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Everything posted by Sturmflut

  1. Hello Devs, i've just had a game on Eyes and experienced a nuke on our WF. The spot was under a staircase which is hard to reach. Also if you are there you are stuck and can't go out anymore. I think this War Factory Design needs some changes because this doesn't look right or balanced to me. Thanks for your attention. See you on the battlefield! Best regards, brainless void
  2. Hi guys, this is my Renegade X mirror on rapidshare: 5 parts https://rapidshare.com/files/787165678/UDKInstall-RenegadeX.part1.rar https://rapidshare.com/files/2302888147/UDKInstall-RenegadeX.part2.rar https://rapidshare.com/files/3170893430/UDKInstall-RenegadeX.part3.rar https://rapidshare.com/files/4086554957/UDKInstall-RenegadeX.part4.rar https://rapidshare.com/files/3385332743/UDKInstall-RenegadeX.part5.rar splittet it into 1000 mb parts for people who do not use DL manager enjoy!
  3. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/004/815/lol-guy.jpg
  4. lol i tried to upload the whole game without parts, but that didnt work so i choose 1 gb for each part
  5. Hi guys, this is my Renegade X mirror on rapidshare: https://rapidshare.com/files/787165678/UDKInstall-RenegadeX.part1.rar https://rapidshare.com/files/2302888147/UDKInstall-RenegadeX.part2.rar https://rapidshare.com/files/3170893430/UDKInstall-RenegadeX.part3.rar https://rapidshare.com/files/4086554957/UDKInstall-RenegadeX.part4.rar https://rapidshare.com/files/3385332743/UDKInstall-RenegadeX.part5.rar splittet it into 1000 mb parts for people who do not use DL manager enjoy!
  6. Hi guys, this is my Renegade X mirror on rapidshare: https://rapidshare.com/files/787165678/UDKInstall-RenegadeX.part1.rar https://rapidshare.com/files/2302888147/UDKInstall-RenegadeX.part2.rar https://rapidshare.com/files/3170893430/UDKInstall-RenegadeX.part3.rar https://rapidshare.com/files/4086554957/UDKInstall-RenegadeX.part4.rar https://rapidshare.com/files/3385332743/UDKInstall-RenegadeX.part5.rar splittet it into 1000 mb parts for people who do not use DL manager enjoy!
  7. i said the best way are OCHs like rapidshare, but no one believed me thanks a lot !!! now the download worked
  8. all mirrors are overloaded... found only one DL with 100 kb /S wtf... :'(
  9. -9 oh lord, we need you!!!
  10. I'm against it.
  11. well i'm studying since a few months in Mainz, and i life in a residental home for students on the campus so in the night, if there's nobody in the internet i can download with 12 mb/s idk the exact upload, inside the university network i can upload up to 6 mb/s if the speedtest is right (and i think it is) i have an upload speed of 6 mb/s generally, but i think most servers doesn't support that upload speed in my hometown i have DSL 384 kbit... so if i downloaded at fullspeed (45 kb/s) it took 35 minutes for 100 mb ... so the last 5 years where terrible^^ in mainz it's about 10 seconds for 100 mb. that rocks
  12. sorry if i annoyed you, it wasn't a "real" complaining my offer was serious. if you want i help you making mirrors for example on rapidshare, it has unlimited speed for free users that could relieve you a bit it seems that your site is buggy somehow posting and editing doesn't work for me with opera after the first time and with firefox i'm only able to post. just saying
  13. oh lord when will they release it? it's already the 28th january in germany will it take approximately 6 or 12 hours until release? i think it's in evening where the renegade x guys life if you give me a download link i can also make some mirrors wherever you want, got fast internet proof: http://www.speedtest.net/result/1735076028.png btw. the OST is just awesome i prefer track 12 "Blinded" greetings fromy germany, Sturmflut
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