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Everything posted by Patriot

  1. QUOTE (AlonTavor @ Jun 11 2010, 08:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I agree. Valve is all about supporting indie games and mods, not to mention how awesome they are in general with their handling of Steam. Valve is the kind of company that Coke claims to be in this commercial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUHgOS22Y44. If there's any online software market that would be likely to work with Renegade X, it's Steam. I don't think development time should be sacrificed for this kind of project, but if you guys find the time, it would be a great way to expand the player base. At the very least, I think it is worth looking into.
  2. QUOTE (An4x1madr0s @ Aug 17 2009, 10:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, realistically, you probably wouldn't see the Ion Cannon satellite from space, anyway- clouds or no clouds, due to it's high orbit. It would appear way too small to reveal any sort of detail from the ground. Though, the image you linked above does demonstrate a really cool effect. But I'm not sure if it will be feasible to have such a complex animation, no matter great it looks- it could cause some deep drops in frame rate. PopSci featured a great article on this subject, last year- that is, how game developers have the technology available to produce games far more advanced than what is currently on the market- but it'd be pointless to do so, since no one would have to PC horsepower to do run the games. Thus, developers often have to cut some amazing features out of their games, before the final release.
  3. QUOTE (Dehumanization @ Aug 16 2009, 04:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Right now, vehicles take damage in the same way that any vehicle in UT3 would take damage. That is, they do take damage according to where they are hit. One of many great benefits of moving to a more advanced engine. If you've ever had the chance to play UT3, you know what I mean. If not, I suggest you give it a try when you have the chance. That would probably give you the best feel for how Renegade X will play. (Added to FAQ)
  4. QUOTE (RainXc @ Jun 19 2009, 08:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Facebook? For all these years I imagined the former Westwood designers were sequestered in some top secret location, like France, plotting to overthrow EA. All my hopes and dreams have been crushed. The Good: Westwood started it. The Bad: EA Finished it. Renegade's strengths are in its fast-paced, original multilayer mode- and I define a game's pace primarily by how easy it is to jump into a round and have a good time(Renegade and UT3 are similar in this regard). The single player mode was enjoyable too, but very tedious at times, and definitely not an overall strong point for Renegade. Renegade's main weakness is that it could have been a lot better(sort of like The Force Unleashed, but that's a whole different story)- Renegade is full of bug"No walljumping, no obwalking, no hillcamping on hourglass unless base defenses are down, no vehicles in buildings unless the planets are alligned"). The graphics and sound also could've been better, even for 2002. These are issues that can be attributed to a lack of polish- Renegade was released long before it was ready, in my opinion.
  5. Nicely put, Fobby. Mentioning NE in an interview to be posted on the website of an international game developer? That's how it all begins. Won't be long before we take over the world I think the paragraph you highlighted above reveals one of the primary reasons for why Renegade X has done so well- the strong community which has developed. It's been that way since the beginning. I always knew that this project would be successful as long as the team continued to get along so well. So many great ideas like Renegade X fall apart over some petty argument before any real progress is made. Great work guys, you deserve it.
