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About Crows1994

  • Birthday 12/25/1994

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  • Location
    Bucharest Romania

Crows1994's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Yay! Multiplayer is coming too! Hope the system requirements will remain the same tough...
  2. When i installed the game on windows 7 it took a while for the program to start runing after i clicked on it and if you dont have net framework or how is called it will restart your pc I tell you this to don't get scared cause i was like wtf first time .
  3. Maybe there won't be need of bots .I mean look at the number of people who downloaded yesterday the game in multiplayer the number can be even bigger so the servers won't be empty .
  4. The multiplayer isn't yet released . Give these guys a litle break before begining to work hard again .
  5. Mcfarmland's awsome golf skills .I literrally love that cutscene.And about the AI, no they aren't that stupid for me it was harder to kill them than the ones in renegade.You did a great job with the game and thank you for spending your freetime for working on it.You really brought back the good times of Renegade.
  6. The edit button is evil...it beats me
  7. I ask this cause i really don 't know how big is the difference betwen nvidia gtx 260m and nvidia gtx 260 in terms of performance . The ram won't be a problem since i have 6gb .
  8. I ask this cause i really don 't know how big is the difference betwen nvidia gtx 260m and nvidia gtx 260 in terms of performance
  9. I played renegade when i was around 11 years? and i remember some parts in renegade campaign i saw kane or heard him talking with officers will we hear him or see him in the mini campaign of renegade X? (Excuse bad english)
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