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  1. Somehow they are immune to anything underwater. And they can still shoot back
  2. Shooting arty shells from behind a wall or something and still hitting stuff without being able to be hit back. Killing many hotwire or techs at once while driving in to enemy tanks
  3. Same here only happens when anti aliasing is on
  4. City would be played often in the beginning but fade quickly, the map is not that good. We need a bigger City X
  5. Kish

    Ingame voices

    Is there a way to extract ingame voice sounds from the files. I like some of the voices maybe using it as ringtones
  6. As some people know westwood planned 5 playable factions in their original concept for C&C 3 before ea took over. They had GDI, Nod and Scrin in the base game, the forgotten and CABAL were supposed to appear in expansions. Here are some concept arts for CABAL vehicles and units https://cnc.fandom.com/wiki/Command_%26_Conquer_3:_Incursion#Vehicles_concept_art Imagine if sometimes in the future after Firestorm is released you could add a third faction with these CABAL units into the game. Or just add them as a few "bonus" units like you get one of these units in a crate like the titan or tick tank in the base game renegade x. It is just a random thought i had and may not even be viable but it is still interesting
  7. Since what patch does it have a secondary fire gun
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