  6. QUOTE (Demigan @ Jun 11 2009, 11:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have a slightly different take on Renegade's pacing. Rather than being neither slow nor fast, Renegade can be very fast, or very slow, depending on which aspect of the game you take into account: On the individual scale- player by player- it's generally fast. And I define the "speed" of a game on how easily a player can go from connecting to the server to racking up a steady supply of points. Some games are less accessible than others. in Renegade, a new player can easily jump into the game, and find something to do. You may not be winning- but there will always be a way to contribute to the action. There are some exceptions though- not every novice player is going to jump in and start making record kills with a sniper- unless they're hacking. Renegade, like all games, and everything in life for that matter, has its own learning curve. But it's generally easy to get started. Can't shoot land any shots on the enemy? Just shoot your own base! ... With a repair gun. I found UT3 to be similar- as long as you are not playing with people who have many more hours of game time than you- it is not to difficult to jump in and have a good time( though I have much less in-game experience with UT3 than I do Renegade). And by the above definition, Battlefield 2 would be a slower-paced game. I loved the variability and potential for teamwork in BF2, but it wasn't very easy for me to get into. In Renegade, mismatched levels of experience among teams usually isn't too much of an issue, since even the newest players can find something to do. In BF2, if you're a less-experienced player, you'll spend most of your time dying and waiting to respawn- possibly because it's easier for experienced players to monopolize the playing field in BF2. Of course, pace and accessibility can also be defined as how easy it is for a player to go from desktop to server. An obvious bad example here would be Battlefield 2- at least in my experience, just getting into a good server in Battlefield 2 takes some skill(or inhuman measures of patience). Of course, Renegade is kind of like this nowadays, but Renegade is now well beyond the toddler stage, at 7 years old- good servers are tough to find(partly because many of the clan-hosted servers are gone, since most of the clans are gone). But at its peak, a newbie could go from the end of installation to a strong server in no time. But, if you want to define pace as the speed at which the game objectives progress(for Renegade, this would be how quickly a tean can get together and destroy the enemy base, or how well the team can put together a strong point led)- Renegade can be ridiculously slow-paced, or it can be very fast. But this depends mainly on which map the server is playing(Hourglass=slow), how many people are in the game, and who those people are(8 NEs vs. 8 random players generally makes Hourglass much faster). In other words, progress toward's Renegade's round-by-round objectives depends on how the game is being played, and not on the game itself. But this is the same in all games, though some tend to be faster or slower, on average(for example, most flat-out FPSs are typically faster-paced when moving towards game objectives, since the objectives are usually very simple: shoot anything that moves).
  7. Haha! Great work 8)
  8. If you're anxious for a sample of our amazing mod, then look no further. I happen to have a sample right here. We hope you love these as much as we do. They're action scenes, rendered by one of our talented team members: Havoc89 Use them as desktop backgrounds, or just as something cool to look at.
  9. Patriot

    GDI's APC

    Another sample of our latest efforts. Enjoy! This is our latest version of the GDI APC. Created by Havoc89.
  10. Patriot

    Nod Laser Rifle

    Here we have a few images of one of our latest creations. Have a look! And tell us what you think. If you haven't figured it out by now, that is our re-creation of Nod's Laser Rifle, to be Wielded by the Stealth Black Hand unit. Model and unwrap by JeepRubi. Texture by Jeep and Havoc89.
  11. Last update: August 17th, 2009 If you have an honest question about Renegade X, then please, ask it on this thread. We'll do our best to answer them for you, and those questions which we think are worthy of an FAQ page, will be immortalized, and officially listed right here. Q: When will this mod be released? A: It's done when it's done... It's done when it's fun... and when it's fun, it's done. There will be several releases such as betas with different levels of content varying from a few infantry/weapons/vehicles/structures, to complete releases. There will be no release dates announced until the actual week of release. The first beta release is September 30th, 2009. Q: Will you need UT3 to play this mod or is it a stand alone? A: You will need a valid copy of Unreal Tournament 3 with the most up-to-date patch in order to play Renegade X. (At the moment that is patch 2.)