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Posts posted by Undertaker

  1. On 8/3/2022 at 12:22 AM, NodSaibot said:

    I haven't been made aware of any recent cheating incidents and I am usually the one that ends up globally banning people. Feel free to .modrequest (global mod request) in-game for any cheating related incidents.

    This is really funny and "playing dumb".

    There have been a many reports about certain players over the last 10 years to TotemArts, everyone knows which players are being talked about here. Some people have invested a lot of time to prove cheating, but got ignored, or were systematically pushed out of the community and DEV team. Only obvious cheaters have been banned. Possibly it is simply because the networking between certain people from the DEV team and these players exists "friends". One could simply assume coverage of these individuals here and concealment of own deeds. But why care about a nearly dead game, as long as there is one full server every day with the unknowing players to slaughter to feel better.

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  2. Why is news like this important only published on Discord and not also in the forum or on other social media platforms?

    It's probably a bad joke that you're expecting to join TA's Official Discord to get updates on current topics, do you urgently need more users on this Discord or is it "a secret for a closed (elite) society"?



    Hello! It is time for a packed updated for the community, it's a mixed bag so have a read.
    First and foremost, FA and the public release.
    We are close to releasing the Firestorm Assault Game mode on UDK.
    Our next step was to begin on-boarding for larger scale testing over a time before we were to release the Firestorm Assault (FA) game mode for the public, the applications are ready to go and so were we, however we had run into some roadblocks.

    Prime being we are being hit by DMCA claims for our hosting, this is being pursued by a previous member of the team, now anyone who has experience with YouTube, music, streamers will know DMCA take downs can be done without basis, creating frivolous and tedious issues unless addressed.
    The process of which can take time and may verge into legal deliberations needing resolved through court, an expensive prospect considering we are a volunteer project.
    Our donations have always been for the benefit of development and infrastructure deriving no personal profit as per the guidelines set out however it's clear this fact is sadly being weaponized against us.

    Without going into too much detail about what we plan to do, I will explain clearly that we will not onboard testers or players if the game is being held hostage.

    So we are delayed due to circumstances out of our hands at this point, ideally this won't be long, but it just means a better experience as soon as we get the green light.

    The game is good, the game is fun, building a world in a way never seen before.
    It's an experience.

    Firestorm itself is unique in that there's no game quite like what we have achieved so far and we're so looking forward to bringing it to everyone, with all the character, time and love we have put into it.

    That said the team has made a unanimous decision to move Firestorm to UE5.

    We do not feel that UDK is capable of delivering the experience we want, the level of detail and intricacy, to really bring the world to life.
    What we have asked of UDK is straining the limits and so have begun work on building for the new engine, make no mistake though that Firestorm Assault will still be available on UDK and is imminent for public intake and final release.
    Partnered with restructuring we will be streamlining a new development process which will allow...
    For faster and more concise development plans
    More readily available updates for the community
    A swifter development in accordance with the new bells and whistles of UE5 coupled with the fact we have near every major decision already made.
    This would essentially be a port of our existing work, which will streamline things immensely.

    Anyone who has seen what UE5 looks like will know this opens the doors for some very interesting things.
    Here's a small look at what that means for us.
    The terrain, the world, the weather, the lighting, the photo reflective visors, the ping of casings and bullet ricochets...
    We're bringing C&C into the modern day and it looks amazing.

    We said the game is good. It is.
    So stay tuned for Firestorm Assault, we will be accepting applications for UDK once this issue is resolved.
    For those who want a summary:
    Former staff member hitting infrastructure with DMCA.
    Firestorm Assault game mode will complete in UDK, opening up testing applications imminently.
    Release within reach.
    Firestorm the full game with base building, destruction and a full C&C experience will be delivered in UE5, release TBD.



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