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Everything posted by Trigasnip

  1. Yeah, just give it time guys...as long as they keep working on bugs and putting in all the content, I'm stickin around.
  2. This is incredible!!!!!!!! I cant WAIT until this comes out!
  3. OMFG THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It like takes my memories of Rene, and brings them back to life(with better graphics)
  4. Trigasnip


    This wins in my book
  5. I know this is a n00b question...but how do you install the map...?
  6. As a long time rene player, I thought i'de menchone the note of "Hosting". Hosting $70 players in a rene server is pretty standerd, and can be done with a modern game-oriented server. However, the same cant be said for hosting a game in UT3. UT3 has some powerfull hosting options, but takes up WAY more CPU on the server-side than rene did. will we be seeing 70 man servers? or lame 7 on 7?
  7. :idea: kinda modified from what Fobby said... instead of Renegade Awakened. call it Command & Conquer Awakened eh eh?
  8. Renegade: Tiberium Remains
  9. Renegade Reborn
  10. Yeah, I just helped with the backend flex(for the video player) with another programmer named Brandon. That was our department. Also, we all get paid the same
  11. Im buyin UT3 for sure. I'm not buying it to play competitive anymore, the game mechanics are gone that I loved. However, I'm mainly getting it to learn the UT3 engine and make high-end maps/the new unrealScript. P.S./btw: did you know that its possible to add motion blur to the character in UT3? Rene2007 with motion blur....sweet
  12. Sounds good to me, any details on the site?
  13. Agreed I am indeed Teln3t. And I do indeed do low-level and high-level(memory management) penetration testing(Though i've stopped for a couple months). However thats completely besides the point. I'd like to help your project as Renegade got me started in the world of the internet and started my "Tree of friends". But I still dont know who TheKhaos is.... :shock:
  14. Thanks man
  15. No offense, but I didnt start a problem. If I recall, this thread is an Application to work with the team and further the progress of rene 2007. Whoever "TheKhaos" is, he obviously doesn't like me, and started posting false accusations of me so I wouldn't work for your team. I'd be fine with you deleting this thread so I can start a new 1 without this useless spam.
  16. u got the wrong dude man. thanks for trying to down the progress of rene 2007 though.
  17. Hey guys, long time no see. I just recently found out about this project and i'm stoked. To speed up development i'm willing to offer my services. Basically, I'm a graphics designer and web programmer. I work for Adobe on their web team as a Flex2 programmer. I'm a member @ depthCORE.com Examples of my work: http://www.E-Imagesite.com <--php/mysql/gfx http://www.TheNextGenWeb.com <--ASP.net/AJAX/gfx(not complete, WIP) http://www.BrightCove.com <--Flex2 for video player(thats my teams current project so I just worked on the Flex). My Art: http://www.trigasnip.deviantart.com If you need texture artists or anything of the sort let me know. Contact: AIM - Trigasnip E-mail - Trigasnip@Gmail.com Its good to see some of you guys again, rene ftw.
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