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Everything posted by pr0master

  1. Damn! I can't help! Need a translator dutch --> englisch || englisch --> dutch? I'm here! Grtz,
  2. Ohh man.. what a nice update!!! I have nothing to say really.... just finish it or I will kill my self....
  3. pr0master

    New Website

    It's nice. It looks professional. It still need more updates.. I waiting...
  4. This is some good stuff.. Like always.... I can't wait!! So few comments... Come on.... This is 10 Starrrr... S****
  5. LoL!!
  6. I dont see a reticle on the right side... ? (in progress?)
  7. Cool!! great news!!
  8. I will do it with some flowers! I'll keep the computer for my self.
  9. Is there no date when the first release is coming out?? How long is it going to take.. I can't stand it anymore!! QUOTE
  10. I just love this mod! Just bought a new computer... so... I am ready when it's READY!! Great news btw!! Grtz,
  11. Renegade X ofcourse...
  12. Just wonderfull. It's to good to be true!! I will buy unrealtournament 3 only for this mod!
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