(The Steam version [black Edition] is already fully patched. You don't need to install a patch for that.) For legal reasons there is no way we could do a stand-alone, so don't even bother asking. Q: Will it work with Steam? A: Yes it will. In fact a few people on the team are using the Steam version so we definitely know it will work. Q: Can I still play UT3 with Renegade X installed? Yes! You can play regular UT3 whenever you want. Q: Will it work with other games powered by the Unreal 3 engine? A: Nope, just UT3. Q: Are you gonna cook this for the Playstation 3? A: Yes we plan on porting this to the PS3, however, not until after the final PC version is done. So that means no betas for the PS3. Also, with that being said, it might not even be possible to cook a mod like ours that is so large and complex for various reasons, such as memory limitations of the PS3. Q: What about the Xbox 360? A: Unfortunately no. We would if there were tools for it, but there is no way to get mods onto the 360. Sorry. Q: Will this team remake the original Renegade maps for this mod? A: Yes, all of the original Renegade maps will be remade. The original maps will look much better than before, and will receive more general detail. Q: Will we (the fans) be able to make our own maps? A: Yes we will release all the packages for buildings and stuff that you need to be able to make your own maps for Renegade-X. We'll also make some tutorials for how to set up everything so it works right with the mod. You will need UT3 installed because maps are made with the Unreal Editor. Q: What enhancement will we see in C&C mode? A: Because of the unique Unreal Engine 3, a major enhancement to C&C mode is players. The original game had bad net coding, and didn't support many players in the same server. Because of many different factors, expect there to be the possibility to play with a lot more people without significant fps drop. Unreal Tournament 3 also has a superior physics engine that will bring new enhanced physics to the Renegade experience. We also have a few nifty enhancements like showing proximity mine counts on the HUD. The MRLS will also have a rotating turret, but you'll also be able to lock it forward so you can fire around corners like in Renegade. Transport helicopters get a chaingun mounted on either side window, but only passengers can control them, not the pilot. Vehicles queue up at the factory in the order purchased. You'll find out a full list when we make a release. Q: Will the mod feature a single player campaign? A: Multiplayer is the major priority for this project, so therefore we cannot guarantee any singleplayer missions. If, however, we still have the time, manpower, and will to do a singleplayer after all the multiplayer features are complete, then we may consider working on some form of a campaign. Q: Will we be able to customize skins/sounds/boink/models with Renegade-X the way we could in C&C Renegade? A: No. This is for multiple reasons. The main reason is just the way data is handled in UT3 with materials, code, and packages. In order to change a skin you would essentially have to change the version of the mod, which means you wouldn't be able to play on servers, and even then the server would download the original "correct" files and use those anyways. A secondary reason is to prevent "advantage skin" exploits/cheats. Q: Will the mod feature any new game-modes? A: Yes, there's no official list of game modes but expect to see more game modes than just C&C Mode in the final release. However we will be finishing C&C Mode before starting on other modes. Q: What about UT2004-esque Assault maps? A: Maybe. Q: What additions in terms of units and buildings will we see? A: The standard maps won't have any extra units and buildings, but custom maps will have things like Recon Bikes, SSMs (Nod's Surface to Surface Missile launcher) Conyards, Comm Centers, Repair Pads, etc. Q: Might you add extra stuff on maps that wasn't there originally like flying units on Volcano etc.? A: No. Q: Will Renegade X re-introduce third person view? A: Yes. UT3 already has a third person view you can use when you're playing by yourself with a console command. We'll be enhancing this to make it much better and of course enable it in multiplayer. Q: Will there be first person views inside vehicle cockpits? A: Unlikely. Unreal does support this, however if we eventually decide to do this it won't be until a much later release after all vehicles are in-game (in fact, the priority for this would be so low that most of the mod would be done before we go back and add first person views for vehicles.) Q: Will Tiberium Fields look the same as they were in Renegade? A: The Tiberium Fields will stick to the C&C canon. We'll be using a mixture of the C&C3, Renegade, and Tiberian Dawn design of Tiberium crystals/pods and the ground underneath them. Q: What about anti-cheat programs? A: Unreal Tournament by default has better anti-cheat applications than Renegade, and cheaters can be banned from the entire network. Even if worse comes to worse, UT3 offers a "spectator mode". If a moderator is suspicious of a certain player, he can set himself as a spectator and follow him around. The community made some good anti-cheat