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Everything posted by DGDolph

  1. This one is the question I'm interested in most atm. Back in the alpha 0.35 or something, I spoke to Fobby and he promised that free aim is gonna be in the game at some point. I haven't seen it so far in the vids...sooo, yea?
  2. OMG OMG O-M-G!!!! This is the most epic shit I've seen for a while! Can't wait for it When I remember how this Game evolved from the 1st version I playerd (0.35)...awesome job everyone!!! You make dreams come true!
  3. Awesome update! Can't wait for the open beta Oh wow, just realized that I'm following this project for 3 years, since 0.35 pretty much has changed in that time oO
  4. Fuuuuuuuuucking aaaaaaaaaaawesome! That day's gonna be a good day!!!
  5. [x] voted (like every year ) Hope you guys will win this one, you truely deserve it for this awesome job you're doing!
  6. [x] voted (as usual )
  7. Again, I had no time to join :( I hope u had some awesome games!
  8. It IS playable and believe me, it's great fun! But there's almost no playerbase, cuz every1 prefers to wait for the standalone - and that's why they took off the servers...
  9. All u can do yet is jerking around in offline mode. I guess u'll have to wait for the standalone like we all do...BUT I promise, it's worth waiting!!! This mod is just fucking awesome!
  10. Nice Trailer - gj Jam! O Rly?
  11. FYP But, it's awesome indeed! Die Waffen legt an!!!
  12. Valiant & Act on Instict!
  13. Oh, that totaly changes the Situation for me Congratulations, I guess it was a nice x-mas present for the dev team! Hope it brings some new players!
  14. #2 !!! Sadly, it wasn't enough for the Top 10 Edit: Oh btw - MERRY X-MAS!!! Have a great Time out there!
  15. Nice!!! Cya ingame
  16. Can some MP-Members say anything about AOW Euro?
  17. I just registered @ moddb only to vote Ren X! Good Luck to you guys! I hope Ren X is going to be in the Top 3 - that would probably bring some new players to the game...
  18. My suggestion now is: move the kill messages a little bit away from the reticle. Killing or even double-killing ppl makes it impossible to see exactly where you're aiming at for the next seconds...
  19. I just installed the new beta and played my 1st games...and I have to say: That was awesome! It was a long time to wait for the servers being back up, but it was totaly worth waiting! Great Job Guys! cya ingame DGDolph
  20. My Habbits: already posted: Switch to pistol after spawning Not driving close to WF - WF-bug HON Windows - Repairgun, Head... Tapping "K" Trying to get acess to PTs from outside buildings further habbits: Shotgunning Harvy for Points in the beginning of a map Trying to spot Stanks and SBHs via eva tracer :lol: Rightclick Attack with Flamers and MRLS - does that have ANY effect in Renx???
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