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About Mad_K

  • Birthday 01/23/1988

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. enable the see names function then usee red or yello names
  2. yes, but it will lead to the game crashing more than usual, or it says it cant connect, and crashes etc.. ok ty, i was really wondering if it was just me or somethin ^^
  3. i cannot see the ping on severs, wich leads to me hafto join a few games before ladning a good one. either the launcher, or the in game multiplayer menu shows the ping.. and btw, waiting for in game menu beeing able to show wich map it is ^^
  4. it's better than tv anyways
  5. KILLERS: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/gc-2007-unreal-tournament/24261 WARFARE http://www.gametrailers.com/video/gc-2007-unreal-tournament/24281
  6. gotz pictures ^^ should i not overload your server with pictures or what? how does this work
  7. the door on under aint lighted properly, with high\low texture the doors are 100% faded to black on the inside, doors are not visible. with all lightening enabled and max textures you can see some certain shapes due to 3d effect (bumpmapping?) but doors are still black fo shizzle with light enabled u can see the outside of the door, in other words, the full "shapes" on the door. might be confusing, but it's a minor bug alright edit: saw a full door on barracks, prob since theres a lightpole outside with full graphics on, and 1 restart edit2: on second thought... are the doors supposed to look ****d up? oO full graphics: lower texture: (invisible 100% black doors) also appear in highest graphics, found a door in gdi base... i wont post lower grahpics...
  8. if im not there, im probably beheaded by then ^^
  9. hehe, i got explanated good there ^^ sounds nice
  10. im stunned, u know on (map) under, i used to do apc runs against the obelisk, 1 c4 didnt do much dmg... i can always check^^
  11. is it possible to make a lesser camber angle on the wheels (wheels turn less at start of turn) on the start of the turn? also, i dont get that good feeling on the vehicles at all... are there any plan to make controls on vehicles more responsive? cause they are pretty kewl... im just wondering
  12. how come a engieneer can take out 80% of a buildings hp alone? i recall playing renegade classic, and u needed 2 engies, and 2 normal people to take a building down to 40%
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