programs for UT2004. Maybe they will for UT3 as well. Q: Will a player be able to go prone and shoot a weapon? A: We're aiming more for a fast-paced game, going prone doesn't really suit Renegade's gameplay. Q: How about leaning around corners without fully exposing yourself? A: Probably not. Q: C&C Renegade had a vehicle limit of 7 online. How will limits work in this mod? A: Vehicle limits will be totally up to the Host of the server. It'll be a variable, so hosts can choose how many vehicles they want per team. The default setting will be the default of Renegade. Q: C&C Renegade had an online code that allowed to you purchase extra infantry. Will Renegade X have that? A: Extras will be around, but in a different form. Many of Renegade's extras were just different character models with the same weapon (like a chef with a flamethrower). Extras will be up to the server host as a variable, but the actual extras will be different from Renegade's. Q: Might you use some of the stock UT3 weapons/vehicles/characters as extras? A: Nope. We've got our own extras planned. Q: The main problem I had with UT2004 was that there was no HUD when playing in 3rd person, will this be fixed in Renegade X? A: Yes of course. Besides, this is UT3, not UT2004. Q: Do you plan on accurately measure all weapon damage to maintain game balance? A: Yes, we will convert Renegade's Level Editor preset statistics to UEd setup of our weapons...these will match the exact damage, ROF, and velocity of the renegade stats. Q: Do you plan on sizing the walls and barriers to allow and disallow jumping appropriately? A: Walls will remain their same height. You probably will not be able to wall-jump with a buddy. Q: Some people found some of the bugs in C&C Renegade useful, such as using Purchase Terminals through walls on the Barracks or Weapons Factory. Will you keep some of the bugs intentionally? A: Sorry folks, you're not supposed to be able to use PTs through walls and you won't be able to in Renegade X. Some other bugs that we won't carry over are pistols not being preloaded, SBH reveal glitches, and disproportionate points awarded for sniping a tank. You're not getting points for that charlie, quit being a coward and face the tank like a man. Q: Will you have a game mode to allow for tunnel nukes? Some found this a valid tactic. A: No. Splash damage in Unreal does pay attention to walls unlike in C&C Renegade. We would have to intentionally make the Nuke (and any other weapon) ignore splash collision. Although it does damage in a volume because it is a superweapon, we'll have to carefully adjust how it does damage. We might just make a volume in tunnels where beacons are just disabled from planting. Q: Will stealth soldiers and stanks periodically shimmer so they can be detected as in the old game? A: Nope, only when shot or you get really close to them. Q: Will MRLS missles seek the same way? A: They'll home in on a target if you hold your cursor over the target for a few moments to lock on. Unreal already has homing missiles so it is easy to adapt. Q: Some sort of expanded communications would be nice. While full voice is available common now, listening to children is often not a good time. It would be nice to have the full commands from the old game supported like "defend the power plant". Add "I've mined the power plant" etc. A: While the old commands are in, a few may be changed, but the voice option will be used for things like "I mined the power plant". Something the team is working on are "squad" groupings where players can set up their own groups for voice and text chat, among other things. More on that later. Q: Will buildings collapse when destroyed? A: The short answer is no. We believe it would cause more gameplay problems than it is worth. However, unlike in Renegade where a destroyed building only had a texture change, a few smoke emitters, and red lighting, we'll punch a few holes in the walls, knock over a few support objects, and make debris, but nothing as extreme as total structural collapse. Q: Wow all your stuff looks so cool, what do you use to make it? A: Oh the usual, 3DS Max, Maya, Photoshop, zbrush, Mudbox, etc. Q: Speaking of how awesome everything looks, won't that much awesome cause my computer to divide by zero and kill itself? A: Not if it is already capable of running UT3. We're aiming for system requirements around the same as UT3. Q: With the enhancements to Renegade you're making, will you allow passengers to fire out of vehicles? A: While passengers will be able to take control of the vehicle's gun if the driver and passenger agree on it like in Renegade, we won't add additional machine guns to vehicles or enable infantry to fire out of ports or anything because it would change the gameplay too much and imbalances certain vehicles. Q: How will character switching work? A: Exactly the same as in C&C Renegade. Walk up to a Purchase Terminal, hit the action/use key and navigate through the interface to switch characters if you have enough credits. Q: C&C Renegade has announcements like "Hand of Nod under attack" or "GDI Power Plant destroyed", will these be in Renegade