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Posts posted by Raker57

  1. The purchase icon is just a graphic. That's why it still says 700 even though the price has been increased. The devs just need to put a few lines of code in there that tell the game to change the graphic to whatever the price was set to.

  2. Don't forget the Chem Trooper is immune to tiberium poisoning. I originally felt the Chem was WAY underpowered compared to McFarland, but now I'm not so sure. I can usually kill GDI's harvester in the beginning of the match by sitting in the tiberium field and using the harvester as cover.

    As for the flamethrower, I agree it needs a buff, but I think rather than a damage buff it should just cause damage like a flamethrower should instead of in a straight line. You shouldn't be able to get headshots with a flamethrower, that doesn't make sense.

  3. Hi ARC_trooper,

    The units you're referring to are all from Tiberian Sun. This game takes place during Tiberian Dawn, which was long before that timeline, so the wolverines, laser turrets and such wouldn't be around yet.

    I believe the game you're looking for is C&C Reborn, which is a Tiberian Sun mod for Renegade.

  4. I'm not a newcomer and I still support recons. And what do you mean by the Recon Bike being unrealistic even for command and conquer or renegade? You're talking about a universe with tunneling flame tanks and Chrono Troopers.

  5. Recently, the levels would all kill you if you went outside the boundary. That changed pretty quickly (within a month) to invisible blockers. Adding new blockers wouldn't take forever. Not only that, but the true recon bike is a lot bigger than the one they made for Renegade. Smaller than the buggy but not by much.

    GDI has 2 anti-air units. Nod has 1. Nod favors hit and run tactics (recon bike), whereas GDI favors brute force (mammoth tank).

  6. I'm a full supporter of the Recon Bike. It was in TD, it was present in this timeline, it should be in the game. There has been PLENTY of support for it, which is why Hate is tired of hearing it brought up. I would like to see the SSM be recreated as well, but I'd settle for a recon bike. The one in Renegade sucked and it was still a blast to use. I'll bet the reason the original Renegade devs pulled it from multiplayer wasn't because of balance issues but because they couldn't get the bike mechanics to work properly. It was just too clunky for a bike. It would be different with the more advanced physics of the UDK.

    If only someone would model it...

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  7. What a shame. Hacking in a game where hacking gives you nothing in return. It's not like in CoD where you can get ranks up or anything. There's literally no reward.

    they just want to kill the fun and troll ... thats their reward

    How is that a reward? Man people are messed up.

    When I was in 2nd grade I built an AWESOME sandcastle on the playground. It took me all recess. Then some random kid who I didn't know came up and stomped all over it. I was devasted. He was elated.

    Some people just want to watch the world burn.

  8. I think some people are being too close minded about the player controlled harvesters. You say it'll flood the economy system, but that's thinking of it in a very single-minded kind of way. You just have to get creative with it. As stated before, dynamic tiberium fields is one way of controlling the income. Another way is to make them very pricey if you make them purchasable. I believe they were $3,000 in the original C&C. Last but not least, you could just make them spawn as they do now, one at a time, but they wouldn't be AI controlled. They would just sit there waiting for a pilot, like all the other vehicles do. Player controlled harvesters could be a server side option.

    There are plenty of people who would actually enjoy resource collection, and this would eliminate retarded harvesters who run into poles or just sit there the whole game because they fell off their track. It would make game play smoother and more enjoyable for everyone. Finally, harvesters would be able take evasive action instead of being sitting ducks. It would be a valuable support role.

    Obviously you'd have trolling team mates now and then who would purposely be A holes with the harvester, but that's what the "vote to kick" option is for. :)

    I hope the devs would seriously consider this.

  9. It would be very interesting in a new original map. I'm not so sure about any of the current ones.

    Which reminds me of one of the fan-made maps for the original Renegade. I don't remember its name, but I remember it having many tiberium fields and one of the things you could do was buy a harvester and then collect tiberium for your team. That's a pretty awesome idea, and if you combined it with dynamic fields, you might have yourself an entirely new element of strategy.

    Indeed. And to add onto that, if you did combine it with player controlled harvesters, you could have a green field near the protection of your base, but there could be a shared blue field in contested territory in the center of the map. The blue field would be a lot more valuable, but the harvesters would require a lot of support from the team in order to survive.

  10. Sometimes taking things away or giving limitations can increase strategy in a positive way. Players would be a lot more protective of their vehicles and think twice before just smashing them against the enemy with wreckless regard. Vehicles would become a lot more valuable. I realize this isn't something everyone would agree with, so why not just have Dynamic Tiberium as a server option?

  11. Have dynamic tiberium fields ever been discussed? It would be pretty neat if Tiberium would slowly run out as it was collected. If a game dragged on too long, a team's tiberium field would run out and they would have to rely only on the cash they made on their own.

    This would be pretty cool on walls flying as well because as it is now, there are two tib fields for each team but the harvester only collects from one. If the tib field eventually depleted, then the harvesters would have to go over to the other field.

  12. While playing on lakeside, I was running through the trees and a tank shot at me. The trees broke and fell over!! That's awesome! I had no idea there were semi destructible environments now!

    When you're a passenger in an aircraft, you can shoot an extra missilen addition to the stuff the pilot is shooting. This was a good idea.

    When you're a passenger in an Artillery or Mammoth tank, your weapon shows up as an A-10. Was there a plan to make airstrikes a secondary function of one of the vehicles at some point? Or why was the A-10 silhouette made?

  13. Two things:

    1.) I don't think there were any crates with negative effects in TibDawn. You were rewarded for getting to it first. It's kinda strange to be punished for beating the enemy there.

    2.) The spy crate seems to be the only way to break a stalemate on Field, as you can get past base defenses with it. and that map is VERY stalematey. I rarely finish a game with base destruction.

  14. This game mode would be similar to Unreal Tournament's game mode. The game mode is not my idea. In one of the video streams, one of the devs talked about how they would like to do it in the future.

    However, I have some ideas for what type of level it could be:

    - Level would be Attack/Defense of the Temple of Nod.

    - Nod's objective in the game would be to defend the Temple of Nod until missile launch on a preset time limit.

    - GDI would have a series of objectives to accomplish in order to destroy the Temple. The building would be massive.

    - Temple of Nod would be surrounded by concrete walls, turrets and obelisk. Walls would block vehicles from inner courtyard of Temple.

    - Nod would not have access to vehicles.

    - GDI would not have a base. Instead, every 5 minutes or whatever time frame worked best...EVA would say, "REINFORCEMENTS HAVE ARRIVED." at which point a selection of vehicles would arrive at GDI's starting point by driving in from outside the level.

    - Instead of being able to select your class, weapons would just be spread out throughout the level. First come first serve.

    I think this game mode could be a ton of fun in Renegade X.

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