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Everything posted by PerceptionRedemption

  1. A glutton has stolen the sausage and has eaten it.
  2. I am aware of this. The issue is about my ability to fetch the servers list and to broadcast my server and it did that whatever my setup was. I had talked a bit about my connection issues that had or still have sudden appeared on at least another topic. So, I am limited to direct connect for both and this might be a real slowdown for nothing. I just came here to talk about the status and my intents about it. The server is officially closed because I cannot fetch and broadcast. I was unable to get to the MP-Gaming's Server neither when I saw people in.
  3. For anyone who might care at least a single bit only... for the others, there are other more important topics for you. You might have waited for long because the server has stopped to be there for quite a while. This information is now outdated and there is now a complete absence of this server on the list and direct connect. I originally intended to release the commands so it could be useful for the other server owners. I have chosen to delete them and anything Renegade-related, except the music and the screenshots. It would have been weird and harder to get many players to come by connecting directly when some are certainly unaware of such possibilities. They'd rather connect with the help of the frontend provided with the Renegade-X mod. I was unable to connect to the servers list server, either as a player or as a server host. So, the players would see my server absent from the servers list.
  4. I had the server ready before the new year. However, it is not broadcastable.
  5. Hi Milkey and welcome to the forums, I would join them now if I were you . I didn't expect a ban of the clan from Jelly. I will probably check why...
  6. You have my encouragements. Have a good success in this project.
  7. If only the players that never see the forums would get the files... There has been a decrease of the number of players because they don't seem to know what to do. It is sad. It looks like the solution is to bake them an update...
  8. Happy New Year to you all!
  9. The only IP and its port I could get by opening the frontend is
  10. My logs didn't obtain as it was supposed to be.
  11. stun.xten.com has been successfully pinged and not successfully tracerouted. It blocks at Amazon-peering.net.bell.ca []
  12. I have a clean installation of the client and the server now, with a failsafe server copy, without the Renegade-X mod. I have uninstalled my firewall and reinstalled it with the latest version available. I cannot get the server list. The firewall's information about the connection reports a connection to the port 7799 with the IP with the Renegade-X frontend. I have no problem accessing anything else online. For : I have executed a traceroute and I have pinged and it blocks at comcast02.fdcservers.net [] I am able to both ping and tracert for stunserver.org and sc.renegade-x.com.
  13. Thank you for your answer. Two different people so far have confirmed the problem. It worked fine until today here. I will recheck my settings on my end.
  14. Is the server list down right now? My server reports that the connection attempt has not been completed. I looked at the frontend and I get the same and it says that I cannot get the list. I also checked if I could update my Renegade-X installation. The updater says that Renegade-X failed to update.
  15. It is true lol. Monochrome time!
  16. Yes but not all the players can join and some think it doesn't work. I can't join myself except my own server even though I have the files. I will check that.
  17. You know what you talk, it's obvious. Well said!
  18. To prove that I also do music, here's one of the tracks I have composed. Please take note that it doesn't reflect the kind of sound I do today, nor limited to this kind of sound. It was done without an external synthesizer and it had consequently taken more time to finish it. Otherwise, it would have been done way faster . Click → here ← to listen to it. Enjoy!
  19. Some nice setup and information there. There is another problem... some players don't seem to get in. From my observations, except the [MP] members themselves, only a few number of people seem to play on Renegade-X with the map fixes and some extra files. The average player must be aware of the extra files to download or it should be done via the updater. Moreover, I report some people who try to get in my own server and almost all of them close the connection shortly after.
  20. Same here and I will attempt to boost the votes for the next year. I think you really deserve it.
  21. I will gladly add your website on my website. I would want you to do the same.
  22. As told in the link I sent you. http://noobsuniverse.vacau.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=78 I have noticed a problem the link because I have pasted it and the link goes exactly as it is shown in the link. This link should work, unlike the one above.
  23. Good luck. I've temporarily removed the custom maps but you absolutely have to download the map fixes provided by the Renegade-X team, as it fixes the harvester path in Under and fixes some CPU usage for Volcano.
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