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  1. Well, hello there. I also felt the urge to tell you my versions You know you're a CnC Renegade player when: - You see a battle between 2 snipers and you plant proxy mines behind the enemy sniper, just to kill him if he returns to his base (Island worked the best for that) - You plant a nuke in one of the buildings, hoping no one comes by. But they do and you start to shoot at a random building. (They kinda Zerg rushed that building in order to disarm my nuke )
  2. Happy BDay bud
  3. Im not sure if these 2 questions have been already answered but here I go: In the original Renegade, hotwire was able to capture the sam sites in a mission (The one, where a cathedral gets nuked). Since there will be the ability to capture some structures, do you have to use the repair guns in order to capture it? Or do we have to buy something first in order to capture it? Another question: Are we able to destroy these capturable structures? So you can't use it anymore. So, these are my very first 2 questions
  4. Finally! So excited to test it Anyway, I also thought it would be on the feb 26. But it doesn't make a great difference, although you can say, releasing it on the day where the original one was released would make a little extra tribute to the old game. Like Halo Anniversary's ability to switch between the grafic of the old game and the new one. Anyway, the faster you want to upload it, the better
  5. Lance


    I just wanted to discuss this idea What Demigan and the others would think of that, no need to put it in now.
  6. Lance


    What about these ones: In Red Alert 1 and TD, the units became slower when they reached an critical amount of health (Red/Yellow). Would it be good to add this idea? I'm actually imaging, what worth the mammoth would have, as slow as it is right now. (Though, it repairs itself) And an addition to this, what, if the damaged vehicle would be slower in reloading as well?
  7. Oh well... You just replaced your usual "Awesome" with a better one... Who needs to buy a new FPS game when everyone can get this one? There is no word to discribe it what you've done...
  8. Hahaha... the bang sound sounds so epic^^ Well... Unfortunaly i don't have any RenX videos to upload... But what I want to ask is, what about that video from the January dev night? Can't anyone make cut it and make it like a trailer? Will be a lot of work though.
  9. Heh, what you did with the mod is respectable Gonna download it after school Edit: Okay... Just realized that you didn't upload the mod
  10. One thing i can predict when I look at these pictures: Me gonna have fps drops D: Anyway, awesome. Especially the picture with the mammoth...
  11. Lance

    Game mode

    Well... My favourite modes are just these ones you already typed in I wonder how many modes are out there... I just know C&C Mode, assault, CTF, Slayer, bombing run, king of the hill, that mode in Halo where you have to get a skull to get points... BTT: 1. C&C Mode 2. CTF 3. Assault
  12. Aloha Frog and welcome to Ren X^^ Speaking of Ingame... Can we set up a time where a few of us join? Need to play Ren X again
  13. Looks quite interesting... hmm Do I need the normal Renegade? Or is it standalone like APB?
  14. Greetings buddy
  15. Sorry for double post... could you delete the last post plz (The one before this one...)? I don't know why i wrote that complete shit... Excuse me... might be because I was still "sleeping"
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