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Posts posted by epicelite

  1. Remember the training level with that supposed-to-be-havoc Logan guy.

    Will there be anything like that for RenX with all the weapons to practace with?

    Like a shooting range with balloons at the end for sniper rifles, buggy/hummer driving in circles for PIC/Railgun etc...

    Then a driving course for vehicles? :P

    Can I design the training level? ;)

  2. QUOTE (Jointn00b @ Apr 11 2009, 04:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    any achievements resulting in better gear would change the gameplay to dramatically. IF the achievements are implemented into the game they're just for fun, nothing else.[/b]

    Achievements are just for shitz n' giggles nothing else.

    Maybe if you get them all you can use extras in non-ladder games?
  3. I got a present for ya'! : Kill one of every building in the game with C4 explosives. (not all in the same game duh.)

    That was left handed! : Kill every person on the opposite team at least 1 time in a single game. (game must have 10 players per team?)

    Farmer : Get 5 or more achievements in a single game.

    Invisible hijacker : Steal an enemy vehicle as a Stealth Black Hand.

  4. Cool idea for a client side option.

    Every time you or someone else hits the talk button a radio crackle sound will play for a half second, then again when you let go. =3

    Everyone can choose if they want this on or not but IMO it will really get you into the game more. :P

  5. QUOTE (Ban4life @ Mar 20 2009, 07:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    please people. This is for normal questions and answers only. So please stop spamming (though often quite funny) questions. Make a discussion threat about it somewhere about the faqs maybe, but not here.
    Bomb-vee's would be cool though, but more a nod thing.
    bring in the terrorist! ;)

    Edit: though I have to admit, this way some important questions are asked that otherwise wouldnt be asked. will it be able to use explosions to walljump?[/b]

    I mean putting remote C4's all over a humvee.
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