I actually wanted to reinstall RenX and have a few plays before suggesting this, but I feel like I'll forget half of it before I find the time. Please excuse me if any of my assumptions about current RenX mp gameplay are wrong.
While I did not play that much Ren I played lots of APB in the past and realized that one (actually two slightly related) thing(s) was(were) extremely annoying about Renegade and it's mods, which are the information displayed in the stats overlay (the one you can see and expand in the top rightern corner of the HUD) and the badly designed "winning conditions".
I assume that vanilla Renegade suffers from similar problems thanks to those two features so I figured I could suggest about improving them for RenX, too. I had played 0.55 some time when it came out, but I cannot exactly recall what information the stats overlay displayed. Thus I just assume that it is money, k/d and points just like it is in Ren.
First off, being sorted in a ranking having your stats and k/d constantly shown in front of you promotes the general player to pointwhore. This is not in the least helpful, neither are points, rank or k/d really needed to be seen in the game. If I recall correctly you can also open a menu that shows the infantry class and vehicle of you friendly teammates. My suggestion would be to "swap" those informations with those currently shown in the overlay.
In clean sentences: The overlay information should show your teammates, their current cash value, their character, their vehicle type (if they ride any), information about players seated in the same vehicle as you (i.e. so APC drivers can see who rides along as passenger) and maybe even their respective health stats (maybe by highlighting their character/vehicle status with a background color or by adding a small health bar). This is the kind of information that is actually helpful in combat, and as such would fit better as something directly on the screen. STats and k/d could still be acessed by pushig a button.
Then, considering winning conditions: I do know that there are two ways to play standard C&C mode, them being with or without timelimit. As far as I remember this has not been changed in RenX. A game without timelimit is obviously determined by base destruction. A game with timelimit, however, is only determined by base destruction if either team is quick on their feet or if the difference in strenght is big enough. Otherwise the win is determined solely by points. A scenario where boh teams have a more or less intact base is a lot more common.
Points, however are not quite reliable as way to choose a winning team. Thus, I would suggest that if there is no definite winner by base destruction the game decides the victor by how many structures have been destroyed. Each structure would have an assigned "value" for this, i.e. base defenses are worth .5 points, support structures are worth 1 point, production structures are worth 2 points etc (note that those values are just an example). If one team managed to destroy more enemy buildings than the other it is deided to be the winner. If both teams destroyed the same number of buildings it is a draw. Additionaly, if both teams ONLY destroyed base defenses and no "core buildings" it is also a draw, even if one team has destroyed more base defenses than the other.
The game resulting in a draw is a lot less satisfactory than a clean win. Putting in this kind of logic for C&C mode games gives regular players an incentive to "risk their neck" going into the enemy base to kill a structure. Without changing the weapons and units themselves, fights might become faster and more exciting.
I hope I make sense, kinda in a hurry. Class starting in two minuts .