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Everything posted by Rockfire

  1. because emp is instant.
  2. In there current iteration I agree, but why not have a special item similar to the nuke?
  3. Idk, I kinda like the idea of them disabling the towers for a few seconds (5-10). It would give fields a more interesting dynamic rather than a slugfest it currently is. That said it'd need to be balanced. Maybe a placeable area EMP? or a precision emp air strike? (solo target) Both would require time to place down and as long as its priced similar to airstrikes or something. I don't see it being abused that much.
  4. I hath returned to bump this post.
  5. Bumping since there was a new update.
  6. Those in the UK who want to torrent legally, go to one of pirate bays proxies and search for renegade x open beta 2
  7. That's what I was on about.
  8. You fixed the collision problem on both sides of walls right?
  9. Nice, question, does the launcher hook onto your steam name like the default?
  10. The files wont load because its compressed and encrypted during the building process. Just wait for the SDK.
  11. No problem, happy to help.
  12. Well that explains a lot. Nice find.
  13. I must admit I never had a gaming mouse until a few years ago as I thought it would barely make a difference. However after trying one of my mates I made myself a believer and bought one the next day.. never looked back. What makes them great for gaming is the higher DPI and faster polling rate, it makes everything feel much smoother and more precise. Those long range headshots you would use to struggle to maintain on a crappy mouse are made easier, especially in conjunction with a proper gaming mouse pad. You right, it wont make you a better gamer, but it'll definitely help. Man I sound like a sales rep D:
  14. Fair point, though, have you tried high DPI 2000+, low sensitivity? (well at least low enough to be controllable and quick enough to do a full turn easily)
  15. I doubt it'll happen for a long time.. valve are extremely picky about what goes on there store.. especially for a free title, they get no profit for you downloading it from their system. Then you've got the problem of it being an EA IP, so they could prevent it from going on steam in favour of origin. But who knows.
  16. I disagree, at what point does mouse acceleration actually help in this game, that higher DPI's and bigger mousepad's cant provide? This isn't like quake/ut where it made rocket jumping easier. Nearly every gun in this game requires twitch accuracy to be effective with. (obviously repair guns are exempt if your just the mr fix it guy) That being said, I agree with everyone that it should be an option in game, as everyone has their personal preferences.. not sure why people want to be handicapped.. but hey
  17. Because it messes with your aim, essentially. In other words, mouse acceleration is bad for accuracy. you may have gained speed, but you lose precision and in a game like this accuracy is king.
  18. Rockfire


    buy them at the war factory/airstrip
  19. Since unreal 3 has mouse smoothing and acceleration enabled by default(god knows why) and the lack of any ingame options to change that atm, the only way to turn it off is to go into UDKinput and change the following to false: RenagedeX/UDKgame/Config/UDKinput.ini bEnableMouseSmoothing=FALSE bViewAccelerationEnabled=FALSE It should stop or at least lessen the effects. Edit: UDKinput will only show when you've loaded and configured the game first.
  20. Can confirm this, this is extremely exploitable by SBH's.. and vehicles if you can get them up there. vQJsSX0ObEk
  21. Conquest renegade mode? Basically.. remove the harvester or make it collect less, put capture points like tiberium spikes in the field. Would make for some interesting gameplay as you'd also have to worry more about your income than in the original renegade A mode I've always wanted and would fit with C&C style Base building mode, you start with a barracks and a refinery... the base building parts are placed around the middle of the map (of course the enemy team will also be fighting for these). After bring them back to a point in your base.. (say a construction yard) a part of the base will be built giving you access to tanks or base defences.. walls.. etc . If both teams bases have been fully built it goes back to normal mode.. but that's if nobodies lost by then. You could even make it interesting, if a team has fully built there base, place a timer for a nuke or ion cannon strike on the enemy base, If the time runs out and the enemy hasn't stopped the countdown by killing your powerplant you win the game. If both teams have fully upgraded and their powerplants are both destroyed. Then the only thing left is to slug it out until the end.
  22. I'm currently doing a play-though of the game. No commentary, just trying to make the game look as good as I can.
  23. Perosnally I really don't give a rats ass about AI, this demo is just a stepping stone for multiplayer. Which I'm seriously looking forward to now.
  24. Just finished the single player. Amazing, simply amazing.
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