X? A: Yes all the important informational announcements will be in Renegade X. Q: What about the announcements from Unreal such as "Double Kill!" "Mega Kill!" "Road Rage!" and such? What about taunts? A: We don't really think those are appropriate for Renegade's style, although we wouldn't be opposed to them as a user option. We have no plans for them right now. We could possibly use the scripts for custom announcements for new announcements, custom boink sounds, or taunts. Q: Is the kill boink sound going to make a return? A: You bet your ass it is! Q: Will Renegade X have AI bots? A: Yes! Those who have played C&C Renegade know that its bots were as dumb as a rock, but Unreal already has some very good AI and it will be very easy to set up our characters to work with it. (Although we will need to customize algorithms for avoiding base defenses and repairing allies etc.) In fact a server admin will be able to set up a system where bots fill empty spots on both teams until real people join, then they'll take one of the bots' places. This way servers can stay full or have small matches at their discretion. Also players can give orders to Unreal's bots so we might enable command of a bot or 2 to follow you around and give support. Q: Okay with that said, will the AI cheat like many AI's are known to do? A: Well if you're referring to the AI seeing invisible units, then no they won't if we can help it (aside from base defenses, which will still detect invisibility at all ranges due to gameplay reasons). The AI modified from Unreal's AI will follow rules (such as character/vehicle purchasing, credits use) better than the C&C Renegade AI ever could. Q: Since Unreal has better physics than C&C Renegade, will you alter some vehicles, such as the projectile physics for the Artillery actually being a parabolic arc? A: Every weapon in Renegade is point-&-click with no projectile drop or slowdown aside from the Grenade Launcher and tossed C4. We intend to keep it that way in Renegade X, although it could be possible that the Artillery's shell will travel straight for a very long distance and then fall to the ground once it hits its maximum range. Q: Will you add iron sights to any of the weapons? A: No. There is no need for them (even for fun) because C&C Renegade (and by extension, Renegade X) is an arcadey shooter where player movement does not affect weapon accuracy. All weapons have the same accuracy/spray whether you are moving or standing still (it depends on your aim), the latter of which I don't recommend during combat. Q: Will you incorporate Free Aim? A: Yes. By default Unreal's cameras are locked to vehicle turrets, but if our coders can come up with a free aim system for locking the camera to the chassis (and unlocking free aim for infantry) then we'll have it. Q: Will all the buildings have a model without the ramps etc. for non-flying maps as C&C Renegade does? A: Yep. Q: Will Renegade X have the same scale as in C&C Renegade? A: Yes the scale of units/vehicles/structures/maps/movement speeds will be very close to those of C&C Renegade. Q: There are also a lot of new features implemented by server side mods on C&C Renegade nowadays such as veterancy levels, many crate pickups, vehicle shells which can be restored, ammo packs/backpacks, health, or armor that players drop when they are killed etc... Are you guys considering of implementing any of it? A: Yes we'll be making a lot of those enhancements in Renegade X (But not all of them). Most of them will be options that server admins can turn on or off, and by default they will be off. Q: Will you have different sets of camouflage for buildings and vehicles depending on the map environment? (E.g. snow, desert, forest, urban) A: No. Although vehicles will get dirtier/more worn with use, and on snow maps that means some snow accumulation, but that's just accumulation. They'll still have the same camo. The same with buildings. They'll have the same camo, but there might be some snow accumulation on them. Q: Will you tell new players to this gametype how it works? A: Yes we will make some tutorial vids/maps about the basics of C&C Mode, tips, tricks, etc. in a manner similar to the Unreal gametype tutorials. Q: Will you stop Base-to-Base missile fire exploits? A: This is a map problem, and yes, we will be making alterations to maps to prevent it. (Such as a natural rock bridge blocking MRLS-to-HoN missiles from next to the GDI Barracks on Islands.) Q: Your infantry animations that I have seen in videos look fruity. Why? A: Those are UT3's animations played at UT3 speeds, but with infantry only moving at Renegade's speed, so there is a mismatch. We haven't made our own infantry animations yet, but we will eventually. Q: All your visual art looks great, what about audio? A: We won't be reusing sounds from C&C Renegade, but we'll make sounds that are similar to their Renegade counterparts. Q: Hey, might you add the ability for infantry to rappel down from Transport helicopters? A: Nah. There aren't a lot of places that the Transports can't go where you would actually need this ability. Q: How about letting the Transports