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  1. Until it gets fixed about the artillery, you can use the field and move back and forth and still kill this vehicle once you are close enough. The GW clan is one of the best examples of how to do this in Renegade. Apply it in Renegade X and it should have a similar effect. I have won more than once against an arty by using the terrain levels at my advantage. As that was already said, it's harder for an arty to accurately shoot from far. If you can never dodge an arty's attack, then you have two options, move back and forth and sometimes stop or rush. Imagine that you are an arty and face a med tank moving back and forth like that. What would you do? There are three main offensive choices in that kind of situation. You can aim directly to the med tank or beside (left or right). I have played on the arty's side and still so it's a good idea to learn how to do that. Some are pretty good at it that it becomes hard for the player in the arty. So for best results, learn how to move back and forth with a med tank and play against someone with a med tank that do that easily against your arty. You will make more connections that way and you should have an higher chance to do something. This basic principle can be applied with all the units in the game to some extents. Specific rules can modify and apply according to the unit used and the enemy unit. Acquire, Understand, Explore, Debug and Apply. This doesn't go in linear steps everytime. The test phase is used to redo one or more phases written above once it's done. There is some imbalance but sometimes it's that imbalance that makes it replayable for the both sides. For the rest, I know it will be or is fixed. I have to agree with enderx475 at almost all the points if not all. I have noticed all these points as well. The units are not all there so the Hand of Nod is not probably the same as a Weapon Factory even if it can give a larger advantage to GDI right now. I have to agree with what Fobby has said about the Hand of Nod. I have taken into consideration all this. However, I have tested the obelisk alone with a med tank and an hotwire at the maximum speed I could get and when the obelisk wasn't charged. The obelisk killed my med tank and my hotwire with no opportunity to get close enough. I could not do anything good. Do the same to the AGT you have a better chance to get in. I have also tested with an APC against a non-precharged obelisk. I moved up there without stopping and I didn't make it. The obelisk destroyed my APC and me. Some solutions would be to attack in teams with at least two vehicles that move fast enough while no one is defending except the obelisk, of course. A rush with four mammies didn't make it. I don't remember if there were people defending the base, though. There is still the way to attack the obelisk with a good old group of gunners. So, there are still ways to do something, just apply the teamwork and you should be fine. Use this moment to find strategies against NOD. Have someone to mine it up at the tunnels while you have a tanker. Attack and defend early. The result done in the early attack and defence may determine whether you will win or lose. If it's 4 vs 1 and you are alone in GDI, then change team and if someone cries, then tell him to balance the teams and be aware of the current balance or say nothing. The point is to have fun so if you take the appropriate actions, you should be happy almost all the time if not always. I am glad if it helps one or more players. The team has done an excellent work on this project. In exchange I send some constructive feedback for you. I would have done a bigger one but I am short in time. Sorry if that's not enough, I am busy in my projects myself . (JK)
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