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Everything posted by NODeath

  1. I actually dont know how to import the map to the actual game.. But you can start playing anyway. Look at the top toolbar for "Play" and click "On PC". Your game should start and load the map. Lol i know that, but i want to test with bot
  2. Hi, How add custom map on Renegade-X for test ? I know where is the folder "maps" and i has search on .ini but nothing Someone know where is it ? Sorry for my english
  3. Arf vous avez pas mumble plutôt ?
  4. Merci pour le lien, ça me tente une petite partie avec d'autres français
  5. Last I heard, the devs are working on a dev kit that will eventually be released to the fans so we can make/edit maps and other assets. Are you sure of this ?
  6. No editor map for renegade x ? We can create map with UDK ?
  7. Hi, I want to create map, is it UDK for this, or map editor ? Thanks
  8. I know this version but, i search especially the UDK version for create map, i can't wait just for that.
  9. , i think especially a news per month as before the beta with UT3.
  10. Hi the RenX Team, We haven't news for some month, RenX with UDK is alive ? Dead ?
  11. Oooooooh sh***t, just awesome, good work team, continue
  12. Nothing :unsure:
  13. The lightmass is inside ? And the all option of UDK ?
  14. [:bave] i can't wait , this screen is mysterious
  15. Oups sorry, thanks for your reply. It's a very good news, RenX standalone very good. But if team need help for multilanguage i'm here , specialy french
  16. Hi, i know than mods for renX is long, but when the next release will go out ? I think plutôt the next release for RenX editor Thanks
  17. OH SH************************t, need But no international :angry:
  18. hey really cool
  19. Hi, Thanks for this link.
  20. Hi, I have just play C&C Renegade 1 and the ambiance is really more fun than Renegade-X. Why ? More people ? Simply i think that people search more ambiance of Renegade and than this ambiance of recent game. Certes Renegade-X is beautiful but this does not make everything. But go on, RenX is not bad . I search a small debate on this topic. Thanks. PS : Sorry for my english.
  21. Thanks Kenz3001, I can't wait for make my favorite map :lol:
  22. Hi, I search make a map for renX but i don't know where to begin. Just tuto for renX, not UT3. Sorry for my bad english, but thanks
  23. Hi, I search make a map for renX but i don't know where to begin. Just tuto for renX, not UT3. Sorry for my bad english, but thanks
  24. Wow the repair gun is beautiful . Good release for the news map and new character.
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