carry vehicles underneath them? A: No. Only for delivery of crate vehicles. Q: Will helicopters have a realistic Rotor volume, so it hits and does damage to things if it comes into contact with certain things? A: No, they won't do damage to other things (like cutting up infantry), and your helicopter won't take damage. However, if you're flying really fast and smash into a wall at high velocity, then yes your aircraft will take damage. In fact, all vehicles will take a little damage if you crash into stuff at high speeds. Q: Will vehicles take damage according to where they are hit? A: Yes. Right now, vehicles take damage in the same way that any vehicle in UT3 would take damage. That is, they do take damage according to where they are hit- one of many great benefits of moving to a more advanced engine. Q: Will there be weather like snow/fog/rain/dust storms? A: Yes. It might be on a timer, or it might always be on. This will be on a map-by-map basis. Q: Will this weather make it easier to spot stealthed units? (Like water rolling off of an invisible object.) A: No, because it would break the balance if you could see invisible people on many of the maps. Little movement puff of dust/water/snow that were in Renegade already will probably stay though. Q: Will harvesters work like original CCR? A: Yes. Harvesters will function the same way as in Renegade. AI Harvester goes to and from the field/Refinery which gives you credits. They'll follow a predetermined path and will not take evasive action. Additionally as in some fan maps you will be able to purchase your own drivable Harvester to boost your team's income rate. Q: Will you address how weird it looks when you disarm a Nuke beacon 2 seconds before the nuke detonates only to have the missile vanish/do nothing? A: Yes. The idea we're considering is just delaying the actual attack animation until after your 30 seconds are up. So the Nuke/Ion animation wouldn't start playing until after the 30-seconds-to-disarm period is over and there is no way to stop the attack. Q: Can we lock vehicles to prevent team theft? A: Yes, vehicles will be automatically bound to you when you buy them. You can then control who has access to them or just lock them. You can unlock them to give them to someone else via a command if you wish. Enemies will always be able to steal your vehicle if you leave it empty. You can only have one vehicle bound/locked to you. Instead of needing to type a command you'll probably be able to push a button for all bind/lock/kick functions. Q: Might you add Blue Tiberium? A: Probably not on any of our maps. Maybe on a fan map. Q: Are you going to bring over some of the more specific animations from Renegade like specific death animations, or those fun animations like saluting? A: Maybe, but that's a low priority. Q: Would it be possible to have dynamic cycle of day and night in game? A: We were thinking about that, but it might not be possible to do. Q: Can the Engineer/Hottie/Technician have an alternate-fire on the Repair Gun that does damage? A: No. Q: But that happened in Renegade's campaign! A: We don't care. It didn't happen in the multiplayer. Q: Will you still be able to double-jump like in UT3? A: No, we disabled that. Q: How about feigning death? A: Yes. Also the target box (or outline rather) will disappear when someone feigns death. Q: Can I drop a weapon for my teammate to pick up? A: No. Unless an enemy kills you or you suicide yourself with C4. And even then, the server operator has to have weapon drops on death enabled. Q: Can you give the SBH an instant-kill butterfly knife for backstabs? A: No. Q: Can there be a "continuous heal" option for the Repair Gun so you don't have to hold down the fire button for it to keep shooting? A: What's with you and the TF2 ideas? No. Unlike TF2, healing a building doesn't require moving around to keep up with it, so you could just start shooting while aimed at a MCT and then go AFK, which is a no-no. Q: Might the mod have an autoupdater? A: Maybe. Q: Will there be a screen where we can review chat messages? They go by so fast in Ren. A: Yes you will be able to read the chat history. Q: Will there be melee like smacking people in the back of the head with the butts of our guns? A: Doubtful. Q: Will there be unlockable achievements? A: We're thinking about it. Q: Can there be flashlights? A: No. Q: Will the Nod Turret be more useful than it was in Renegade? A: The AI is better although we're still working on it. You can get in and shoot it yourself. This might end up a server option. Q: When you die, will your body disappear immediately like in Renegade? A: Bodies (or body parts) linger for a few moments depending on how you were killed (rocket launcher vs bullet vs Tiberium, etc.). Q: Will the explosions throw players around like in UT3? A: Yes some of the larger explosions will, but not all explosions. Q: Does that mean we'll be able to wall-jump with some explosions? A: No. Q: Will we be able to spectate at any time like in UT3? A: Definitely not in clan games. We might just restrict it entirely to replays only; and for server mods/admins if we can. Q: Will the