effort and detracts from defense of your buildings. SBHs are NOT invisible, they are merely harder to see. Keep basic stealth tactics in mind, line of sight, go from cover to cover, etc. This is so basic, that I think we've been neglecting to mention it...the Tiberium fields are poisonous . Stay out (unless you're putting C4 on the Harvester). An early-game APC rush - load an APC up with Engineers or Technicians/Hotwires and go to the enemy base with the intention of jumping out, running inside a building, and blowing up the MCT with C4 - can be devastating. The Nod Light Tank has a lower profile, which mean it's harder to hit. Use this to your advantage. The Nod Artillery takes far less time to shoot its one shell than it takes for GDI's MLRS to deliver its six missiles. Exploit this when popping in and out of cover. Spend a little time in Skirmish mode learning the maps, how vehicles and characters handle, and develop basic tactics for each. PLEASE: Take a little time to watch the tutorial video, if you haven't already. This game will make so much more sense once you're done. You can access it from the game launcher, or search "Renegade X Command and Conquer Basic Tutorial" on Youtube, or just click on this:
  8. First off, big thanks to Totem Arts for working on Renegade X - it's something we've been looking forward to for years. For an open beta, this is quite an impressive accomplishment, so major props to you guys. Now for a few miscellaneous topics: 1. I feel that new players would benefit if some kind of list of textual/verbal abbreviations was added (arty, mammy, sbh, etc). This would ease the communication gap between the vets and people for whom this is their first experience with Renegade. 2. Airstrikes. Clearly, this is a pretty hot topic atm, so if something about the airstrikes is to be changed, hopefully it can be soon so players don't start leaving. Player Awareness - Perhaps a loud EVA warning of "Airstrike trajectory calculated. Please evacuate target area." could be broadcast, and then the section of ground that is going to be hit could have some kind of big flashing indicator reminiscent of C&C Generals/Zero Hour General's Powers that would show up and start flashing about 5 seconds before impact. I think it's kind of hard to not notice when your tank starts flashing colors. Therefore, there is time to evacuate if you're paying attention, while still keeping an opportunity to destroy the enemy if they don't react quickly enough. Beacon Covering - I think that the idea that someone posted in another thread about pilots not being able to cover beacons for their own safety is a pretty decent idea. Spamming - I think a personal cool down is fairly reasonable. Maybe you could even have the equivalent of a vehicle cap for airstrikes? Perhaps a team can only have X amount (not too low, not too high) of players in possession of an airstrike binocular at a time, and this combined with the personal cooldown (however many minutes it might be) means that you can't really spam them. It's not a perfect solution, obviously, but it could have some merit. Price could also be upped, while the points gained for landing a successful airstrike could be decreased. I haven't been ingame today yet, so for those who have, are people still spamming airstrikes, or has it lessened at all? 3. Finally, are there any servers up with associated Teamspeak servers to facilitate teamwork? It seems that teamwork is severely reduced in public servers, and while I suppose that's to be expected, I would much rather play Renegade X as part of a unified, cohesive team. If any clans are recruiting, that would be cool, too.
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