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Posts posted by Aircraftkiller

  1. It wasn't "fine" at all. Two "snipers", and I use the term loosely, were able to destroy an Orca/Apache from maximum viewing distance (300m) within three seconds. That isn't balanced. Neither was the crazy amount of damage that Orcas/Apaches did. The counter to aerial units should always have been rocket-armed units, not sniper rifles. They have far too much range, too much damage, and too many ways to avoid being hit in retaliation.

  2. Flame Tanks are another "lost in translation" unit. I'd rather see them get 2x damage versus buildings and 4x versus infantry, but 25% of their current damage versus armored units. They shouldn't be a main battle tank in any situation. The only reason rushing with the tanks works is because they rip through everything in their path if they catch enemies in close proximity, which happens frequently due to the claustrophobic nature of most Renegade maps.

    Light Tanks and Artillery should be the bread and butter of Nod ground forces, not Flame Tanks. They should be supplemental units, something you use to siege a base. They have a huge amount of hit points for the universally great damage they put out. If they were nerfed versus vehicles and boosted against buildings and infantry, they'd be a lot more useful I'd imagine.

  3. That doesn't matter much. A single ramjet can ruin them from a huge distance. It's the same as it was in Renegade, except that there's far more viable counters and the air units are considerably weaker as a result - plus they're nowhere near as nimble as they used to be, so they're even easier to destroy.

    I've always been an advocate against sniper rifles damaging light vehicles ever since the game came out. The only reason ramjets and normal sniper rifles do so much damage to air units is because Westwood didn't have time to properly implement SAM Sites, while removing the ability for the Obelisk to hit air units.

  4. SomeRandomGuy has unlocked 5% faster repairs for his repair device by repairing X amount of damage over his RenX career!

    Something like that - make it actually useful.

    Please no upgrades to make people 'powerful'....The reason I like Renegade's gameplay is the moment you join a server, everyone is equal. It all depends on tactic and skills, not on some dumb advantage gained by playing 24/life.

    If you don't like something, that doesn't automatically make it dumb. Excuse the fact that I called recommendations stupid in my first reply. That doesn't change my point at all. 5% is enough to be marginally useful, but not overpowered. It gives incentive to continue helping team members out or accomplishing objectives. Some people need a carrot in front of them to do things. I don't see why it would be game breaking to give minor bonuses to people who manage to achieve results in the game.

  5. I've always felt like "recommendations" were the stupidest way of going about adding achievements/awards/et al. Instead of using "recommendations" as catch-all rewards, try awarding something specific that makes sense contextually within the game. You'd earn rank as you destroy buildings/units/vehicles and get something like specifically named medals for performing certain actions, like so:

    SomeRandomGuy has earned a Repair Medal for repairing X amount of damage this round!

    SomeRandomGuy has earned a Repair Medal, with R device for repairing X amount of damage over his RenX career!

    SomeRandomGuy has unlocked 5% faster repairs for his repair device by repairing X amount of damage over his RenX career!

    Something like that - make it actually useful.

  6. You do it by having a large internal test with team members, then expand that to a select audience who gets chosen by , after which you spend a substantial amount of time testing and re-testing builds until you've got something suitable for public beta. The public beta makes or breaks projects like this. I beta tested Renegade from phase 1 to phase 3 (all of the phases, basically), and also tested the flying unit beta.

    There were never any major game-breaking bugs like what we're seeing in RenX. There were dumb issues like Medium Tanks sounding like a lawnmower from across the map and some balance tweaking. Nothing really got fixed because the game was "good enough" for public consumption. I like RenX, honestly, and I'd like to see it succeed - but it's going to be difficult to pull themselves out of this hole. The only time you should be losing players in a beta test is after you've shut it down, not while it's still actively being tested. Basically, it just needs to go back into the oven for a bit - it's not done yet.

    Also, your average player doesn't know what a real beta is these days. They're used to "beta" being slapped on to anything and everything. In game terminology, beta now means "This is our way of letting you preview what we're releasing" instead of "This is our way of getting some outside help to check system compatability, find crashes, and fix glaring problems that we couldn't find ourselves." This means people find crashing to desktop and they immediately quit, thinking "This shit sucks. I'm going back to Call of Modern Battlefield: Medal of Duty IX, where at least it doesn't crash on map load!"

