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Everything posted by blazingshadow

  1. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Oct 2 2009, 09:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> wait, they're gonna replace HOTWIRE!?!?!? She's friggin hot as it is right now! Haven't you seen her man-titties?
  2. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Oct 2 2009, 07:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> oh... well that sucks that would explain the repair gun's dilemma right now too, though...
  3. QUOTE (Jointn00b @ Oct 2 2009, 07:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know... I immediately thought that after I posted, but still... depending on whether or not the arcraft can go above the rock surface... it'd make Islands (if the choppers are enabled) a little odd with people just orca-bombing eachother.
  4. Holy hell. This Renegade-X mod (Just in its baby-beta form) is BADDASS. From the awesome style of the designers' units and vehicles to the improved game mechanics... this is one HELL of a mod! My favorite things are the chaingunners and their no-reload weapons, the Nod Buggy, both teams' APC's, and the Nod flame thrower (unit AND tank) they've been given just amazing functionality and style now. You guys made this mod so INCREDIBLY sexy that now I have to go drop a couple hundred bucks to get my graphics upgraded AGAIN to enjoy the sexiness of it all. SEXY xXx SEXY xXx SEXY! I love how the designers took out the railgun and just put in a stronger laser cannon... tbh, I always thought that'd be a better idea anyways. Love the style of the new SBH, and I like ALL the vehicle designs. At first, I was a little shakey about what you guys were doing with the Nod infantry... the grey primary with just a bit of red kinda made me question the mod... but you guys pulled off a real nice look for both teams... it's something that totally matches the C&C TD feel. The new and improved base defenses are awesome... I had a hell of a hard time getting through the Nod Obelisk... you guys took off the minimum range! I was so screwed when I hopped out of my APC, lol. I felt like one of the little minigunners dumb enough to walk into the Obelisks' range when I got zapped into several leaky pieces of meat. You guys fixed the turrets so they're worth something now, noice! All the basic infantry (and even the Falcon pistol) are actually worth using now! Can someone say... BBQ? What I found kind of bothersome is the repair gun... little glitchy, and sometimes I just get a very basic render of the weapon. C4 doesn't seem to have enough detail up close either, but maybe my graphics were too low. The PIC doesn't seem detailed enough... it barely moves, it's just a modified laser gun IMO. I noticed that while you have all the Renegade Nod vehicles... there were a couple of locked slots 0.o Dare I say SSM/Recon Bike?!? Anyways, I'm sorry if this is spam, but my GOD I LOVE this mod! Keep working on it!!!
  5. QUOTE (UnitXc @ Oct 1 2009, 06:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I did move the steam folders and got rid of the launch bug error... but I'm not even getting to the menu, it's just saying Application error: 5.0000065434. So I'm like 5 steps behind everyone, lol.
  6. QUOTE (Zarni @ Sep 30 2009, 10:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Okay, I've followed this guy's instructions TO THE LETTER. I moved my UT3 folders to my docs/ my games/ ut3. I installed Renegade into that folder as well. I actually got the server list to work, but the Renegade X isn't launching for me. Whenever I try to launch it through the UT3.exe shortcut (same target as the guy listed) it says Microsoft has encountered an error. If I take away the space between the " and -mod, it launches the regular UT3. Does anyone know what I should be doing? What am I doing wrong?
  7. Shoot, I have everything BUT the community relationship How can I sign up for membership? My steam name is blazingshadow007 Shoot... I missed it, huh?
  8. Thanks for the replies, guys, I'm looking forward to the mod regardless if theyre ingame or not... I actually haven't played TD all the way thru, so I had no idea the SSM's were in it. I did like the rocket sound the Renegade recon bike had, tho
  9. Has the development team for this mod any plans or ideas for adding the recon bike ingame? I know it wasn't purchaseable in the original Renegade... but have they at least made the artwork for it? This is one of the most iconic Nod vehicles.
  10. QUOTE (Demigan @ Sep 15 2009, 02:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> well then you understand how/why the pistol is a very limited weapon. If only one class, one faction, can make real use of it... what's the point? Was just an idea, thank you for the feedback. I am kinda wondering if there will be someone who will want to make an M16/m203 mutator.... i forgot you're using the UT3 engine/game for the RenX mod, lol
  11. Hello, everyone, I'm new to the RenegadeX community, so please forgive me if I botch this up somehow... If any of you guys bothered to play through the Renegade campaign... you might've noticed the alternate pistol Havoc and Sakura use. To give it a little backround, it's Silver-matte, unlike the Falcon pistol, and the sound is rather loud. I was wondering, if it wouldn't be too much of a hassle, if the development team would be willing to consider giving an alternate selection in pistol... somehow... or giving certain classes a different kind of pistol. For example, perhaps there could be a small alternate buy screen in the purchase terminal with alternate weapon selections for certain classes. One universal choice, of course, being an alternate backup weapon. The functional difference for this weapon, asides from the asthetics, could be a longer reload time, less ammo, but stronger ammunition. Perhaps, if it's certain choices for certain classes, it could be free of charge and just match a person's playstyle. I don't know about anyone else, but I seldom use the Falcon pistol in regular Renegade because it's just too weak and short range. Maybe adding in different pistol(s) with different stats could make handguns more useful. Maybe the Falcon pistol could be a 20-round silenced machine pistol while this other silver-matte handgun could be similar to a desert eagle. That's just a thought. Another weapon you see in the cutscenes, but not in the game, is an AR-15 with an attached M203 grenade launcher. You see these used by regular Nod soldiers transporting GDI POW's to a compact submarine, and you see them again being used to shoot Havoc when he's escaping aboard the same sub. Now, I know it may seem like if you added this gun it would make the GDI grenadier obsolete. That's why I think it should be a compromise weapon.... say 30 rounds per clip, 70 short of a Renegade Raptor Rifle, with an alternate grenade special that's not AS strong as the GDI grenade launcher... and must be reloaded after firing. I'd like to see it in the Renegade X mod just for asthetic reasons... no one can deny how sexy an M16 with an M203 looks in real life, but I also think it could be a pretty awesome addition to the mod. There a re a couple of ways to implement this weapon, but I'm not a designer, so I don't know what hassles would be associated with it. You could add in a feature, like I said above, to let the GDI/Nod soldiers change their main weapon, could add in a 5th 'free' class with this weapon as its primary. Those are just a couple of ways it could be done... Well those are my comments/ideas. Sorry if I posted this in the wrong board or wasted anybody's time.
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