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About Ghostlight

  • Birthday 05/26/1989

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  1. Oh word? I can probably get myself through there through the same IRC. What's the channel name?
  2. Nah. I just installed a newer version of Java and it booted up okay, but everyone seemed to be afk.
  3. I hit that but it said something about Java and wouldn't load. I have Java installed.
  4. Haha, oops! I'll be more attentive.
  5. Awesome. Can you toss sindahive an invite to the group? If you'd be willing to throw together an info thread about it I bet someone would sticky it.
  6. The recent youtube video featured on Kotaku is what hooked me. I think it was Black Dawn being advertised. Looked incredible and I can't wait.
  7. Alternatively, if the group leader is inactive, one of the developers here may be interested in starting up an official group?
  8. Hey. I came across this Renegade-X Steam group as I was looking for folks to play with. It has 137 members and 15 are in-game. As I was lurking around the site I recall reading something about thousands of downloads. Here's a link to the group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/renegadex So, idea! I'm not assuming every Renegade-X fan has Steam, but I think it'd be a great way to get games together if there were some more advertisements for it on the site. If there are really that many people downloading the client and interested in the project supporting a Steam group for Renegade-X full time would really help the formation of pick up games; especially when you can post events right through Steam. The only downside, and the other reason I wanted to post about it (after turning up no search results), was that it's invite only. However, I was able to see some of the latest news bits and it looks like they turned off open membership due to bot spam. That's completely reasonable, but I wasn't able to find anyone that could invite me via the chat. There was no IRC or website provided for quick access to someone willing to invite. So, 1.) I'm looking for an invite! and 2.) I think some steam group advertisement would help get games together beyond Sundays. I'm still new and could be way off base. It just seems like a cool idea to me.
  9. Ah well, thanks man. It's all good. Totally still thrilled with the way it is haha.
  10. Heya, I know this mod is a WIP. I loaded up a few offline maps but couldn't seem to build any aircraft using the air strip. Have they not been released yet? Is there a certain requirement I have to meet before I can build them? I haven't played Renegade since.. well, about when it came out. Thanks! And of course, thank you for the hard work. Edit: I forgot to mention I could just be loading up ground only maps, but I remember Hourglass having aircraft. (I think?)
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