  7. Once If this hits Steam, I'm expecting an influx of players. People will download it just because it's free.


    It's going to need more players regardless of what happens. "spreading the word" only goes so far. Even if picked up by a gaming magazine, having game-breaking bugs in a public beta will still make people leave permanently. These things have to be picked up internally and fixed before being released for public consumption, otherwise the final product suffers.

    • Thanks 1
  8. As we grew in technology, the young generations seem to think that shinier and brighter graphics will make your game successful. In truth, a game that runs well is a success... If only I could play it...

    I know I don't have the best computer around, and I'm not going to waste my time with statistics here... just know that the further you boost your graphics the less player base you're going to get in the long run.

    So you came here to preach the same tired cliché I hear all the time on the nets: "Graphics bad! Gameplay good!" Without actually supporting your argument at all. Of course, the real reason you wrote this post is highlighted in the snippets I made of your original post. You've got a dinosaur computer that probably can't run Renegade well, and that was from 2002. It's 2014, man. Get with the times. Next-gen development isn't being made for old machines.

  9. Its-not-that-Im-lazy.jpg


    It's really more of a question of priorities for me. Since I work full time and have two kids, I don't have the same amount of time I had when I was in my early 20s and still working on Renegade. Having tools for me to test these things out in RenX as I develop them will help me keep my interest, as I don't have any real reason to make work for a demo reel or update my portfolio with crazy amazing things unless I get laid off and have to go job searching again.

    So basically, just having the tools will help substantially. I've had a copy of every UDK beta for several years now, but it's not something I generally keep working on constantly unless I have a reason to do it. RenX gave me some inspiration, but I need tools!

  10. barricade.jpg

    High-res traffic barricade for baking out normal maps. I don't want to put too much work into this until the tools come out (I need a sense of urgency to really get anything done lately), but the first prop should come out pretty good. I've got a low-res version. Just needs to be baked and painted. I'll drag it into Mudbox later on and play with it.

  11. Stop whining and complaining people. Geez, the developers are working in their SPARE time on the game.

    This is only the open BETA release of the game, of course there are bound to be a small hiccups here and there.

    You can basically take everything that was said here and reverse it to get a picture of what iran is really saying

  12. Tech buildings shouldn't be something we run to constantly. They barely get used as it is. Some maps would benefit from different structure arrangements - such as larger ones. Not all of them would need to have every building available to each faction.

    We still need things like Helipads, Repair Facilities, Construction Yards, Communication Centers, etc - Renegade was bereft of these buildings due to a lack of development time, not because it wasn't planned to be added.

    • Like 1
  13. I worked on Tiberian Genesis for a few months or so. I gave up and just wandered off after a bit. It started feeling like work. I already create models for a living, so I'm pretty tired of it when I get home in the evening. The biggest issue with TG was a lack of stable leadership - their team lead wasn't easily accessible and didn't seem to have concrete direction on where he wanted to take TG. Their models were also kind of bleh - I had an observation post to texture, and I spent two thirds of my time fixing the model because it had tons of unoptimized geometry, unwelded verts, etc. Stuff most people wouldn't know about, but things that I could never let pass from a QC perspective.

    It looks like they're dead now. Maybe they can port over their work to UDK. It's certainly a lot friendlier to what they were trying to do.

  14. I have a freight engine I was working on last year, the EMD SD40-2:

    (Click for full-size)


    That's obviously way too high-poly (That model is sitting around 300k) for RenX, so I'd have to go into it and cut out all of the bolts and other modeled details or find a way to bake all of the detail into an AO/normal map for the low-poly. The SD40-2 was for another project I was doing, but got sidetracked on:




    That's all old stuff from 2011, so I'll probably have to upgrade some of it - but it's all in UDK and looked pretty decent for being a rushed final project for my demo reel upon graduation. I'll see what I can reuse and repurpose to save time. The freight yard sounds like a good idea. I'll see what I can do to incorporate it.

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  15. Disney takes toxic behavior seriously in Club Penguin, too. If someone writes nasty stuff to my daughter, they get banned automatically. That doesn't make the community better. There's still potential for passive-aggressive behavior even if the aggressiveness isn't overt hostility signified by random racial slurs and swearing. Granted, it's just a kid's game. However, there are people who revel in trying to corrupt little kids and get their parents to keep them from playing.

    You can stop concern trolling at this point - you don't like being attacked personally. I get that. I don't think anyone does. Short of calling in the Internet gestapo, it's never going to change and you may as well get used to it.

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