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  1. I prefer a Java desktop application (JavaFX) because of the portibility on different operating systems. Great job, anyways.
  2. The fix worked for me. 32Bit Windows7 Log file from the crash http://pastebin.com/AR4dMbm6 After applying the fix, I could start the game and play. After 5-10 minutes it got stuck again. But I know what the problem is, memory! Thnx!
  3. Hello, I can't start the game. When I do, Firstly I get to see the Unreal Engine en totemarts animation, secondly I can see that the game is loading (left corner, this is takes couple of seconds), then it crashes. Specs: Intel duocore 2.2. 2gb RAM 500 gb HDD Geforce GT 220 Windows 7 64bit SP2 Hope to hear from someone soon! Grtz,
  4. Damn, almost free from work. When I'm home, I want a download link!
  5. Haha! Same here!! 11:30 AM here <--
  6. Great! You guys just made my day!!
  7. Damn.. by watching this video, all that I can say is: take your time!!
  8. Damn! I need a new computer . Nice stuff guys, professional!
  9. Why should I install this mod? I am already satisfied with C&C 3 tibirium wars/kanes wrath. What makes this mod more special then the original?
  10. The nuke animation is great BUT the nuke exploded before it hit the ground. ? Am I right ?
  11. pr0master


    Nice, can't wait for the new skin and website!!
  12. Well.. yeah.. Not everyone expected something like this but I like it. There are alot of things that have to happen on the other side or not (maps/ characters/guns)? I wish I could help! NICE TRAILER!!
  13. Renegade X has no story mode. Here you can see the videos that renegade-x has brought out. The Renegade-x mod is still in beta, that means it is incomplete. You can buy UT3 and try it out OR wait until the standalone version is done. I say try it out!
  14. Great news, I can't wait! Keep up the good job!!!!! :D
  15. omg, It's 8 PM here! Release it!
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