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Everything posted by JimJ

  1. JimJ


    I think I got that version from here, I deleted it to start again. I clicked on the link above, for the fresh install, it part installed, but then the launcher doesn't work to do the next part of the install?
  2. JimJ


  3. JimJ


    Thank you. I've managed to get the game working, but it comes up the beta version, I can only play one level and one game mode, I don't know what I'm doing wrong? I've tried reinstalling a few times, but that's the best result I've been able to get so far? Even after I found the full instructions the other day, installing, running the launcher and running the bat file to try getting the servers too work... but still the same results?
  4. Hi, I posted in the technical part for how to find and install patches. But also, I finally managed to get this working after a few failed attempts, but I only have 1 map working and one game mode, command and conquer one, I don't know what I'm not doing right, I've redownloaded and installed a few times, but it keeps happening? I can't wait to try the full game, maps and modes, the one I tried so far is awesome. Thanks, James,
  5. JimJ


    Hi, I'm new to this, tried to install it a while ago, but have struggled to get it working several times. When I've tried installing the game initially, I only had one map and game type, I don't know what I did wrong? Where do you find the latest patches to download? and how do you install them? What I did manage to play was really fun, especially in the MLRS, I can't wait to play the rest, it's well worth the effort. Thanks, James
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