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Everything posted by dommafia

  1. THERE'S NO INDICATION to players that there even is a beta 2... I hope the new beta added some kind of notification system. I want to burn down every server still hosting beta 1 servers... sigh.
  2. Hope to see an update so it shows the beta version now that there's a string for it. The new official launcher shows you which version the server is on (open beta 2). Thanks for the work so far !
  3. Great write up! Nice to see some of those undocumented changes. Passenger list ftw.
  4. It will make it easier to time hitting moving vehicles.
  5. I would assume so. They are also updating certain graphics settings that were causing issues so I would assume it would be best to start fresh.
  6. This is glorious and defo has me coming back to play tomorrow, if released.
  7. As far as i know, no. Some performance issues have been fixed but i don't think the vehicle lag has disappeared yet. .......... you're kidding, right? Take a break from the game until 64 player cap is back. Simple. Can't wait for the patch, thank you for the hard and FREE work.
  8. There are aimbots already, but worst of all, there are pathetic players that somehow enjoy showing the world how much they suck at a game by using them.
  9. I would love to see vehicle upgrades for the humvee at the very least for better stealth detection.
  10. Wait what? Where's this information? how does it detect it exactly? range? WE NEED TO KNOW THESE THINGS.
  11. just rename the Movies folder instead. In case it is needed for patching in the future.
  12. Well st0rm is testing out the code so hopefully the dev team can look at it and implemented if people like it...
  13. Ban on IP yey... BULLSHIT. If someone cheats on lets say and restarts the router ,. someone else can get the ip from the Provider and what is it then ? someone who didnt cheat cant play till Router restart + alot of VPN ips ( Like cyberghost , and different many Game vpns for better ping will fast be banned and all will suffer from it who is using service X + the service itself) Just get some Machine hash id into the game. let it Generate a ID with the HW configuration and ban this. still alot better as useless ip bans .... ip bans are the same like name bans or just a normal ban 1 click and its unbanned... Or why dont enable VAC ? VAC is great a anti cheat it Monitors cheater sometime looks ( like 1-3 weeks ) looks if other people use the same cheat analyse all of them and then ZAP all of them are gone at once. thats because that way no one can test cheats vs anti cheat Programs... and you use already steam ID for ladder. You seem to think all they have to do is press a button to turn VAC on a non steam game...
  14. Yeah, back left worked well in Renegade. If not that, then getting out on the opposite side of your turret's position would work too. We need this BADLY, I hate not being able to hummer/apc rush and not be able to park it in a way that it will be easier for me to get in the door while making the enemies have to go around the vehicle for that added protection.
  15. I don't think lack of servers is even remotely an issue as of now.
  16. dommafia


    Welp, it's pretty much every server I join now... Not fun, not playable anymore. And this is only with the ones blatantly doing it in order to advertise the cheat site and get more suckers to pay them for it (sad lol). But now think of the other "smarter" ones not being blatant but still cheating with stealth detection and aimbot... Way to kill an already niche community. I know I'm taking a break until they get bored. Was fun while it lasted. Titanfall will hold me over.
  17. dommafia

    patch ?

  18. yeah... I don't think the MRLS needs any more buffs considering the arty nerfs. Want to fire around corner without exposing your hitbox? tough, peek out, shoot 6 rockets then go back into cover.
  19. What I bet happened is that they took turns taking damage from the mines on one side of the tunnel. Also when I play with buddies I'll take the damage of mines one by one while they repair me. which is fater than disarming them with regular engi.
  20. The real fun tactic was to put about 20 times c4s on an apc by using quick refill near a terminal and throwing them on your apc really fast. Then drive into any vehicle and watch them evaporate within seconds while you still keep happily driving. And this DOES NOT affect the mine limit.
  21. I hope a "favorites" option is also added at some point to save our, well, favorite servers.
  22. I think to deal with the refinery issue you could make the starting credits 1 for all players joining, instead of 0.
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