alternate characters be available? If yes, will any of them have bonuses like powersuit armor that actually does stuff or Raveshaw healing in Tiberium? A: Alternate characters will not be in the initial releases. They might come later, but due to the higher graphical capabilities of UT3 it wouldn't be as simple as a texture swap because we would want to make an entirely new detail model for each alternate. And no the alternate characters would not get any bonuses as this was not in Renegade. Q: When flying aircraft reach 0HP, will they blow up mid-air like in Renegade? Or will the fall to the ground and explode? A: They'll crash and burn like aircraft in UT3. Q: Will servers have the option to enable/disable parachutes? A: Maybe. Renegade server operators came up with many many little enhancements/tweaks/variations/goodies and we haven't come up with a complete list of which ones we want to include as server-side options. Q: Will names of enemies only be displayed if you target them or hit them? A: We're doing names the same way that they were done in Renegade. Q: Has the dev team considered making a "Tiberian sun -Firestorm" mod for UT3 after finishing Renegade X? A: We're not planning on anything specific until Renegade X is finished. Q: Will you fix the weird looking animation thing from Renegade where you disarm a beacon at the last second and the nuke missile disappears or the Ion Cannon beam just shuts off? A: We're not going to start the attack animation until after the 30 second timer is over so nothing disappears. ----------Currently Unanswered Questions---------- Q: Will undriven vehicles crush infantry when pushed by explosions/other vehicles? A: Dead hulks can, if they're going fast enough or fall on top of you (among other 'special conditions' , but I don't know about neutral still-alive vehicles. Leaving this in "unanswered" Q: Will people who have died still stop bullits? Meaning if they fly around (in pieces or as a whole body) be able to stop rockets and bullits? Q: Will the little mini-beams on the Ion Cannon that drag inwards to the center do damage?
  12. We do encourage you to make yourselves heard on our forums, And we love to know what you think about our work. If you have any tips, please, let us know. Constructive criticism is always welcome. And, note that the revival of old threads IS OK. Just make sure that when you do revive some old thread, you're not breaking one of those great rules in the list below. We also encourage you to be respectful- To everyone. Moderators, staff, stupid people, yourselves. You get the picture. We will show you our respect, we do expect the same from you. Note that this is not with the other rules, because we think that you should know this already, and don't want to insult your intelligence. Consider it a friendly reminder However, here are some things that we do NOT encourage. -Flame wars: We will extinguish them, so don't start any- Plus, they tend to ruin a perfectly good discussion. So don't be a loser, and ruin a good discussion. -Going blatantly off-topic: If we're asking for feedback on a new weapon model or something, we expect that to be the topic of discussion. We don't want to open the thread to read our feedback, only to see that everyone's started talking about BOB!'s taco he had for dinner last night- On that note.... -SPAM: Don't make useless threads about tacos, and stuff like that. And make sure that any threads you do make, are in their appropriate sections. -Don't harass other forum members: The title is rather self-explanatory. Don't harass people in threads, or through private messages. We are all here to chat and have fun, don't ruin it for others. -Being immature: Keep your language clean (This applies to signatures, avatars, names, and all that good stuff too). We trust that you to know what that means, and not to go over the line. This is a professional forum, not some "disarranged message board". Do not not try to reword any inappropriate words either...Forcing us to set up a filter for language will not make us happy! -Bigotry: We will not tolerate bigotry. And we expect you to remember that. -Double-Posting: It's the most annoying thing you can do on a forum. Whatever you've got to say, say it in one post. Or go back and edit your post if you forgot something, but whatever you do- Do not double-post. Lastly, use your common sense: Don't be an idiot and try and test the rules- You know what they mean. For example: If you are uncertain as to what immaturity is, and why it can be an unlikable quality, then ask your mother- Not us. By posting on these forums you agree that you've read these rules(Not just their titles, but their descriptions as well). And that you will follow them. If you break them, you're on your own 8) Rules last updated: February 1st 2007. Material added by: Titan1x77 and MightyBOB!
  13. http://www.n00bstories.com/n00bfile_view.php?id=6795 Hehehe: "numpty"
  14. That's amazing You could replace your notebook with.....Your desk, as a writing surface.
  15. Patriot

    Magic Sand

    I don't. I want a lightsaber.
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